Chapter 11

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Sorry this is being written on my phone right now so please don't yell at me for any mistakes. And THANK YOU ALL FOR OVER 900 FLIPPING READS!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!


Light. To bright for me to handle. That's how I woke up. The wires were back in my arms, Zayn and Liam sat next me on either side of the bed.

Suddenly everything flashed through my mind as I quickly sat up, gasping. Liam, soon enough, was trying to gently push me back down on to the hospital bed. This scared me shit less.

He tried calming me down with soothing words, which actually worked. It surprised them, but most importantly, me. A small smile played on his lips as I looked up at him.

All the fear that I felt was suddenly replaced with curiosity. Staring at him for a moment longer I take a look around the room.

My mum is sound asleep, dried yet tracks on her flushed cheeks, and is struggled up to my dad. My dad has his head on top of my mums as he, is too, asleep on the small couch. Greg is on his phone, which kinda surprises me. Louis and Harry are sitting on the floor over in one of the corners. Then there's Zayn. Zayn's staring at me with eyes full of fear.

Why though? That I wish I knew.

The beeping from the heart monitor woke everyone up from either their naps, or day dreams. It scared me so badly that tears started to run down my face.

Looking at it I see a flat line, but I'm breathing. I'm awake yet no one is looking at me.


The doctors start pilling in until I notice something. I'm not in the bed. Liam hadn't pushed me down before, he pushed down a copy of me. But this Niall had blonde hair, no scars, not even a bruise.

"I'm sorry. But it seems he's gone-"


Sweat was pouring down Niall's face as he was asleep. Must be having another nightmare.

Ever since he ran out of the room yesterday he has constantly been having nightmares off and on. And he doesn't calm down till Dr. Curly drugs him again.

It makes my heart tighten seeing him like this. So fragile, broken, lost. I just wish I could make everything better for him.

"Zayn we're getting lunch. Want any?" Liam's voice is filled with concern. I just shake my head. He sighs as him and the other lads walk out of the hospital room.

Once it's just me an a sleeping Niall in the room I really look at him. His skin is sickly pale, much paler than usual. His once bleach blonde hair is nothing but an overgrown pile of brown locks. His face, and every other visible spot of skin, is covered in fading scars. Then there's his eyes, when opened, are only a shell the old bright blue they once were. Every time I see them all I see is pain, sadness, and grey storm clouds.

It's really sad, seeing him like this. He's always scared, having nightmares, or just sleeping. Nothing the same with Niall. Why didn't I go with him that night? Maybe I could of saved him. Or whoever took him wouldn't of went against two. Or maybe I could of gotten taken with him, that way I'd understand what's happening.

Just why?


Yeah it short, but I'm stuck. I have NO CLUE on how to continue up till Niall gets out of the hospital. Idk if he should start talking again, or what not.



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