Although my scars were showing so I had to cover my arms with a thin, black cardigan. I couldn't help but notice that my stomach stuck out just a little. To anyone else I guess it was barely noticeable but these sort of things were easy for me to spot about myself.

"You've stopped, right, Elle?" Olivia asked with a pained expression on her face as I tugged on the cardigan. She was talking about my cuts.

"I'm getting there." I assured her.

"Forget about that bastard, George; you deserve better." She offered me a smile.

Did I though? Who could love someone as pathetic as me?

"I know." I replied, attempting to ignore the thoughts that threatened to seep into my mind.

I waited as Olivia got ready and then we went into the living room where Aaron and Tommy already were. Tommy was dressed in black ripped jeans and a slightly ripped Nirvana t-shirt whereas Aaron wore a navy blue jumper and black skinny jeans.

"You look beautiful." Tommy smiled and kissed Olivia on the cheek.

Aaron and I just stood awkwardly waiting for them to finish doing whatever coupley thing they were doing. However I did notice that Aaron had lost his smug smile which he always wore and replaced it with a normal, almost cute smile. He studied me for a moment and I felt slightly exposed.

"Do you mind?" I asked.

"No, I babysit." He replied.


"It was a joke. Don't matter." He shook his head, an amused expression creeping onto his face.

"Your jokes are awful." I commented.

"Why thank you." He shot me grin.

"We good to go?" Tommy directed the question at no one in particular.

"Mhmm." I nodded.

We left the apartment and took the lift down to the ground floor. Since Tommy was the only one of us with a car, he offered to drive us all however backed out when he realised he would have to stay sober.

"Fuck that, I'll call a taxi." Tommy pulled his phone out.

Minutes zoomed by and we all got into the taxi and Olivia told the driver the address. The journey took about 10 minutes and we eventually pulled up to a rather big house.

"Adios bitchachos." Aaron leaped out of the taxi and went to mingle.

The 3 of us shuffled out of the taxi and watched it drive off. We approached the house which was playing I'm sexy and I know it by LMFAO. We were greeted by the typical party scene of bodies grinding against each other, people getting drunk and others getting high.

Come to think of it, I hadn't had a drink in ages and I could have really done with one. I followed Olivia and Tommy to the kitchen where a mountain of beer cans stood. I snatched one off the table and quickly opened it, downing most of it.

"You wanna go find the lads?" Tommy yelled over the music to Olivia.

"Nah, you go. I'll stay with Ellie." Olivia told him.

"You sure?" He questioned and Olivia nodded. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and went in search of his friends.

"Let's dance!" Olivia beamed.

"Let's not!" I replied with the same level of enthusiasm.

"Come on!" She grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the dancedfloor...also known as some poor unfortunate soul's living room.

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