Chapter 6

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I find the last chapter kind of harsh. NIALL ISN'T BACK?!? HE'S STILL MISSING!!

Yeah, sorry about that.. Any-who! Thank you for those who are reading, voting, and commenting! It would be nice to know who else is reading this and tell others! Me and my friend @Directioner_Gurl6 are seeing if I can get at least 500 reads by Halloween so please comment and tell!


I had the dream again. It surprises me on how many times I have it. Dreams still seem to be my only comfort in this dark, muggy hell-hole.

The dream is of me auditioning for the X-Factor. Meeting the boys for the first time. Coming in third place. Simon signing us. Our first single 'What Makes You Beautiful.' Being One Direction with Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn.

But, they were all just memories now. All in all, I had no hope left. I know for a fact their not looking for me. I mean, I was only known as the blonde Irish fag of One Direction. Not like they will miss me. Harry probably took my solos, seeing as he always wanted them.

Hearing the door of the basement open with a squeak, I let loose a sigh. My kidnapper has dark brown eyes that have no warmth in them. Liam's did, so did Zayn's. His hair was curly, but not as nice as Harry's. The curls were a ginger color with grey roots. Reminds me of our good friend Ed. He has a sassy talk, but Louis could totally out sad him. He also had an American accent, so I knew I was still somewhere in America.

As he made his way over I lift my head. Squinting through my brown eyelashes and black eye, I see his cold brown ones glare into my now grey eyes. What he had in his hand did not surprise me at all.

It was a gun.

He never had used one of those before so my guess is he had it with me. Allowing my eyes to close I sat as straight as I could with my hands bound behind my back. The handcuffs digging into my wrists like always. Waiting for the loud gun shot I allowed my thoughts to drift.

'Mum, dad, I love you all so much. Greg, I hope you get married and have to kids like you always wanted. Lads, continue doing what you do. Do not let One Direction fade because of me.'

With those last thoughts the sound of a gun shot rang through out the basement. A numb pain in my left shoulder was the last thing I felt before my mind went blank and I was gone.


"A gun shot was heard in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The police are investigating the seen as we speak. Now we will go there live."

"Here in Fergus Falls there seems to of been a gun shot. As you can see behind me police are searching the houses on this street for any signs of where it could of been from. It was heard about half an hour ago by a lone jogger. What do you have to say?"

"All I know Is that I had my headphones in and then suddenly a gun hot rang through them. I called the police right away, but I was unsure on to which house it may have been."

The TV soon went black as Louis could not stand it any longer. Almost a year now and still no sign of their blonde haired friend. Was he still even a live?

"What if it was him?" Harry sobbed out. Liam looked at him confused. "You know, what if his kidnapper shot him to end his life?" That sent tears down everyone's faces.

"That would mean he would of been tortured for this while time." Liam stated. All their heads hung low until Louis' phone rang out.

"Hello?" He chokes, "what?" He screams into the iPhone. Dropping it he grabs into Harry and Zayn, motions for Liam to follow, and is out the door. Paul is there waiting for them with a sad smile on his face.

Once again confused, Liam asks, "what is it?"

Paul just ushers them all into the car. Soon they all are off on a long drive to the airport. Once there fans are screaming at them, but Paul is not allowing anything funny right now. Pushing through all the fans and getting the lads through security quickly, their all on a plane.

Having enough of the silence on Zayn brakes it, "what's this about Paul?"

Once again a sad smile brakes its way to his face. "They found Niall." That gets all the lads into a group hug until Liam notices his face. Motioning him to continue Paul says, "but he's hurt, badly. He was kept in a basement, beaten for what the police have to believe, daily, and starved."

"How'd they find him?" Harry asks in a small voice.

Sighing, Paul looks them all all in the eye before saying, "he was found in Fergus Falls, Minnesota when a locale heard a gun shot." Not being able to look them in the eye any longer he stops

Zayn, catching on, continues with the newly found information. "What your saying is, Niall's been shot?"

Paul just nods as the four lads of One Direction cry for their blonde haired friend.


There we go!

So that's what really happened to Niall. Don't worry, it's not another dream.


Thank you!


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