Chapter Forty: Cuddling

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"I'm sorry we didn't get to go on our date." I peered into Ethan's green-blue eyes solemnly.

He gave me a small reassuring smile, "It's okay Bella. Don't let it bother you."

I let out a groan before sitting up from his lap.

After the episode downstairs the girls went to the kitchen to grab a bite and Ethan and I were given privacy to hang out in our dorm room. His back was against the wall and I had laid my head on his lap. It was comforting and very relaxing when he ran his long finger through my hair.

"But it was our first official date." I look at him scowling.
"Look on the bright side Belle, things are getting better for you and the girls and I get to hang out with you in your bed." He wiggled his eyes at me.

Hitting his arm playfully I scoffed-
"Don't get any ideas, mister. There are about seven girls downstairs including a six-year-old."

He just smirked at me as amusement, his pupils dilated. His chuckles vibrating through the room.

I watched as a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes and I backed away a little to the top of the bed. He slowly inched closer to me.

"Like what ideas Ms Moore?" His deep velvet voice echoed through my very being. He was hovering slightly above me and I felt my heart quicken trying to keep up with my heavy breaths.

I gulped as I realized that I was now lying flat on my back with him almost flush on top of me.

"L-like li-ke..." I stuttered stupidly. Curse this boys effect on me.

"What's wrong beautiful, cat got your tongue?" My breath hitched as I felt the tip of his nose skim the base of my neck up to my jawline. Oh lord save me!

I shuddered and felt every thought that ran through my mind come to a dead halt as his lips peppered the softest of kisses on my neck, tender and sensual. His brown hair tickled the underside of my chin and his arms were laid flat on the bed just above my shoulders.

I titled my neck a bit up allowing him more access and I felt a hot red blush rise up my neck when I felt his smile press against my skin. He kissed across my neck, along my jawline. He placed chaste kisses on my lips eliciting me on fire. I returned each of his kisses with a kiss of my own.

He lifted his right hand to skim his searing fingertips from the top of my forehead right down to my collarbone, leaving an electrifying pathway in its wake.

His plump lips left mine again to assault my neck. I gasp almost breathlessly when I felt him suck on a spot. Immediate amounts of pleasure and yearning for him aroused.

I winced when I felt a slight sting but it went away and fast as it came when Ethan pressed his lips over it again.

Our breaths synched heavily, our chests meeting with every intake. His eyes were closed and I just stared at his face as he hovered over me. A bit of confusion came across me when he shuffled lower and laid his head flat on my chest, his legs filling the space in between my legs. My body lifted a bit pressing my closer due to Ethan when his hands wrapped firmly around my waist.

His breath fanned across my chest making me feel tingly. "Umm... Ethan, what are you doing?"

His eyes were closed but he answered-

"I'm lying on my girlfriend's boobs. You got a problem with that?" My eyes widened at his statement but I didn't complain since I have to admit I was very comfortable.

Look at my Bella getting all freaky!

Oh, shut up Brit. We just cuddling.

You say that now...

Get your head out of the gutter moron.

Wit my breathing now laboured I slowly thread my fingers into his soft golden brown locks. I felt him relax further and soft groan left his lips which put a smile on my face.

"No, I don't think I do." He chuckled.

"I can hear your heartbeat," He whispered lazily. "It's increasing. Da-dum da-dum" he mimicked

"It tends to quicken when you are around," I spoke in the same hushed tone he used. We had a big empty room to ourselves but it felt so much more intimate to whisper to each other like we were keeping a secret.

"Mine does too. Every time I feel you close to me it's like it's going to beat out of my chest. Of course, it's not like a completely normal heartbeat but it's as normal as it can get I guess."

With my fingers still massaging his scalp I stared above me at my bare ceiling.

A few minutes past and I was certain Ethan fell asleep until-

"Yah Ethan?"

"Why do you love me?"


I was shocked at his question and my eyes snapped to his head that still rested on my chest.
"What do you mean 'why do I love you"

Ethan shifted so he could look at me in my eye. His eyes we glazed over and his featured turned sad. "They can't find a transplant, Belle. I'm not going to be around forever. I'm not going to be there to grow old with you. I'm not going to be here when you bake cookies for our grandkids. God, I don't think I'm going to be here to see you walk down the damn aisle-"

I cut him off immediately feeling every emotion pour out of me in a raging storm.

"No! Don't say that okay. We going to find a transplant. You are going to live okay. And we going to have the best years of our lives. You and I are going to have a soccer team of little angels. We going to go on amazing vacations and meet your family. We going to most definitely sit on our rocking chairs, old and frail, together while telling stories to our grandchildren about how you danced to Baby Shark in the classroom. You hear me?"

I was holding his face tenderly in my hands while he stared at me.
I caught a stray tear that slide down his cheek.

"I love you" his voice broke.

It wasn't an answer. It wasn't a reassurance. Just a reminder.

I desperately wanted to pry on the matter, I wanted to find my answer but instead I settled on-

"I love you too."


So this is a very intense moment. I mean i really want them to have a life together... don't you??

Comment, vote and keep reading.

Heads up: this is the second last chapter before the epilogue.

Love you guys

xoxo xcraxymonkeyx

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