Chapter Seven: Road Rage

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The rest of the day went normal. Well, normal as it could get. Aside from the stares directed to me everywhere I walked, it went fairly normal. I mean do these people have anything better to do with their lives other than stare at me. Like fucking mind your own business dumbass, and carry on with yourls petty little lives! Geez!

I didn't see Ethan the whole day, fortunately, Phew. I don't know what I would have done if I had to face him. 

Honestly, that kiss was still replaying in my mind. No matter how much I didn't want to admit it, it was true. He was definitely a good kisser. Good is actually a very mild way of putting it. He was fucking amazing. His lips were slightly chapped but soft either way, he kissed with hunger but gently. I have never felt so exhilarated in my life. Tingles shot through we the minute his lips met mine. Yes, he stole my kiss, but it was definitely one heck of a kiss.

If only-

No. Not again.

I can't let people in. Not anymore. I could never let anyone- I mean anyone- close to me. It seems that the more people I let in, they break me or leave me. 

Still swimming in my thoughts, I crossed the road, not really paying attention. Stupid, I know. Because not even a millisecond later I heard a car furiously honking and coming towards me. 

My feet stayed glued to the ground. Not allowing me to move. It was like they were not attached to the upper part of my body. Oh No!.

Move worthless legs! Come on!

The car started to break furiously. screeching in the process. 

I'm Sorry. You aren't worthless. You are great legs. Please Just MOVE! FUCKING MOVE!

My eyes shut closed as my breath hitched, waiting for the impacted. Suddenly I felt someone push me to the side, making me fall and the person half falling on top of me. My eyes still shut, my breathing rapid as the shock still held me captive. I still felt immobile and I heard the other person breathing rapidly, shift a bit. Slowly, I opened my eyes looking for the person who currently just saved my life. 

My brown eyes met with familiar entrancing eyes. Very familiar eyes. Green orbs stared at me, filled with shock, fear and- worry?

Hmm, Why worry?

Because you almost got hit by a car, dumbass!

Yah, but why would anyone, especially him of all people, worry about me.

You know what forget it.

Ethan stared back at me, intensely. 

"We have to stop meeting like this. Don't you think?"

Amusement flashed through his magnificent eyes as he smirked at me. It abruptly vanished and was replaced with concern. I, still immobile, looked at him expectedly. He looked at me as if looking right through me.

"Are you ok?"

I stared at him shocked. He asked if I was ok? I mentally shook my head and replied softly-

" yah," I blushed rapidly when I notice that he was practically lying on top of me. No. Me blushing, this cannot be true. I don't blush. But you blushing right now. Oh really, I didn't notice. I argued with my sub-conscious.

"Uhm, could you maybe- um?" 

My eyes shifted to his eyes and the position we were currently in. He seemed to catch on and he shifted slightly and got off me. He stretched his hand out towards me, and I was about to grab it but then I realised who this person was and what he did to me. I put on a cold frontier, ignored his hand and got off the ground slowly. He seemed to be a bit confused because he stared at me with furrowed brows. I looked at him and he looked straight back at me. I was about to turn around when his deep, velvety voice broke the silence between us-

"What? No thank you?"

I returned my gaze back to him and stated simply-


I know you must be thinking: Isabella he practically just saved your life, why are you being such a bitch. Well let me eliberate for you. First, yes he did save my life big WHOOP but he is still The Ethan Storm and I don't like him. Second, do your'll not remember what he did to me in the cafeteria. That's what I thought.

"But I just saved your life. I am sure I should receive some gratitude of some sort."

" What exactly do you expect me to do? Run around screaming 'OMG ETHAN STORM JUST SAVED MY LIFE!!' and then kiss you senseless."

"The screaming I could pass but I am definitely up for a kiss" he smirked at me.

OH, not this again. I will not be talking to this jerk again. I kept my face emotionless and turned around and started walking. I didn't hear him start to follow me so I assumed he finally gave up.

Only God knew how wrong I was.

I heard fast-paced footsteps approaching me from behind and a sudden grip on my shoulder, hurled me around. I was met with an aggravated looking Ethan.

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me you are still held up over that kiss. It's not a big deal. Plus at least you could say your first kiss was taken by the sensational Ethan Storm."

This made me madder. How could someone be so inconsiderate? Ugh! Could this boy have a higher ego? He is so full of himself. Ethan must have noticed the rage that radiated off of me because he seemed to be contemplating his previous statement.

" Could you be anymore inconsiderate?" I voiced my thoughts, "Not everyone is obsessed with you Ethan. YOU stole my first kiss. Something I kept away for someone special."

"Ok look I am not one for apologies but GEEZ women, OK. OK. I am sooo sorry that I kissed you in front of everyone in the cafeteria. There I said it. Happy?"

I was flabbergasted by his sudden outburst and the fact that he apologized so quickly. I masked my emotions again and stared back him more intensely than before.

" Yes, I am very happy," I stated a bit harshly.

I turned back around to walk leaving him standing in the middle of the road. he didn't call back which I was grateful for. I realised that all this commotion took up a lot of time and it was almost dark. It took me a bit of time to walk home and by then it would be pitch black. The car that was going to knock me must have driven away because I didn't see it. Another inconsiderate asshole. The jerk in the car almost knocked me and he had the audacity to drive away without an apology. Idiot.

Shit! The Trunchbull's gonna have my head. It's getting dark and I am here wasting my time on an egotistically bastard. 

 With that thought running through my head, I sprinted the rest of the way back home, the moment from just before me running through my head.


Hey guys. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to comment and vote.

Honestly, the chapter didn't go as I wanted it to go but I did the best I could and hope that everything went well.

Anyway... Love yourl and until the next chapter.

xoxo xcrazymonkeyx

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