Chapter 26

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So.. I HAVE MY LAPTOP BACK! It got sent back the other day so I have been trying to figure out how I want this chapter to go. Thank you for hanging in here with me while I haven't been able to update.

This is dedicated to @Bxndhearts because her comment on the last chapter made me laugh my ass off so thank you for that girly :)(; !


It's him, he's back. Why did he have to take Zayn? Hasn't he done enough to mess up my life? I just wish there was a way I could, once again, turn back time so I was with him, so he wasn't alone. He's gonna be hurt, I can't let him go through what I went through.

Seeing Louis standing in the doorway, knowing he heard what I announced to my mom and the other parents, I let out a whimper at the tears filling his eyes. He starts backing up out of the room, going to back to where Harry and Liam are. Louis' gonna tell them, they will know that it's the same guy that kidnapped me... Then a thought came into mind, did he take Zayn to get back at me for living through the gunshot? If so, I have to save him!

Getting up, I ran out of the house as fast as I could. If there is one thing I actually know about this guy, it's about the secret passage. While I was inside that house of his, he would sometimes have me move through hidden tunnels in the backyard. Maybe he has Zayn there? It's my only shot. Only problem is, I have no way of getting to Fergus Falls, Minnesota. How will I get there? I could always ask Paul for a ride but he would tell the others where I'm going, which would lead to them wanting to come with me and then they'd also get hurt. As I continue to run down the busy streets of Mulligar I realize something, how did he know we were in Irland? 

I freeze in my tracks, completely scared shit-less.

How did he know?

Where is he now?

Could he have gotten back to the states by now?

Is he hurting Zayn like he hurt me?

But mostly, all I could think of is one thing,

Zayn promised he would never leave me alone again...

This is all my fault! If I had just died while with him he never would have taken Zayn! I should be there, not Zayn! He doesn't desserve this, he has not done anything wrong!

I'll save you Zayn, just hang on, please.


The smell around me was disgusting. Rust, mold, sweat, you name it it' most likely intoxicating this room. It made me want to throw up whatever was left in my stomach, considering I haven't' eaten in three or so days. My wrists were killing me, being tide behind my back in a strong knotted rope, my back from the strange angle I've been laying in for over six hours, and lastly my head. When that man dragged me into the car the other day he drugged me, making me pass out. Every time I'd come back to consciousness he's knock me out again with the drugs or by slamming my head into something hard.

I wasn't sure on where I was, who this man was, or why I was was even here. As my eyes searched the dark room a thought came to my mind, Niall. I had promised him I'd never leave him! He made me promise I would never let anyone separate us... This man made me brake my promise.

I'm so sorry Niall. 

My thoughts were all hazy. My eyes wouldn't focus on anything in particular. All I could picture was Niall, my Niall, curled up somewhere, crying his eyes out, telling himself this was all his fault. It is what he would probably do. He's always blaming himself, and I hate that. Niall always thinks things are his fault when over half the time the problem has nothing to do with him. He will never forgive himself if he starts thinking this is his fault.

This man was the same man that had taken Niall from us so long ago. I needed to get back to him, but first, my mission is to get rid of this man, forever.


Umm so yeah... I suck.

I'm actually really bored with this fanfic and not really sure if I want to continue it. Sure, it is pretty good for me, and seeing as I have over 20k reads I guess you guys like it too. It would be extremely awesome if someone would want to step in and help me finish it??? I would love you forever if you did.

Anyway, thank you for staying with me over the past month that I haven't updated and I shall try to get my shit together.

Hey, and also follow me on twitter @horansohemmo to stay in touch!

Till next time!





Learn To Speak; Kidnapped  (Ziall)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin