Chapter 14

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Oh and I had this chapter so close to being done on Saturday but, life hating me like always, it somehow got deleted. Which means I get to rewrite the WHOLE THING OVER AGAIN!

So here we go!


Everything was silent.

No light,

No sound,


No matter how much I willed my arm, leg, or anything, it wouldn't move. My whole body was unmovable.

What had happened? Last thing I remember was... Well, laying down with Zayn then my head started to hurt. I also was shaking, I think, but I don't know why!

Right this second I couldn't feel a bed beneath me. Actually, I couldn't feel anything! All the was around was air, and that's not good...

Was I dead? The lads had told me I kept coming in and out of death. Maybe I was just in a coma again? Oh no, but that means I could be dead forever this time! Now I'm scared! I want mum, dad, Greg, Zayn, someone!



Sitting up suddenly everything around me was blurry. Noises were barley audible, my sight was horrible, and I still couldn't feel right. A loud beeping noise was going off making me cover my ears. All I wanted to do was yell at someone to turn it off, yet sadly I still couldn't find my voice to say anything. It was really starting to scare me.

If I couldn't talk, that meant I couldn't sing. If I couldn't sing, that meant there was no use for me in One Direction. And if there was no use for me in One Direction.. What would happen to the band?

Finally being able to see correctly I take notice that the beeping noise stopped and that my mum was standing in front of me. Tilting my head at her I was trying to figure out what was happening.

Did I die? Am I dead? I can't be dead if I'm looking at my mum and she's looking back, right? Was that possible? Could I be a spirit that has some kind of unfinished business on Earth? Is that even possible? What if I really am dead? Does that mean I'll be stuck like this, a spirit, forever? I can't do that! No, no, no, NO!

Hands were grabbing at my shoulders trying to pull me back down. I couldn't take this, it was all to much for me! That's when it happened... I screamed... I screamed... I flipping screamed!

Is my voice coming back? If it does I think I'd cry of happiness.

Whoever had the grip on my shoulders let go once that blood curling scream, more like shriek, came from my throat. I was finally able to see that it had been Liam who tried getting me to lie down. He seemed scared yet happy at the same time. I didn't realize till just now that I was crying, which is a good reason for why they tried getting me to lay back down.

Slowly Liam came closer to me again and reached to wipe the tears away. Once they were all gone he looked me straight in the eyes. This confused me a lot. I didn't understand, how long was I out? Could it been so long that they thought I was dead?

"Hey Ni?" Liam's soothing voice knocked me out of my thoughts. All I did was continued to stare at him, "how you feel? You've been in and out for over a week now bud." My eyes widen at this new information. That's not good! What if I hadn't woken up? Would they of pulled the plug? What if they were goi- " Niall shhh, it's okay!" I guess I was shaking again because I soon had Liam's and my mum's arms wrapped around me.

My throat hurt, like, a lot! It felt like it was on fire. Then I remembered that one day back at the house with him.


"Get up you fag!" A kick into the side of my gut made me cough up blood. I had been here, in this unknown place, for about two weeks now. No matter what I did, or how much I tried to fight back, I'd always loose. "I said up!" His raging eyes stared into mine, only his glared while mine could barley even stay on his. I was so weak. He hasn't given me any kind of food or drink this whole time.

Slowly standing with shaking knees I follow him to the other side of the basement. What I saw scared me. Sure I was hungry, but not even in this position would I eat what was in front of me right now. What I saw almost made me throw up whatever was left in my stomach, which wasn't enough to live with. There was hot sauce, and not just any kind, the really hot kind!

Trying to get away was stupid of me because he had me held down against the table by my neck. "Open up pretty boy," he said in a sickly sweat tone. Next thing I know is that he's shoving the whole bottle of hot sauce down my throat. Tears fell from my eyes at the burning sensation. All he did was laugh at my feeble attempts to get away. "Suck it up and be a man," he whispered in my ear as my throat started to close. Did I forget to mention I can't breath at all? Well, I can't breath!

I know my face must be bright purple by now after the bottle is finally gone. Throwing it to the other side of the room with a crash he lifts me up. Looking me square in the eyes as I try to breath he laughs again!

I'm going to die. I'm going to die. Was all that kept going through my head. His dark eyes then traveled down to my neck again as it started to swell on the outside as well. "Well it looks like you were allergic to something in that, ugh?" Tears kept on falling from my eyes as the room started to spin. All I could see now were the dark, cold eyes of the man who has made my life a living hell...



Everything was out of focus as my throat kept on burning. Placing my hands over it I felt for any type of swelling but found none. A sigh of relief came from my parched mouth as I looked up into the concerned eyes of my older brother Greg. When did he get here? That question went into my mind but I pushed it back as all I could think of was water. Motioning with hand gestures that I needed a drink Greg was soon out of my sight.

Once Greg couldn't be seen by my eyes Zayn came into view, did he yell my name? That also went through my mind before Greg pushed a plastic cup of water into my hands. Slowly, I brought it up to my overly dry lips and drank the water all the way till it was gone. Nodding my thanks to my older brother, I place the now empty cup on some table that was near me. lying down I notice that Zayn is watching me carefully, as if, if he looked away for just a seconded, I'd be gone.

Sending him a small smile I motioned to some empty chair near the edge of my bed as I pull the blanket up to just under my chin. As my eyes close I can feel the tears that were in them slowly make their way down my, by now, reddened face. Before my eyes completely shut I saw Zayn sit down in the plastic chair I had motioned to just seconds ago. Feeling him brush my tears away was the last thing I felt before being completely taken over by sleep.




Oh and thus is short... Ugh!

Night y'all!


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