I looked away. The hospital. They'd examine me. They'd know. I shuddered, subconsciously wrapping my arms around myself. Solo walked over to me and crouched down to look into my eye.

"Sarayah," Solo said, her voice so gentle it hurt. "Clearly something horrible happened to you–"

"I was jumped," I cut in, not wanting to hear any more. "It was dark, and I was jumped. It was after I brought Blue back. I didn't know where else to go, so I came here. That's all I remember, so please stop asking questions."

"Okay, fine. No police today, and no more questions. But you have to go to the hospital. Just by looking at you, I can see you need a doctor. This isn't a debate. You're going."


"Sarayah." She held my chin and forced me to look at her. "Look at me. Do you see how much I love you? I love you so much it hurts. So, if it means helping you, I swear to God, I will drag you kicking and screaming to that hospital if I have to."

I sagged in defeat. There was no way out of this. I was going. The doctor would examine me, and then everyone would know. When they'd look at me, they'd see what I saw. There would be no escape.

I limply held out my arm to Solo, and she slung it over her shoulder. She stood up, taking me with her. I leaned on her as she helped me down the stairs and into the car. She got into the driver's seat and we took off. Just me and her. No one else. We sat in silence for a few minutes until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Is Beyoncé coming?" I immediately hated myself for asking, for the vulnerability in my voice.

Solo looked over at me, and I knew. Her face said everything. "No, I'm really sorry."

I nodded and turned to look out the window. At least she wouldn't know.

"But Jay's gonna meet us down there," Solo continued.

I frowned. "He's gonna be there while they...look at me?"

She frowned. "No, we'll wait outside. We're just here to support you."

"Oh, okay," I mumbled, thinking. Maybe they didn't have to know.

We were silent for the rest of the ride. We pulled up to the hospital 20 minutes later. Solo helped me out of the car and into the hospital, quickly finding me a wheelchair. We took the elevator up to a private floor. Jay was sitting in a chair, fidgeting with his hands. He stood up when the elevator doors opened. He rushed over to us, arms out. Solo held out a hand, stopping him in his tracks.

"She's hurt. Be gentle."

He frowned and held my shoulders, inspecting me. "Who did this to you, Angel?"

I immediately yanked myself out of his grip, surreptitiously wiping the spots where his fingers touched me. I pretended not to see the hurt in his eyes, glancing away.

Solange gave me a suspicious look but decided not to pry. She turned back to Jay, scowling. "You can ask your questions later. Right now, let's just let the doctor do her job."

They had a silent stare off. I watched the altercation with mild interest. Solange wasn't my dad's biggest fan, but she was still cordial with him. Now she looked outright aggressive, like she was on the verge of punching him in the face. After several tense moments, Jay moved to my other side to walk with me to the room. I forced myself to bear his presence, reminding myself that this was my father. He wouldn't hurt me.

Jay and Solo helped me out of the wheelchair and onto the bed. I leaned back, relieved to have Jay's hands off me. A woman in a white coat entered soon after. She had her hair in a severe looking ponytail, but she had a kind smile.

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