"Here." I looked up to see Candice tossing a can of cherry coke in her Olivia's lap. Candice sat down beside me, sipping on her root beer.

"Why so quiet?" Candice asked, looking between the two of us. Olivia had begun to take slow sips from her drink.
"Oh, were good." I said, a smile taking over my lips. Candice's face shown unsureness, but got over it.

"Mia," I stood up to see Leon making his way over to me. He had a young boy with him. He looked around the age of thirteen.

They approached me, Leon's hand on his shoulder.

"This right here is Zander." I smiled at the pup, he was a handsome young man. Dark brown hair, hazel eyes. He was gonna be a head turner.

"Hello Zander, I am Mia." I gently shook his hand. A light smile crept upon his lips before he dropped his hands back to his sides.

"He wanted to tell you...." Leon looked down to Zander, signaling for him to continue. Zander stood a but taller and looked me straight in the eye.

"I want to welcome you to our annual Bonfire party in celebration of the pups transformation. It's an honor to have the Luna of our generation celebrating our coming of age to finally meet our wolves." He bowed his head in respect, arms behind his back. I stared back at the young man, amazement.

"Thank you Zander," Leon said, dismissing the boy.

"Yes, Alpha."

I watched as Zander made his way through the many people, soon disappearing from eyesight.

"Did you make him do that?" My eyes were wide as I placed my hands on my hips. It was generous of Zander, but I hope it wasn't forced.

"Actually, no," Leon said with the shrug of his shoulders. "he's just a really good kid." I smiled with a sigh.


It was getting darker out, and a lot of people were starting to sit around the fire. I sat beside Leon, clutching onto his arm as I rested my head on his shoulder. The kids had already started to hear and recognize the voice of their inner wolf and were excited about their first shift. Some had already been through the painful transformation while others still had tomorrow, or possibly a week to go.

"And then...HE TORE HIS HEAD OFF!"

I silently laughed to myself as people told 'scary/goofy' stories around the fire. But mostly, everyone was really just trying to make a burnt marshmallow for a gooey s'more.

"No!" I laughed as Leon tried to take my s'more away from me. He held me back with his arm as he taunted me with the treats deliciousness.

"It's mine now!" He shoved the tasty and super sticky s'more in his mouth before I could even attempt to get it back. I hit him on the arm with the stick I was roasting my marshmallow on with a fake pout. He then turned around, grabbed me by the arm and started tickling the sides of my stomach. My laughs echoed through the yard as he continued. I heard giggling from some of the pack mates around the fire as I bout died from the torture.

"H-help mm-me pleasssssseeeee!" I shouted, trying to push him away with all my power.

"No, not until you say sorry." I leaned over, hoping to roll off of his lap.

"Say it"

"O-oh my g-gos-"

"You better say it Mia"

"S-SORRY!" I shouted. He let go of me and I hurriedly got to my feet.

"Jeez, you messed up my hair you tard" I ran my fingers through the curls that began to loose its bounce.

I turned away from him to see Angelica on the other side of the fire. She wore skinny jeans and a pretty blouse. her sandals were a teal color, jewels imprinted on the straps. I looked up to see her expression. It was cold, pointing directly to me. I watched the blazing fire that stood before matched her eyes. Blazing, she shown blazing anger that welled up inside of her.

I knew it was childish, obnoxious even. I knew that I'd probably regret it later, but I simply couldn't help it.

I smirked at her.

Leon was mine and I was his. She couldn't, would never have him.

Her lips curled in a scowl. Her perfect teeth displayed as she began to mouth me the words:

'It's on'



I don't know about you guys, but I really like this chapter! I can't wait for Angelica to be put in her spot.. when the chapter comes, it'll be interesting!

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