Chapter Thirty Three: Hostility

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I stood shocked as the words of Ms Bullen floated around me.

"Isabella, let me introduce you to the Storm family."

After those words, my eyes didn't leave Ethan's. His features reflecting mine.



Holy Fuck!

What am I going to do? He knows. He knows now. The person I was keeping this away from deliberately finds out. God no. Oh no!

My head snapped to Bullen when I heard her call my name.

She gave me a stern look, gesturing me to stand with the other girls.

I felt my body go into 'hostile mode', My face turned emotionless and I locked everything away. I stiffly walked to the others. I stood in between Alaska and Steph. Alaska was holding Starla in her arms and she reached out to me. I softened at her gaze and smile adoringly at her.

"Isa, pwease carry me?" she whispered, though the room was so quiet her voice broke the silence.

"No problem Sugarplum."

When I nestled her gently and securely on my hip I focused my gaze back to our 'guests'.

I was a bit aghast to find that Ethan's mother and father's gaze was fixed on my exchange with Starla.

I didn't dare look at Ethan directly although in my peripheral he had a ghost of a smile on his lips. I immediately slipped my mask on again and knelt my head low so my hair covered my face.

"So now that all the intros have been concluded, why don't you girls head of upstairs and quietly proceed with yourls usuals."

I wanted to huff at the fact that we got ready and polished for nothing. I was legit only downstairs for five minutes. The girls shuffled to the hallway when I heard the sweet voice of Mrs Storm-

"Ethan, hunny, why don't you go interact with the girls for a bit while we handle the donations, kay?" Her voice was like butter and very angelic.

I was about to protest, Purely disliking the idea of Ethan spending time with the girls and us but I knew if I open my mouth then Bullen would have my neck. My paces become faster and I was almost jogging with Starla in my hands as I reached the front of the dorm room door.

The twins are talking animatedly about what I suspiciously think is Ethan, which made me want to roll my eyes. I placed Starla by them who joined in the conversation.

"OMG did you see his eyes, oh my gosh! to die for." Mia remarked. I mentally rolled my eyes while huffing.

Hey, you found a brain back there yet?

Unfortunately no, I found you instead.

Okay, mean. But why are you rolling your eyes? If I'm mistaken please correct me but, wasn't it you who like a few days back was gushing about a certain person's eyes?

No- maybe- Yes. Okay yes but still, they're like thirteen.

Are you jealous about your thirteen-year-old sisters who are gushing about a hot boy you happen to know?

And a six-year-old!

You didn't deny it! HA!

I am not jealous. Seriously that's completely absurd.


Fuck off!

My argument with Brit was cut short when I saw Ethan enter the room with Alaska, Lopy and Steph. His laughter ricocheted in my chest I felt my heart pound.


I scuffled towards my bed, lied down and gripped my iPod to my chest, silently praying for Gracy's help. Plugging in my earphones, I pressed play, hoping to drown everything out.

Those hardest to love need it most
I watched our bodies turn to ghosts
Such good friends, it has to end it always does
That's the way life is
Do we take that risk?

Fools by Lauren Aquilina started bouncing my eardrums. I closed my eyes but I felt the stares of green-blue eyes on my body.

I was still wearing the dress so I made sure to cross my legs as to not flash anyone my granny panties. I folded my arms across my stomach.

I felt it as a cage. Like a secured cover to my body. I hugged myself tightly.

Until I felt a small body crawl on me, I opened my eyes and took out an earphone. I stared at Starla and smile at her. She sat on my midriff and placed her soft cool hands on my cheeks.

She grinned at me and said, " Isa, Ethan said he knows you." She looked very excited at the knowledge.

I skimmed my eyes across the room to find him sitting on Mia's bed with the twins gazing at him.

"Did he now?" My question directed to Starla, my eyes locked with Ethans. I brought my eyes to Starla when she gently tapped my cheeks with her hands.

"Yah! Is he your boyfriend?" She stared fascinatedly at me.

My breathing hitched at the questioned and I heard Ethan choke on air, also seemingly affected by the unexpected.

I let out a nervous laugh, "No Sugarplum, He is just someone I happen to know."

I felt the words like a think strap tightening around me. I knew that Ethan tried to not be affected by the words but me referring to him as just someone affected not only him but me. HE cleared his throat and Starla's Excited face dropped.

Mahn, this girl has hopes and dreams. If only it were so easy for me?

"But you kissed him." I groaned.

Of course, Penelope would pipe up. I looked at her and she had her hand clasped on across her mouth. I breathed heavily as all the girls started squealing and fangirling.

Ethan was beat red and it would have been really amusing to see him in this state if it weren't for the fact we were not exactly on speaking terms.

"OMG! You kissed him?!" Lea and Mia said simultaneously.

"Their babies are going to be so cute!" Steph piped.

Oh gosh!

Starla jumped off of me and ran to Ethan and started talking with him animatedly. I was shocked at how fast she ran towards him and warmed up to him. And him- he was smiling along with her, grabbing everyone's heart and gaining everyone's trust.

No. Nononono.



This is Ryan all over again. I can't let that happen.

I abruptly stood up grabbing the attention of everyone.

I was furious. Seething.

"NO!" I pointed a shaky finger at Ethan. Everyone was dead silent.

"You don't get to do that." I shook my head. My voice was broken yet cold.
"You do not get to do that!"

I stormed out of the room shutting the door with a bang.



So Yep. I was getting some death threats *nervous laugh* so I totally worte a chapter not out of fear. Definitely not out of fear.

Lol, anyway. So big news- found out I'm very close to Two Thousand reads!

So I hope we can reach two thousand soon, which will leave me over the moon.

Credits, Hearts and Lots Of Love to my dear readers and voters. Yourl making this dream of mine come true and I thank you all


xoxo xcrazymonkeyx

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