7: The Unexpected Visitor

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"People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defences, or the problems of modern society." -Vince Lombardi

Groggily I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened them, adjusting my vision to the light. I no longer felt in pain and, truth be told, I actually felt really strong and healthy.

What had happened?

"You're awake." I heard Aaron's soothing voice trail through my ears.

"What's going on?" I weakly spoke as I looked up to see him.

This was totally inappropriate but damn did he look cute when he was tired and judging by his current appearance, he clearly hadn't slept.

"You're in the hospital. You fainted about 7 hours ago due to lack of food. How are you feeling?" His tone was dripping with concern.

"I feel pretty good actually." I admitted and sat up on my bed.

"Tommy and Olivia aren't answering their phones, I'm guessing they got drunk or are having sex or something." Aaron explained.

I remembered everything clearly now. We'd gone to Aaron's concert and I'd left early because not only was I feeling ill, but I wasn't too keen being around so many people.

"Ellie...we need to talk." His tone was serious.

A small smile crept on my lips as I realised that he called me Ellie. He's never called me Ellie before- always crazy girl.

"Why're you smiling?" He seemed baffled.

"You called me Ellie."

"Well, that is your name, is it not?" I saw the corners of his mouth twitch.

"Yeah it's just...you've never called me that before." I told him.

"Well I-"

"Say it again." I ordered, my tone remaining soft.

"What?" He seemed extremely confused.

"My name. Say my name again."

"You're mad." He shook his head in disbelief, a smile tugging at his lips. "But really, Ellie, we need to talk."

My name sounded so fucking sexy when he said it. I could hear him say my name over and over again and never get bored.

Oh my God. What was wrong with me?! Snap out of it you crazy woman! Chill the fuck out.

"As much as I'd love to mock you about your evident desire towards me, we seriously need to talk, Ellie." He said my name again and my heart leaped. "You really scared me."

"I'm sorry." I looked down and played with the hem of my jumper.

I couldn't quite decipher why he was so bothered though; he barely knew me. Sure I'd seen him naked and moped over my tragic life with him but still...he was basically a stranger even though we were trying to be friends.

"Why'd you do it?" He questioned.

"I didn't realise I was. I'm just not that used to eating much." I replied.

It was mainly down to George constantly commenting on my weight and demanding that I didn't eat so much otherwise I'd get fat and ugly.

"Well get used to it." He told me. "I'm going to make sure you do."

"Why do you care?"

He hesitated for a few moments as if a deep thought process was occurring in his mind: he was contemplating telling me something.

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