24: Quitting

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"Like how a single word, can make a heart open. I might only have one match, but I can make an explosion. And all those things I didn't say, wrecking balls inside my brain, I will scream them loud tonight." -Rachel Platten

So Aaron and I were back to ignoring each other. I absolutely hated it but it was the only way to get him off my mind, well, so I thought. I found myself thinking about him more and more, but it was easier not to act on my feelings when he was barely around.

I got a new job; I was waitressing again. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind but at least I knew what I was doing and was getting a stable income. University started again next week which meant that everyone would be swamped with work.

I had been looking at a few apartments to move in to and hopefully I'd find one before next week. The ones I had looked at had similar rent prices to what I was paying here, although it also meant I'd be sharing a flat with 3 random strangers. The prospect made me anxious, however I knew it was for the best.

"Earth to Ellie!" Tommy clicked his fingers in front of my face. "Is anyone there?"

I snapped out of my daze and stared blankly at Tommy who was sitting on the sofa opposite me.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I wondered, still slightly out of it.

"Are you going to Aaron's concert?" He questioned.

"Why would I?" I answered.

Aaron had concerts all the time, they were no big deal. I'd been to quite a few and each time I just fell more and more in love with the band. They were truly fantastic. I hadn't gone to one in a while, I knew it wasn't wise. Ignoring Aaron was helping me get over him, seeing him perform would destroy everything I had accomplished.

"What do you mean, why would I?" Tommy was confused. "It's his last concert."

His last concert? What was that supposed to mean? He left the band? The band broke up? Why though? And why didn't I know?

Oh, because I wasn't talking to him.

"What?" I asked.

"Aaron quit the band. Didn't he tell you?"

It didn't make sense, he loved playing in that band.

"No, he didn't. Why's he leaving?" I was eager to know.

"Says he needs to focus on university." Tommy shrugged.

Well, I guess that made sense. I wish he would have told me. Wait, no I don't. We weren't even friends, we were just roommates. It was none of my business if he quit the band.

"Right." I nodded.

"So...?" He looked at me expectantly.

"So...What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you coming?" He questioned.

Did I go? It was only fair that I saw him perform for the last time with his band. But what if it messed things up in my mind? I needed to focus on moving out and building my life up again without any complications.

"I don't think-" I began.

"Ellie!" Olivia screamed as she ran into the room. "I have the best news ever and you're going to love me forever and ever and ever!"

Her smile was infectious and her face lit up like a Christmas tree. She was waving a piece of paper around in her hands and speedily shoved it into mine.

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