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Chanyeol's POV

"Yah! Xiumin, when I am talking to you, you answer me got it!? I don't have the time to go back and forth with you about being respectful to adults! Understand me?!" I yelled at him as I carefully drove down the street.

There was scilance that angered me more than ever. "I said, DO.YOU.UNDERSTAND.ME!?" I yelled louder.

"Y-Yes." He whispered as tears ran down his face. I sigh and stop at the red light.

"Xiumin, look at me," I whispered to him as I turned towards him. He slowly lifted his head looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry that I scolded you but you have to understand that others are struggling too, not just you." I whispered , as Kai held his hand.

"Xiumin, take a close look at your brother." I ordered him. He looked at Kai and Kai looked at him.

"Look at him and you can see that he is tired. If you could see Kyungsoo right now, he is in even more pain than you." I told him.

He looked at me in confusion as I turned back around to continue crying.

"What happened to Kyungsoo?" He asked a little panicked.

"Nothing much. Just a little sick." I nervously mumble.

"Oh, well ok." He quickly said sitting back in his seat.

At home

I got out and picked up kai as he slightly snore. "They're here!" I heard kids yell.

"Yup!" I smiled as I saw them run out of the house. I laugh as I prevent them from getting to the sleeping Kai.

"Hey, what happened to Kyungsoo?" I heard Xiumin ask. I quickly shake my head to the others not wanting them to tell him.

"He is at a friend's for a while!"

"He is at grandma's house!"

"He is at the movies!"

"He went the the store with gandma!" They all yell at the same time.

I sigh and shook my head." You guys can't lie. He went over grandma's house after you guys left." I lied.

He stared at me for a while before slowly walking away noding his head.

"You guys be careful down here, I'm gonna go talk with Baek." I smiled.

I walked upstairs to the room and open it revealing a angry Byun Baekhyun.

I sighed and locked the door taking off my jacket. "Chanyeol..." He whispered.

"Baek, look i'm sorry for giving the kids away." I sighed sitting on the bed.

"Chanyeol..." He whispered again.

"I really didn't mean to, I din't know." I said back.

"Chanyeol." He said louder. But, still not loud enough to shut me up.

"Chanyeol!" He yelled. I closed my mouth and stared at him.

"We need to talk." He sighed.

"About?" I asked getting in a comfortable spot.

"About our future." He mumbled.

"What about, our future?" I asked getting more and more worried of what he was gonna say next.

"Our relation ship and where this kid thing is gonna lead to." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Our relationship is fine and I thought you wanted to keep the kids..." I trailed.

"Our relationship is not fine!" He yelled as he quietly got up from the bed.

"Baek there's nothing we can do about it! Relationships are always like this, all we can really do is wait for the good days to come back!" I yelled.

"What good days?! There are no good days for us anymore!" He yelled as tears began to fall down his face.

"What are you saying right now?" I nervously asked him as I stepped just a little closer to him.

"Park Chanyeol..." He whispered to quietly.

"I...." He began to cry as he continued to say whatever he was going to tell me.

"Park Chanyeol I want to breakup..." He mumbled enough for me to hear him.

"W-What?" I asked as I fell onto the bed unable to see reality.

"I want to b-breakup, or at least take a break." He whispered as he continued to avoid eye contact.

"Baekhyun, I can fix whatever problem in our life, I really can just tell me. I'll do anything you ask, just ask me and i'll do it." I cried.

"I only I one favor to ask," He whispered. "Break up with me." He tells me as he finally looks into my eyes.

"I-" Before I could really talk, he beat me to it.

"Please, I can't deal with it anymore. Please break up with me, I'm begging you to do this one favor for me." He begged me ask he slightly came closer to me.

"I can't..." I whispered to him. As tears fell from my eyes.

"Break Up With Me Park Chanyeol!" He yelled as he got on his knees.

"Baekhyun! Do you ever consider my feelings, won't this just get you more pain than you already have!?" I cried as I pushed him away.

He begin to cry as he got back on his feet. "Baekhyun i'm so sorry." I whispered as I realize what I did.

He began to quickly walk out but I chased after him. "Daddy? Where are you going?" I heard Sehun asked.

"I'm going to a friends house honey." He mumbled as he grabbed the car keys and wuickly walked out of the door.

"Baekhyun!" I yelled as I followed him to the car but couldn't get in because he locked the door.

He looked at me one last time before driving off.

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