Chapter Eight: I Miss You

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When I reached the orphanage, the moon was already shining brightly. The cool breeze danced around me as I opened the door with a quiet creak.

Mission to not get caught- Complete.

Or is it.


Oh no. Really. You aren't done with me, universe. Like, haven't I been through enough shit today?

"So you decided to show up? Huh. What have you been up to? Sleeping around I am guessing."

Have I ever mentioned that The Trunchbull always had it out for me? No? Well, now you know. She was always breathing down my neck, waiting for me to mess up so she could punish me for no god damn reason. Well the only reason she hates me is that I am the only one who doesn't take her bullshit.

" Well, unlike some people I can actually get laid?" I retorted, smirking devilishly at her. even though that isn't true and I am a proud virgin, I still felt satisfaction run through me as her eyes blazed with rage.

" Excuse me?"

" You are excused."

Still smirking I walked to the stairs, steering around her. But that didn't go as planned when I felt a sharp pull on my still open hair. I screeched, surprised by her actions. Holy shit. I did not see that coming. I was flung down the stairs and I landed hard on my already bruised back. What the f*ck! Trunchbull is never like this... Unless...

When I opened my eyes, that I haven't noticed I shut due to the impact of the floor, I saw the Beast herself standing above me. A sinister smirk playing on her horrid face. Yep, she has definitely been drinking. She may be stern and military based but that doesn't stop her from drinking. It was one of her many nasty habits. and when she gets drunk, well just like you noticed, she gets really aggressive. I for some reason I am the only one she targets. But it rather be me than the others. I don't know how they would be able to deal with her.

"You worthless piece of shit, Don't-you -ever-speak-to-me-like-that! This is why you need to be taught a lesson."

Each word was a kick to the gut. I laid helplessly as she assaulted me.

"BULLSHIT!" I scream back. Even though I tried to stay strong. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. Each blow created a new bruise on my stomach.  

All this commotion attracted a lot of attention because I heard rapid footsteps storming down the stares. I heard shocked gasps and attempted screams. I say attempted because it was most likely muffled from a hand. Whenever this happened- and yes its happened before- they knew what would happen. No one interfered because I told them not to. I could take the pain. I have taken the pain for many years. What's the difference. Its become so frequent in my life, its like I am used to it.

Some girls started to cry as Miss Bullen hit me everywhere she could. A couple blows to the face and rib-cage. The pain was excruciating.

Miss Bullen screamed at me. Her voice piercing my eardrums. When she decided that it was enough, she got up and stumbled towards her room.

 I breathed a shaky sigh of relief but my breath caught short when she halted in her steps and turned towards us. Some of the girls already rushed to me, cautiously picking me up from the floor. Normally I wouldn't allow them to pick me up, because it made me feel weak. I am supposed to show that Bitch that I am strong enough to pick myself up. Show her that I am not weak. But she was extra hard on me today.

We all stared at her waiting for her to say something. Well everyone stared at her, I glared. Such a hard glare I wouldn't be surprised if she died on the spot, oh how I wish.

"Get to bed all of you." she slurred.

With that said she turned around clumsily and slammed her door shut. My body screamed when the girls slowly picked me up. Alaska on one side and Stephany on my other. My arms were around their shoulder as they gently walked me- more like dragged me due to my injuries- up the staircase.

"Penelope, go get ice packs and a wet cloth" Alaska ordered.

Penelope rushed towards the kitchen her soft footsteps fading away. When we reached the dorm they placed me gently as possible on my hard moth-eaten bed. The thin sheet didn't do much to provide a bit of comfort. Starla (6) and the twins Mia and Lea (12), stood beside my bed, staring down at me with teary eyes.

"Are you gonna be ok, Isa?" Both the twin said almost in complete unison.

I simply nodded because as if each word I spoke tore my insides. I felt so terrible that these three had to witness this. They were so small. Especially Starla. I mean, she is only 6, bloody 6 years old. It's just not right.

Stephany burst through the door with a cold bag of peas from the freezer and a wet cloth. Alaska immediately took the items from her and advanced me. She quickly shooed the others so they didn't have to witness the outcome of my little episode with Trunchbull.

I hissed when Alaska's finger softly prodded on my stomach. She shook her head softly and that's when I saw a tear slide down her face. Not again...

"Bella, you can't be doing this to yourself all the time. Let me help, I will be able to hold her back. Please stop doing this to yourself. It hurts all of us to see you like this. Think about the girls, Isabella. Starla, Mia, Lea, Penelope, Stephany.... Me. What would-"

" Don't you dare mention it. We never speak of that. You of all people know that."

My jaw was clenched and my eyes were closed tightly. I sensed Alaska staring at me. She didn't say a word nor did I. She gently placed the Iced peas on my stomach and stood up.

"Goodnight, Isabella."

I grunted in response, my eyes still shut. I heard her closed the door and the room was engulfed in silence. I sighed and shifted slightly, but immediately regretted it as a sharp pain shot up from my midriff. My breathing became ragged and I stayed still.

"You know she is right."

My eyes shot open and I hesitantly looked to the side of the bed. Her brilliant blue eyes locked with mine. I knew who this person was very well. From her lovely brunette hair, too her small frame. She looked the same as she did. Always was so beautiful.

"I know, but I won't allow it."

" You need to forget-"

"No Gracie, I can't. I just can't. It haunts me all the time. Please don't let me Go back to that day. Don't make it harder than it already is."

"But Isabella, things are gonna get better. You just need to accept the past. I can't tell you to forget the past because that is not gonna happen, but at least accept it. You got your whole life ahead of you, don't waste it."

"But I can't let it happen again, No! Not again."

"I will always be there. Through thick and thin."

I looked at were she was just moments before. As silent tears rolled down my face, I whispered three small words before I drifted off to a restless sleep.

"I miss you."


Lucky bastards. Got two updates in one week. Your writer must definitely love yourll. She must be a wonderful person.

I wonder who she is.

Pfft of course I know... It's Me.

Anywho... Love yourl all and keep reading. 

xoxo xcrazymonkeyx

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