Chapter 25

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So... I had asked on the last chapter for some ideas for the next chapter but no one gave me any. I'm asking you nicely to tell me what you want to happen, so PLEASE HELP ME!


Here's the next chapter!


Nothing lasts the way you want it to. Smiles eventually fade into memories, memories fade into forgotten happiness and that happiness is never felt again. I thought I finally got my happiness back, my life and family back, but nothing lasts forever. Nothings ever perfect, there is no "perfect". Especially when it came to my life. After being put into a boy-band, One Direction, we became huge, one of the most famous boy-bands in the world. This lasted for two years than those memories faded away into forgotten happiness. I was kidnapped by a crazy man who wanted nothing but to see me in pain, unhappy, broken. He beat me continuously for over a year until he shot me with a gun, trying to kill me. I had been found before I bled out completely, brought into a hospital where they figured out who I was. Once my identity was known my family and brother figures had been called and told the news. We had all thought every thing would be perfect again, that we would all be happy. Even with nightmares appearing almost every time I fell asleep I pushed through. Not wanting to hurt my family I kept most of the mental pain hidden with silence but that only seemed to hurt them more.

Finally, after a long time, seven months in fact, I was able to talk, smile, laugh, and be happy without freaking out and crying. The lads, my band mates, pulled me out of the hole I had long ago fallen into when I had been ripped away from my life. They saved me when I thought I was it was all hopeless, completely broken, a lost cause. My family helped a lot as well. Being supportive, allowing me the space I need to heal physically and mentally. The fans were always tweeting to me, all wished for me to get better and one fan even made a video and put it on YouTube. It was of her and a bunch of other fans stating a whole lot of reasons on why they loved me and sent me tones of good luck wishes, telling me to get better soon.

I'm not sure what I would have done without them, everyone in my life. If not for them I probably would be dead somewhere, gone and they wouldn't know whatever had happened to me. They saved me in my time of need once... I just hope they can do it again.

Like I said, "Nothing lasts they way you want it to."


"How could he just vanish?!"

"Why would he wonder on his own after what happened last time?"

"When was the last time any of you saw him?"

Everyone was screaming, freaking out, crying. No one understood what was happening, why this was happening. Tears would not stop rushing down my face, my cheeks hurt and I knew I had to be brave yet I couldn't be.

He knows the dangers, why would he go out alone?

My head was spinning, ears ringing, eyes puffy. Everything was like hell at that moment. Time was going slow, nothing at the right speed. It felt like hours, when it was only minutes, since the police called saying he was seen being pushed into some car. That he was taken somewhere, by force, and was screaming for help. When he had been caught on camera kicking, punching, running, doing everything he could to get away. All I wanted is him back in my arms, safe and sound.

My mom shook my shoulder slightly, taking me away from my thoughts. Her eyes were slightly red but know where close to mine. Sending me a small smiled she whispered gently, "The police will find him. Don't worry honey, he'll be okay."

Would he? There's no way he'll be perfectly fine if they find him...

If?! Why would I think "if"? They will find him. and if they don't I will.

All I could do was shake my head and try to listen as Liam was talking to someone frantically. His eyes were wide open, frightened at the thought that our brother figure was taken. Well, more than a brother to me.

That only had me crying harder, he was more than a brother. I loved him and he loved me, at least he says he loves me. What if he was lying or meant it only in a brotherly manner? Once more I shook those thoughts and focused on the more important problems at hand. The man I love was kidnapped and we both had been promising that we would never leave each other.

Suddenly Harry was sitting next to me, starring at me intensely. I stared right back at him, his eyes were broken and there was no happiness inside the red tinted, green, glassy eyes. He took my hand in his, trying to smile but it only solved in a sob braking through his throat. We ended up crying into each other shoulders, holding each other tightly.

Hick ups decided to come from my mouth and I couldn't breath correct.

Why is there always bad luck? Can't we have some happiness before we completely brake apart?

"Don't try lying to me," I breathed out shortly. Harry's eyes went wide and he tried speaking but I beat him to it. "Everyone has been lying to me since we found out. Yes, I get it, we seem the closest so you're trying to make sure I'm okay. But the truth is, I won't be okay until he's in my arms, hugging me tightly." Sobs broke free as I whispered out, "please."

Harry just nodded seeing as he won't be able to change my mind anytime soon. Nothing will be okay until he's with me, until I see his smile reasering me everything will be okay.

Louis and Liam soon come over and sit in front of Harry and I.

"Well," Liam starts, "the police are trying to see if they can tell who the man was. His face wasn't completely in the video that was taken so it'll take sometime." He finished with a tear dripping down his face.

A thought popped into mine. It couldn't be the same guy that... It had to be.

Clearing my voice, I got up with only saying, "I'm going to see." and I walked away. I didn't need to explain myself.

Our parents had just finished watching the video of him being taken again and were about to restart it to my luck. As it played I payed close attention to the way the man grasped him around the waist, the exact same way as... No!

With eyes wide I ran in front of them all, not caring one bit if they couldn't see anymore. I knew it had to be... And I was correct, it had to be, I just wish I was wrong.

"Mum," I whispered out and her head shot up to look at me.

"Yes sweety?" She asked with concern in her eyes.

Pointing to the television I told them the complete and unter truth.

"The man that took Zayn is the one that took me. He's back."


And that's how I'm wrapping this chapter up!

I'm mean... I made Zayn get kidnapped. This wasn't my original plan, I had a completly different chapter typed up but I hated it so I wrote this one. Yes this chapter is in all Niall's P.O.V. so not to compeltly confuse all you.

ALSO! Thank you for sticking with me up until now... Life hasn't been that grate right now. But I got time and updated! Yay!!!!!!!!






Learn To Speak; Kidnapped  (Ziall)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora