Chapter 28

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So I'm gonna try and do this for those of you who like this story. Please enjoy and let me know what you think.

Btw as I was writing this new ideas just kept popping into my head so everything written after the third paragraph was just made up 10 minutes ago.

There were bright lights, too many white walls, and people in blue everywhere. Running through the halls of this disturbing building was bringing back too many memories, but I had to push through them. Zayn was in there, I needed to see Zayn, now.

Hearing voices from behind me yelling out to me just caused me to run faster. I will not let them stop me from reaching Zayn. My Zayn.

As the voices get farther back, new ones come into heating range. They tell me I can't be there, that I need to go back, but they don't understand. I need to too see him.

Finally I see a, sadly, familiar face, Doctor Curly... Does that mean, this is worse than I thought?

He must have heard my footsteps because he turns towards me as I basically run into him, my mind too clouded to understand what my body was doing. If it wasn't for him I would've ended up on the floor.

Taking my shoulders in his hands, Dr. Curly was talking lowly, too low.


"-eep breaths, Niall. Deep brea-"

"Will he live?"

Taken back by my question made him hesitate in answering, but he finally did. "Yes, he will live. But his injuries will leave him..."

He wouldn't continue. Why wouldn't he continue?!

"Leave him what?!"

The regret, pain and pity in his eyes made the tears I've been holding back slowly fall. Shaking his head, Dr. Curly continued.

"I'm sorry Niall, but his injuries will leave him paralyzed from the waist down."

That's it? That's what he was worried to tell me.

I almost screamed at him until I realized what that meant. Zayn couldn't jump around on stage, fool around with Liam during interviews, couldn't run after Harry when he's faux mad at him... He could never pick me up and hug me when I cry, can never dance with me to our favorite songs. Zayn could never walk to his favorite coffee shop.

Zany can't walk ever again.

"Where is he?"

Sighing, Dr. Curly shakes his head, he's recovering from surgery, Niall. At the moment there's no telling when he'll wake up. A day, a week, a month. Don't worry though, he will eventually."

I know that that should've reassured me, but it didn't. I wanted my Zayn right now. I want to comfort him like he comforted me.

"Please. I need to see him."

But, before he could answer I heard Liam's voice say, "Niall, there you are!"

Turning to him just made me want to break down and curl up on the floor. He had that look that only Liam could have on. The one that told you that he wanted to help, but didn't know how. The one where he looks so genuinely sad that all you want to do is make him smile, but I couldn't do that at the moment. There were too many emotions going through my head to even attempt to make him feel better, and that made me feel guilty.

I just stared at him until I found my voice, "Liam, I need to see him." I choked back a sob as Liam came closer to me and hugged me.

As Liam rubbed circles into my back he whispered, "I know baby, I know. You will, don't worry. He'll be alright, I promise you that."

It made me angry how confident he was, but it also made me happy that he had faith in Zayn. Hugging Liam tighter as he lead me back down the hallway I had previously ran through allowed me to think over what I learned.

Zayn will live, that I was grateful for. He could possibly not wake up for a month. A whole month without him. And, when he did wake up he would be paralyzed. Paralyzed. He will never be the same. It'll break him like my time away from him broke me. All I want is for him to be alright, all I want is for him to me safe, to be awake and happy and in my arms.


But, now that won't ever happen again.






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