Chapter 27

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Hello people who apparently read my crappy story, my laptop, once again, is broken so I'm typing on my phone. Once more I'm sorry for not updating in over a month but I've been trying to squeeze everything into my days as in school, homework, doing what needs to be done. So, anyway, this is, some how, chapter 27. Hope you enjoy!
Please, please tell me this was a dream. This could not be real, I wasn't seeing this. I wasn't hearing this. Mr. Sandman please allow me to wake up. Do not let this be real life. None of this can be real, none at all. If this is all real and not a nightmare I will start dreaming. Oh wait, I already am.
"Niall! Calm down!"
"Mate it's gonna be ok!"
No it wasn't! Couldn't they see! Zayn, my Zayn, is gonna die on that table. Those doctors will not be able to save him, I just know that man, who we learned name was Jonathan Anderson, made it futile. I survived, he will not allow Zayn to as well.
I looked up at Louis and whispered, "he's killed 'im"
All Louis could do was shake his head at me, bend down as I was on the ground, and hug me. "No, he'll live. Zayn's strong, Niall. He will make it through this. Don't you worry, mate, he won't leave you."
When will they stop lying to my face? I saw the wound, he isn't going to make it. No matter how much I'm praying he will, in my gut I know he won't, and this is why, as the tears blurred the world around me, I got up and ran. Being in that hospital is a curse. I was brought back to the hospital only to have it being the reason I was gonna loose my band mate. My best friend, my boyfriend, the love of my life. My Zayn.
"We're losing him!"
"Nurse get IV back in his arm!"
"Don't let his heart stop!"
"There's to much fluid in his lungs, he can't breath."
"I will not loose this boy..."
Shouting was going all throughout the operating room. Doctors and nurses alike were all running around trying to keep the young male on the operating tables heart beating. The main doctor, Dr. Curly himself, would not allow them to give up.
They were trying everything they could, his wound was just too fatale. The knife that was used had been broken, leaving the blade to stay sliced into the mans' spleen. After over twenty minutes they were successfully able to get the blade out, but this left a massive opened cut in the middle of his stomach.
As they tried to keep blood in his veins and close the wound one of the nurses saw he was regaining concessions.
"Doctor!" She had cried out and Mr. Curly stared at her with wide eyes. "The patient is waking up."
This surprised everyone in the room as something nurses went to the others side to help keep the young male calm as his eyes opened wide. Fearful, yet curious, honey brown eyes scan all the nurses faces as he tries to figure out what's happening.
Mr. Curly would know those eyes anywhere, "Zayn?" He asked slowly as the young man looked up at him.
Now knowing his patient was none other than Zayn Malik, his last serious patients' boyfriend, made him calm his nerves knowing that Niall would have him back.
"Zayn, do you recognise me?" Doctor Curly was trying to distract him from the pain that was most likely going through his body. All he had to do was get him to fall asleep again.
Zayn looks closely at the doctor and nods his head once more. "Y-your Nia-iall's Doctor.." And his eyes widened at the mention of Niall.
How would Niall take this? Seeing his boyfriend in such a condition?
"Yes Zayn, it's me. But you need to rest, we're in the middle of checking you over."
All Zayn could do was watch as the nurses and doctors checked his blood pressure, breathing, and the knife wound. As his vision started going black he realised they were drugging him. Not fighting it because he knew it was for he didn't feel pain, Zayn let his eyes slip closed.
His last thought was about finally seeing Niall's blue eyes in front of him once again.
That's a wrap! So I hope all you people are enjoying this story because I sure as hell aren't. Oh well





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