17: I Like You

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"I'm never going down, I'm never giving up, I'm never gonna leave so put your hands up. If you like me, then say you like me." -We the Kings

It was late. Would he even be awake? Wait, would he even be home? What if he stayed over at that girls house? Was he even back from their date? Gosh, I needed to calm myself. He was just a boy.

A very hot, caring, sweet, kind, funny, boy.

I twisted my key in the door knob and stumbled inside. Everything was dark and the apartment seemed to be silent. They were all sleeping.

That was when I heard the low hum of the TV coming from the living room. If it was Olivia, I'd tell her how awful my date was. If it was Tommy, I'd punch him, hard, for giving Charlie condoms at the beginning of our date. If it was Aaron? I'd probably die.

Taking a deep breath, I approached the living room and saw Aaron, not really paying attention to the TV.

His hair was really messy and he was wearing dark jogging shorts and a navy top which had writing on which I couldn't quite read from where I was standing. He didn't notice me. I couldn't help but notice how sad he looked and my heart fluttered at the sight of him.

Yep, I was definitely dying.

"You okay?" I sat beside him on the sofa, making him jump.

His ocean blue eyes met mine and I was suddenly filled with sadness. He looked so innocent and vulnerable.

"How was your date?" He wondered.

"How was yours?" I countered, secretly dying to know if he liked this girl.

"Amazing." He deadpaned.


"Good to know." I nodded.

So he had a nice time and actually liked this girl...my early plan of admitting I liked him was suddenly fizzling away, but I had to do this.

"If it was so good, how come she didn't sleep over?" I asked, a hint of bitterness accidently slipping through.

"Someone took the last condoms in house and I couldn't be bothered buying any more." He narrowed his eyes at me.

So he knew Charlie had condoms. He seemed fairly angry but attempted to mask it. Did he really think I would have sex with Charlie on our first (and last) date? Wait, that wasn't why he appeared slightly annoyed. He was upset because he didn't have sex, wasn't he? The thought of him doing it with another girl made me sad and I was instantly grateful that Tommy gave Charlie the last condoms. Maybe I wouldn't punch Tommy after all. Maybe.

"I didn't have sex with Charlie if that's what you're looking all sad about." I rolled my eyes, even though I knew that wasn't the case. I just had to make sure he knew that.

"Why would I be sad if you had sex with Charlie? He's a cool guy." He casually replied.

I studied him for a while and it was quite evident that something was up. The tension in the room was almost unbearable, unlike how it usually was with us two.

"What's wrong, Aaron?" I asked, fully aware that he was feeling on edge.

"You tell me." He then turned the TV off and looked at me. "What's so wrong with me, huh?"

"I don't understand." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You never do." He sighed. I could tell he was annoyed with me. But why?

"What?" I questioned, knowing that I was highlighting his point that I never understood anything.

"Doesn't matter." He shook his head. "How was your date?" He repeated his earlier question.

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