1: Naked Boy

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"Room-mate: Noun, a person occupying the same room, flat or house as another."

Shivering from the freezing cold weather which I had trekked through, my eyes fell on the door of my best friend's apartment. My eyes were sore and stinging from the excess crying I had just endured. I wheeled my suitcase to a stop and gently knocked on the front door. I desperately prayed that she would answer or I'd probably die from hypothermia.

"Ellie?" Olivia asked as she opened her front door, a quizzical expression planted on her pale face. "What are you doing here? It's 3AM."

"I..." I couldn't form any words. What was I doing here?

"Are...are you okay?" Her face was flushed with worry.

"No." I admitted, shaking my head. "I'm really not."

"Don't tell me- George? Also known as the devil spawn." She muttered the last sentence under her breath.

"He...we..." A single tear dripped off my face. Why was I crying? I should be happy, right?

"Sentences, Ellie. Sentences." Olivia advised. Her eyes flickered to the small, navy suitcase which stood upright next to me. "Oh my gosh, you broke up with him, didn't you?" She gasped.

Swiftly, I nodded my head.

"Oh, Elle." She wrapped her arms around me, holding me in her warm embrace. "I'm so proud of you."

"I'm homeless, Liv." I whimpered. "I didn't know where else to go. Everything is a mess."

"Everything will be fine, hun. As long as the wandering wanker from planet dip shit is out of your life. Okay?" She had a hand on either side of my shoulders, her piercing emerald eyes studying my face.

"Okay." I sniffled.

"And you're in luck, Elle. Spencer moved out; we have a spare room." She offered me a welcoming smile.

"You don't mind?" I asked.

"Why would I? You're my best friend in the world. Plus, it's not exactly interesting living on your own with two guys. You can stay as long as you like." She opened the door fully and lead me in.

Olivia was the best.

"Now, I'm tired as hell and I have uni early in the morning. But we'll talk tomorrow, well technically today but you know, okay?" Olivia yawned.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Your room is over there." She pointed to a door.

"Thanks, Liv. Seriously." I thanked her.

"Whoever the fuck is out there talking and shuffling around like they're a giant, better cut it out right now, or I'm gonna kill a bitch!" A deep, husky voice bellowed from the room opposite mine.

"Don't mind him," Olivia nodded her head towards the door where the mysterious voice came from, then raised her voice a little. "He's an arrogant, cocky prat."

"I heard that!" The voice yelled again.

"You were meant to!" Olivia yelled.

"Liv!" Another voice screeched from a different room, however this voice was familiar. It was Olivia's sex-god-hot boyfriend: Tommy. I didn't fancy him or anything like that. God no! He was my best friend's boyfriend. But damn was he hot. He had normal length, fair hair and soft green eyes with a small ring piercing just below his lip towards the left.

"Coming!" She called back to Tommy.

"You'd better not be cumming! Some of us need our beauty sleep without you two going at it like animals." The voice from the room opposite growled again.

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