3: Work

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(A/N) So it look me ages to decide but I've chosen Logan Lerman (to the top or the side) to be Aaron. Yay or nay?


"I wish that I could be like the cool kids. Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in." -Echosmith

I clutched my stomach and fell back against the bathroom floor. It was becoming a common thing for me to throw up in the mornings and I hated it. I had no idea why my body desired in making me puke up the very little food that was actually occupying my stomach.

This was the fifth day in a row that I'd thrown up in the morning and I despised it.

I wiped my mouth with water and splashed cold water on my face. Conscious of the time, I brushed my teeth speedily for the second time this morning in order to rid myself of the revolting stench of sick. Being sure no traces of vomit were visable, I left the bathroom with the knowledge that no one had heard me spew out my guts.

Yawning, I walked into the kitchen in search of some breakfast. I wasn't a big breakfast eater... well I didn't ever eat breakfast, but my stomach was screaming for food, and of course I gave in. As soon as I saw who was already in the kitchen, I spun on my heel and stalked out.

"Wait, crazy girl!" Mayor Butthead of town Dipshit bellowed.

I ignored him and continued on my walk to my room. I guess I'd skip breakfast again today. Plus, I was running quite late for work anyway, not that anyone would notice.

I picked up my plain black backpack which matched my skinny jeans which were paired with a white shirt which I had to wear for my waitressing job. I raced out of my room not looking where I was going. My head collided with a hard chest and I looked up to see a shirless Tommy who looked as if he'd just woken up.

"Sorry, Ellie." He mumbled as I rubbed my head.

"It's cool." I muttered and hurried passed him.

"Wait, are you going to work?" He spun around.

I nodded feeling a little awkward owing to the shirtless man in front of me. I wasn't allowed to find him attractive! He was in love with my best friend. But I always felt awkward around him and I did not like it one bit. Him, on the other hand, didn't seem to notice my cautiousness which put me at ease.

"Uh yeah?" I asked more than stated, my eyes dropped down to his abs then glided back up to his face without him noticing.

"Walking? I'm sure Aaron will give you a lift if you ask." He suggested. "He always borrows my car."

"I think I'll pass, thanks. I get that he's your friend and everything, but he's a dick." I told him.

"He's a pretty sound guy once you get to know him. Plus, it's ages to walk." He explained.

"I'm good." I replied.

"Well, I tried." He shrugged. "For the record, he had to put £3 in the Twat Jar."

"The what?" I raised my eyebrow.

"The Twat Jar. When one of us is an idiot, like is mean or does something stupid, we have to put money in the Twat Jar." He elaborated.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Aaron is saving up for a car. All the money in the jar contribute to it." He informed me. "I would have said no to a jar because it doesn't really benefit me, but all the money in there is his anyway."

"Oh right." I responded. "Interesting."

"Yeah, the Twat Jar and the broken store room door are some of the things we as an apartment bond upon." He joked.

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