8: People Make Mistakes

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"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -Mahatma Ghandi

My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest as the mysterious figure traipsed into my room. The person exhaled a massive sigh and by the tone of their sigh, I inferred that they were male.

He made his way towards my bed and sat on the edge causing me to yelp.

"Who's there?" The voice growled and there was only one thing I could think of doing.


Yelling at the top of my lungs, I kicked the intruder with all the strength I could accumulate right in the balls and watched them sink to the floor in utter agony. Rapidly, I sprinted towards the light switch and flicked it on as soon as Olivia, Tommy and Aaron entered my room owing to the loudness of my screech.

"What's going on?" Tommy sounded tired as the three of them stumbled into my room.

"Him!" I pointed to the distressed boy rolling around on the floor in pain, clutching the space between his thighs. "He broke in!"

"What the fuck man?!" The boy hissed as he attempted to sit up.

"Oh my god, this priceless." Aaron shook his head in disbelief, a laugh escaping his lips.

"Spencer?" A petrified look crossed Olivia's face and she ran out of the room.

Tommy hesitated for a few seconds and then settled on staring at the boy on the ground. Aaron, on the other hand, was clutching his stomach as he erupted into fits of laughter as he leant against the door frame. He was wearing a navy blue pyjama top and black pyjama pants. His hair was ruffled and messed up which pulled at my heart strings. I tried not to drool over him and reminded myself of the current situation.

I hated him. Also, a complete stranger just tried to kill me. Okay, not kill but still...

"Not fucking funny, dipshit!" The intruder cursed.

"What's going on?" I asked, confusion evident on my features.

"Crazy girl, this...this is Spencer. The previous owner of this very room: he used to live here." Aaron explained, a grin stretching across his smug face.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry!" My hand flew to my mouth. "I didn't know."

I looked at the poor invalid on the floor who seemed to be making a recovery. He had medium jet black hair and dark chocolate eyes. He was wearing dark grey joggers and a black hoodie. It was safe to say that he was one of the fortunate looking of the male species.

"I guess it's not your fault; you didn't know." Spencer croaked, still in immense pain.

"You bastard!" Tommy spat and threw himself upon Spencer.

He wrestled him to the ground and began throwing punch after punch in his direction. His jaw, his eyes, his chest. He then began to stand up, kicking him everywhere visable with all his might.

Aaron ran towards him and pulled him back, his strength strong enough to battle Tommy's resistance.

"Get off me! I'm gonna kill him!" Tommy struggled against Aaron's grip.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Spencer whined as he held his jaw.

"What's your problem? You come in here scaring the life out of Ellie and pretend as if nothing has happened." Tommy scolded Spencer.

"Look, I'm sorry but-"

"Sorry!?" Tommy cut in. "You tried to rape my girlfriend!"

Woah what?! He tried to do what to Olivia?

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