Chapter 3

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Dull blue eyes opened wide without any hesitation from the harsh light. Those hopeless eyes found themselves starring hopefully honey brown. Those bright honey brown eyes belonged to no other than his old band mate Zayn.

The smile on Zayn's face could not hide as he, along with the other lads, squished Niall into a bear hug. They all stopped, let go, and starred at their newly, reunited friend confused. He never not hugged any of them back.

"Ni-Niall?" Louis whimpered out.

The blonde just looked straight ahead at the door, like he was ready for someone to barge in and take him away. Liam quickly caught on. After being away for almost a year Niall must has lost his normal joy, leaving him an empty shell of his old self.

Placing a hand on the younger lads shoulder, which he thought would startle him, Niall did not even budge. Keeping his eyes glued to the door the blonde lifted up his left hand, as if it was not covered in white bandages. No pain, weakness, nothing. Niall was emotionless as he pointed at the door.

All the lads followed his finger as the door suddenly burst opened. Niall's mother, step-dad, and older brother all stood there with tear filled eyes. His mother soon enough had her youngest son wrapped in a tight, bone crushing, hug. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she waited for her son to return the hug, it never happened.

Pulling away a loud gasp escaped her lips when her hope filled eyes met Niall's dull, emotionless, blue-grey eyes. Nothing could be seen in them. The usual carefree look was gone.

"Oh my baby," she whimpered out. Niall did not even react.

Over the past few months he had learned that giving a reaction resulted into a beating. Not wanting it to happen Niall stayed as still and quit as possible.

"It's alright Niall," a voice cut through the thickening tension. "We're not going to hurt you."

After Liam had said that everyone came to realize that, Niall had been so use to getting tortured for everything he did, making him into nothing. Just an empty shell of his former self.

Zayn sat down next to the younger Irish blonde, stuck his hand under his chin, and forced him to look at him. His warm brown eyes filled with concern for his younger friend.

"Please Niall. Trust us," he had hope set in his voice. "All you have to do is tell us who did this to you." Still nothing. Sighing, Zayn tried again, "Anything Niall can lead us into finding whoever took you from us, hurt you, and left you scared, okay?" And for the first time since he had woken up, Niall had an emotion on his face. Hope and fear.

Nodding, Niall looked around the room. He knew with all his heart that he would not be able to talk for a while. Pointing to a pad that was on a counter Harry quickly grabbed it, along with a pen, and handed it the older boy.

Slowly and shakily Niall lifted the pen to the paper a wrote down, "The man that brought me to the police, is the man that destroyed the old me."

Zayn's eyes narrowed as he was the first one to see the note. Once again he grabs the younger boys shoulder as Niall looks up at him. There was no visible emotion as Niall went back to the hopeless boy that had woken up not to long ago.

Shaking his head, Zayn pulled Niall into another hug. Pushing Niall's head into his neck he handed the paper to Liam as he read it out loud, "The m-man that brought-t me to the po-olice, is the m-man that destr-royed the old m-me," his voice cracking here and there. Still Niall just stared emotionlessly at Zayn's neck.

'Nothing,' he thought, 'nothing will ever bring the old me back. That me is gone, missing.'

Greg pulled Niall away from Zayn to get a look at him. Looking into his younger brothers eyes he whispered, "What did he do to you?" That question seemed to hit Niall badly because the next thing that was happening was that Niall had jumped up out of the bed. He stared hard, if glares could kill Greg would he six feet under, and pointed at himself. All the scares, bruises, bandages, casts, and something else that made everyone cry. Bite marks on his neck.

"No," his mother chokes out. Her youngest son had been, dare say the word, raped.

What surprised everyone was that Niall did not seem fazed by the memories. What had happened to there tiny little Nialler?

Harry pulled Niall back to the bed seek g as he was having a hard time standing with his right ankle broken. Once he was laying back down Niall closed his eyes, trying to catch on some sleep.

'How long have I been in this hospital?' He asked himself.

The last thing he hears are the whispered voices of the people he used to love, and the people who used to love him.

'They'll never love me again," was his last thought before darkness takes over his senses.

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