Chapter 15

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"Niall," the wind whispered into my ears. It sounded, well, like someone I knew, or know. "Niall, are you coming?" It asked again. Opening my eyes I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. Red, orange, yellow, pink, purple, and blue crashed together like a meadow of flowers. "Come on Ni!" The same winded voice shouted out.

Following it I found myself in front of a mirror. This confused me quite a bit.

"What?" I asked my reflection.

All it did was stare at me, not mimicking me at all. To say I was scared was an understatement, I was terrified. What kind of dream was this? Turing around all I saw able to see was a crimson colored twister. All this did was make me even more scared, if that was possible. As I tried to turn and run the mirror was in front of me, showing not my own terrified face, but Zayn's. No, what is he doing here? He wasn't just behind me! Nothing made sense in this place.

Not paying attention to how long I stared at Zayn's reflection the twister met up with me. Feeling the strong wind whip around me I let out a shriek. What's happening? Why am I in constant fear of my own mind?

"Let go Niall, everything will be okay."

This time I took notice as to where the voice was coming from. THE MIRROR!How could of I have been so stupid?! Looking back at the mirror I try to ignore the blood colored wind around me. Zayn's figure still stood their with a scared expression playing on his face. His hand was, literary, coming out of the mirror, which had no harm done to it. It was like the wind went right around it, not affecting it at all.

"Come on Niall! LET GO!" Zayn's mouth moved with the words of the wind, so I do what he says, I let go. What do I let go of? Yeah, your probably wondering that, right? Well, I let go my fear, not all of it, but the fear of my own mind. That's why I've been passing out! I was scared of my own mind, leading my brain to believe I wanted to die! I Finally Get IT!

Taking Zayn's hand was the smartest thing I have done since I woke up in that hospital bed. Now that I think that I realize, it has been three months, you know, since I first woke up. Zayn's face lights up once my hand touches his. He starts pulling me into the mirror, which said mirror, starts glowing a magical blue, pushing the blood red twister away from us.

For the first time since before that night, I feel safe. Just standing here, inside the mirror which I now know shows my courage, with the one who makes me safe. Zayn is the reason I'm not dead, he was always on my mind during every beating I took with that man. His figure was always there when I needed to believe I was going to make it through the pain, the bleeding, my own mind. Zayn Malik is the reason I, Niall Horan, am still alive.

He is the reason I survived my kidnapping.


I knew they were shaking me, asking me  if I was ok. Trying to get me to wake up, but what they didn't know was I was, for once, ok. Safe, secure, brave. I for once since that night could live with myself. So I opened my eyes, letting a smile slide its way onto my lips. My mum was the one who was shaking me, along with Harry. The smile on my face must of confused her, yet made her happy, because the next thing I know is that she's hugging me whispering things along the lines of, "oh thank god," and "you're smiling!"

All this just made me smile even wider as I hugged my mum back. Looking up from he shoulder I saw Harry with a smile on his face as well. He winked at me, this reminded me of his cheekiness. I guess that dream really did help me with my confidence because the next thing I know is that a low laugh escaped my throat. I FLIPPING LAUGHED!

My mum just hugged me tighter at this as Harry stared shocked before running  out of the room. I could just make out his frantic yells of, "he's up and smiling and laughing hurry!" This only made me laugh again, louder this time. Mum let me go as Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn ran into the room. I was still laughing when Louis charged at my bed and squeezed me, hard.


This made me laugh harder this time. He sounded like an obsessed fan! What were they called? Fan something.. Fan-g-fan-.. FANGIRLS! He's FanGirling!

By the time Louis let go I was out of breath from laughing so hard and his tight squeeze. Man can he hug! Harry was holding him back, keeping him from hugging me again. Liam then came over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Good going NI. At this point you'll be talking in no time!" My smile got wider at that information. I'll be able to talk again! I was just so excited! Once I can talk again, I'll be able to sing. And if I can sing, that mean I can go back on tour! 

My eyes must of been wider than ever because Zayn was laughing at me. Some flashes came into my mind, pictures of memories back with that man. I'm guessing I must of looked terrified because Zayn and Liam then started murmuring apologies.

A tear fell from my left eye as that one memory came to mind. Him laughing as he hurt me in a way I never wanted to be hurt. That man taking away.. Just taking it like it belonged to him.

Tears were pouring out of my eyes as those images came into my mind. I felt light headed but didn't let myself go under.

Come on Niall, brave, don't let the past make you weak. Don't be afraid of yourself.

Taking deep breaths I looked up at Zayn, who was now in front of me. Wiping the tears out of my eyes I lifted my arms up slightly, hoping he'd get it. To my surprise he did get it and took me into a nice, safe feeling hug.

Harry soon joined the hug, then Louis and Liam. A nice big group hug. The smile on my face had to be huge, but it got even bigger I bet when Zayn kissed my forehead. He then whispered, "we've got you Niall. We've got you."

This had to be the best day ever, aside from that memory, but I'm getting there. I now know that, even in my dreams, the lads will be with me. Through thick and thin, we will always be a team. Other wise know as One Direction!



Ok so I'm not really sure when the next time is that I'll be updating this so yeah..

Tell me what up think of it so sorry and if you want Niall to get out of the hospital or another flashback that'll lead to him passing out again. Please tell me!

So if your not able to tell yourself I'm horrible at author notes so yeah.. Enjoy your day/night, whatever it is when you read this... Bii for now!


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