15: Band Practise

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"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy." -Anne Frank

Things were actually going...well. Yeah, you read right: things weren't fucked up. It had been 2 months since Blake's death and I felt as though he was watching down on me because nothing terrible had happened. If anything, good things had happened to me.

I was on the road to happiness and I was feeling optimistic about it. I'm guessing you're wondering what happened in the past two months so, let me enlighten you.

I got a job.

Yeah, that's it. You're probably thinking, whoop dee do, no one actually gives a shit, it's just a job. Well, fuck you. This job was my gateway to success. You know what that best part was? My job was as a sales person at an art store. I was selling paintings! My one true passion was art and now I got to be surrounded by it everyday and earnt a sufficient amount of money to pay rent.

I didn't care if this wasn't a big deal to anyone else; to me, this was huge. I was finally getting back on my feet and thoughts of George were practically non existent.

Then there was Aaron...

We hadn't mentioned our second almost kiss and the sweet words which were exchanged. He understood that I was going through a rough time and allowed me to get myself together. With everything that had happened, I wasn't in the right state of mentality to consider having a boyfriend. I was glad he got the message because now I was feeling awesome without the hassle of boys.

Did I fancy Aaron? Hell yeah. Did my heart leap every time I laid eyes on him? Yep. But did that matter? Not at all.

Although we weren't dating, Aaron and I had developed a great friendship and hung out often. He would occasionally take me to work or pick me up when I finished which was kind of him.

His positive attitude towards life had sort of rubbed off on me and I found myself feeling less miserable and cruel.

My life was slowly changing for the better.

My shift at the store was coming to an end so I decided to call Aaron to see if he was available to pick me up.

"Hey." He greeted as I walked out of the shop.

"You free or shall I catch the bus?" I asked, leaning against the wall outside the store.

"Well, I was just about to leave for band practise but you're welcome to join." He offered.

I loved the fact that Aaron was in a band, it only made him more appealing in my eyes. Not to mention that his band was totally bad ass. I didn't really know the band members that well but watching them practise certainly sparked my interest.

"They won't mind?" I questioned.

"Nah. Plus, maybe they'll quit pissing about during practise in the presence of a lady."

"So I'm a lady now?" I smiled to myself. "Lady Ellie Watson the First of Epic-Ville."

"Yeah, no. I take it back. You'll always be my crazy girl." He chuckled slightly. "See you in ten."

"See you in ten." I agreed and hung up.

It was awesome how casual we were with each other and it was safe to say that I was friend zoned. I didn't mind too much, being friends with him was cool. It was becoming more apparent that the little feelings he may had possessed for me before were quietly fizzling away.

Sure enough, exactly ten minutes later, Aaron pulled up his car (well, Tommy's car) right infront of me and I climbed in.

"I'm like your little chauffeur. You should start paying me." Aaron said as I buckled my seat belt.

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