2: Aaron McKenzie

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Picture of Ellie to the top or the side :)

"My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me." -Pierce the Veil

Drenched in a combination of sweat and rain, I shoved the door to the apartment open.

Gheez, to think it's almost summer. I guess that's England for you. Rain, rain... and more rain. But I didn't mind it. It just wasn't ideal to take a run in.

It wasn't just the rain that cut my run short, it was the excruciating pain I was feeling all over. Mainly my back but my chest and face too.

I shut the door behind me and lingered by the doorway to the kitchen, contemplating whether to drink something or not.

"The crazy girl returns! Went out running I see. Well don't you look pretty?" Jebediah smirked as he passed me, entering the kitchen.

Sarcastic git.

I was wearing cuffed, grey jogging bottoms and a long sleeved, plain, white top. My hair was wet as it hung securely in a ponytail. My clothes were soaked along with the rest of me and my feet were swimming in a pool of water in my shoes.

"Well don't you look like a dick?" I called back.

"Smooth." He commented from the kitchen.

"Whatever." I wasn't good at this come back malarkey.

"Is that all you've got? You've lost your fight, crazy girl." He walked out of the kitchen with a bottle of water in his hands and faced me.

"I really don't care, naked boy." I rolled my eyes.

He may be the epitome of hotness but gosh was he annoying. I'd known him less than a day and already knew his ego was the size of Mount Everest.

"Don't you have university to go to or something?" I asked him.

"Don't you have a home to go to or something?" He retorted sparking memories of last night. Refusing to let him see my weakness, I just smiled.

"Yours is perfectly fine for me." I sweetly smiled at him and snatched his water out of his hands. "Thanks. It was really considerate of you."

I attempted to twist the top of the bottle off and gulp it down in his face. But that mother clucking lid refused to budge. It was ruining everything!

"Here." His voice was humourous as he reached for the bottle, briefly brushing my hand. He twisted the lid off and took a big swig after handing it back to me. "You're welcome."

With a proud smirk on his face, he stalked off back to his room leaving me standing in the hallway with his saliva ridden bottle of water.

"Fucking Jebediah." I mumbled annoyed under my breath. "Even his name is stupid."

"Heard that!" He yelled out. "The first sign of going mad is talking to yourself, crazy girl."

"The first sign of being a dick is acting like you, naked boy." I attempted to diss.

I stalked off into my bedroom and picked out black skinny jeans, a dark blue and red checked shirt, underwear, a bra, and a towel, then headed towards the bathroom with them in my hands. I needed a shower. I went to push the door open when I heard his voice.

"Look out for crazy girls walking in on you naked in the shower!" He called out. Gosh could he hear every move I made?

"Look out for crazy girls killing you in your sleep." I muttered quietly under my breath so he couldn't hear. Why did hot people have to be annoying?

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