Getting to Know you!

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It was dark before we left the garden. We left hand in hand. Slowly walking into the castle.
"So... " I hummed.

"So,  what? My love. " He questioned.

"Even though we are mates,  I dont know anything about you,  except for the fact that you are the king alpha." I mumble on.

I look up at him,  as he thinks of the things he wants to tell. I start to wonder what I am going to tell him,  should I open up about my past,  should I tell him about my struggles? Or should I keep it buried down. Deep inside me where no one can see it.

"You know,  when your deep in thought, your side of the mind link, is fully open,  and let me tell you,  your thoughts are quite loud." Justin finishes and looks toward me.

I blush heavily.

"How about I tell you about me first, then if you are ready, you could tell me about you. " I nod and he continues.

"As you already know, I was born into the family of cross. My mother was a black Shadow wolf, and my father a black Midnight wolf. They met through arrange marriage, that came about because Midnight clan proposed a treaty. It also helped that my grandfather only wanted to have a full blown black wolf to run this kingdom. Because of my father and mother, my wolf power is a Black, noiseless, extremely hot fire, that can only be put out by me.

"As for my childhood,  it wasn't spectacular, I trained to harness my power and become king. I didnt have any siblings, so I mostly trained with my cousins" he finished.

It makes since why his grandfather wanted a black wolf.  They usually are very powerful, and very wise,  just what you need to be king.

I look at justin,  and clear my throat. I guess its my turn now.

"I was born into the Frost clan, in the beginning i was treated as an equal, i was loved. But on my seventh birthday, i wad classified as an omega.
I remember it like it was yesterday. We were all excited, i obviously thought that it wouldn't matter if it came back as an omega,  i thought that my family would still love me.  I was dead wrong,  the minute the doctor read it off, my father asked for my birth certificate to be burned. On that day Syris Frost had died from a poison that was un-curable. And from then on,  it got worse. Our family was know as an ultra healing family.  We helped on the battlefield, so we were paid handsomely. But my mother didn't get the healing trait. Neither did my sister.  Neither did i. We lost our fortune.

"we became poor. So in order to help rasie money,  i-i-i" i didnt want to say it.  I didnt want to see the look of disgust,  cross his face.

Justin grabed my chin lifting my head so that our eyes could met.  I didnt even notice that i was crying, untill he kissed my tears away.

"Go on,  you can tell me, i wont judge you for your past" he says while looking at me lovingly.

"I was sold for sex" justins grip on my hand tightened be fore i whined,  and he let go. He stood back watching as i struggled for words to tell of my past.

  "For ten years, they sold my body to who ever could gave the largest amount.  I was dressed in womens clothes, and fucked countless times,  before the age of 18. I was prized as the number one slut for being a feminine looking omega, and on days were i would have my heat, i was sold twice as much. Of course i never got pregnant, but it was still horrible. The only reason it stopped at 18, was because no one wanted an older omega. I was so happy on that day.  But unfortunately i became a servant. For 7 mounths i was getting beatings from everyone in that house. The day of the mating ceremony was the only day i didnt get beat,  for they wanted to see if my future mate was rich and could put them back into a higher class, so they had to leave me un-marked"  i finish and justin grabs me by my waist and hugs me.

I cry on his shoulder, sobbing and getting snot every where. He comforts me the entire time,  whispering things like, it's okay, and, im hear for you. I dont think i could have gotten a better mate,  made me feel loved,  he made me whole.

We evently make it inside the castle, and then into our room.  When we got there he was called out to go to a meeting. I was left alone. So i took a bath,  washed my tear stricken face, and headed to bed.


I dont know when Justin got back. All i knew was the presence of my mate,  accompanied by his scent, and his arms, wraped around me,  once i woke.  I turn on my side facing Justin, and i kiss him till he wakes.

"Morning beautiful" he says, his voice still husky from sleep. I giggle as he kisses me back and gets out of bed. I am saddened by the loss of my mate,  but quickly get over it.

"Even though i would love to stay and cuddle with you,  i have business to attend too " he stops to put on a shirt,  which also saddens me. " I arranged for my personal guards to take you into  town, once you get there get anything you like,  no matter the price" he finally puts his boots on,  and walks to my side of the bed. 

I love you, he says through our mind link.

I love you too, i reply.

He kisses my forehead, then my lips, and leaves to go do kingly things.  I get  up and dressed, styling my hair in a up ponytail.

There is a nock on the door, that startlis me at first, i open it and see two tall women, in very casual guard ware. One had there hair in a braid, the other one had there hair down.  The one with her hair down, had a face full of piercings, and a sleave of tattoos down her right arm.  Her bright blue eyes meet mine,  and for a little bit she seem less intimidating.

"Hi! Im Kamarie, and that cold stone bitch over there is Amber. Justin assignend us to you, so we will protect you! " She says too fast, I could barely even understand her. She walks into the bedroom and plop down in a chair.

"So frist thing frist, I'm Kamarie, I'm an alpha,  who is mated,  also I am the cousin, of your mate. Amber over there, is the second guard. I know she looks like a bitch,  but she is-"

"Kamarie" she speaks! "Shut the fuck up" her voice was so cold, it scared me a little.

Kamarie looked hurt,  before she laughed, seeming to annoy Amber, who, in response, rolled her eyes.

I think I'm going to like this two.


Well another chapter, and lemme tell you.  The next chapter gonna have some DRAMA! So stay tuned

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