Chapter Twenty Six: Silver Lining

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"ISABELLA!!" The shouts of my name made me block my ears instantly.

Multiple hands wrapped around my whole body; legs, torso and neck. I stumbled back as the girls cried and squealed. I clung to then just as lovingly and closed my eyes. The love I have for these girls was beyond any.

I opened my eyes to see my best friend, tears running down her cheeks and a hand clasped on her mouth to hide her sobs. I gave her a teary smile back and motioned for her to join the group hug.

She stumbled a bit before rushing in. All of us embraced each other, some silently sobbing while the smaller few sobbed uncontrollably. My heart broke only realising how much worry I must have put them through.

After about twenty minuted of them asking questions like "whether I was okay?" or "where have you been?".

I answered to the best of my ability and then we all scattered to our bedroom to get some rest. It was around 12:00am and I wanted to get my iPod. Just to listen to some music.

When we got to the room the twins went to grab some tissue and Steph and Penelope came and sat by me. I held closely a still tearing Starla in my arms.

"Hey Starla, I'm back sweetie. Don't cry. Please?" I tried calming her down.

"Yo-you left Isa. I-I-I told you n-not to le-leave!" She buried her face in my neck and sniffed cutely. I held her tighter and rested my chin on her head.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. But I had to go." I spoke softly.

She picked up her head and smiled slightly revealing a cute dimple at the left side of her cheek.

"I know Isa..."

I was a bit shocked at her reply but instead of saying anything, I hugged her tightly again.


It was around midnight and my eyes were still wide open. My iPod was playing her favourite folder. I stared at the ceiling and silently listened to the words and breathed in deeply.

Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you

I felt a tap on my arm that was dangling on my too-small single bed. I looked to my right and saw Alaska sitting upright looking at me. I couldn't make out her expression since the lights were off. I pulled out an earphone and sat up.

"Hey, what's up?" I whispered to her.

"Let's go to the roof." She whispered back

I reluctantly stood up following her out the room. We silently tip-toed in the hallway to the attic stairs. When climbed the rickety steps and into the dark, dusty attic. It smelt like old wood and was very clammy. We opened the window trying to make the least amount of noise. When we managed to open it using our ninja skills, we climbed out.

We got comfortable before Alaska draped a soft blanket she snagged from the room before we left. I paused the music on my iPod and set it down between us. The cold air hit my face and the stars were on full display.

"Why did you tell him?" I broke the silence.

She was quiet for a large amount of time before she spoke.

"I had to..."

"There isn't a had to Alaska. He has no part in my life and for you to tell him my- our- place was not right."

"But he brought you back Isabella. You would have been gone for a good week or more if he didn't bring you back. He called. He wanted to know where you were. He sounded frustrated and really worried."

I was silent.

He called. He wanted to know. What is this?

I thought of the kiss we shared. I thought of the words he said.

"We are both broken Bella, more than we know..."

"Thank you, Alaska."

She looked at me in surprise and said-
"For what?"

"You gave me hope." I looked at her and smiled softly. She pulled me in for one of her famous hugs that feel amazing and we stayed up there for a while before going back to our room.

Ethan was someone I couldn't read. I couldn't figure out. He was supposed to be the golden boy with a perfect life. But there's more to him.

He came to find me. No one's ever done that. They all leave. All of them. But he came.
And he always seems so caring and whenever he kisses me (which I have no clue why), I feel my insides burst. I feel emotions. I felt everything fixing.

I felt.

I felt human.

Why does he care? Why he pays attention? I don't know.

But I have this sickening feeling that my hearts gonna be shattered. Maybe it's just doubt but I feel this is only the beginning of something unimaginably heartbreaking or maybe a new life for me.

It's crazy how much changed. Since Gracy, since Ryan, since Ethan.

My life took a whole new road and I don't know whether I should take a U-turn or let it be.
Mahn, am I indecisive or what?

Ethan dropped me off at the same place I told him last time. When we rode the car was silent but surprisingly comfortable and we didn't speak about anything. He didn't ask about anything and he even gave me his phone number if I needed anything.

Funny, I don't even have a phone. Only Alaska does. She was given it because she was the eldest. The only thing I have closest to an electronic device is Gracy's iPod. I managed to take it before Bullen took all her stuff away. I really don't like that lady. She makes my life miserable. I never hated her, that word is too strong. I hat my parents, yes. That I can definitely say.

They put me in this place. They started my hell. They were the cause. And I hate them for that. I hate them with every molecule in my body.

They started my hell. But then again I wouldn't have found my true family. I wouldn't have met all of the girls. Ethan might have never met me, and I him.

So I guess there is always a silver lining.


Hey guys. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and the little insight of her past and feeling about- well everything.

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xoxo xcrazymonkeyx

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