Chapter Five: Channing Tatum

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7 Hours ago...

"Wake up, you little snob. Time for school."

"Are you F*cking kidding me! Already?"

"Yes, now get up before the Trunchbull comes"

Only my best friend would wake me up at 6:15 am on a Monday morning.

Grumbling angrily in my head, I got out of the piece of wood with a moth-eaten bedspread that I have been calling a bed for the time I have spent here. And don't worry I am not grumbling harsh words about Alaska. She is my best friend, I wouldn't do anything like that. I am just planning ways to kill her. See nothing too bad. What kind of person do you think I am. Tsk tsk tsk.

"I am up!" I scream back, going to the shared bathroom connected to the girl's dormitory. After taking a cool shower to wake me up and doing the necessities I went to my drawer to grab something to wear. A simple top and skinny jeans would do.

"There, all done." I sighed to myself.

Suddenly the door was slammed open and in came a furious Penelopy. Well, let me tell you something about Penelope. She is your typical girly-girl. She never shuts her mouth and at the age of thirteen, she has almost enough energy to give a 6-hour speech straight. A very important detail you have to know about her is that if you touch any of her Channing Tatum posters she will go ape-shit all over your ass. She has serious anger issues. But that doesn't stop me from working her last nerve. Last night I had the idea of drawing a lovely moustache on mister Channing Tatum's photo... in permanent marker. I know, I am quite the prankster and a good one too.


"Chill women. I need my ears for hearing. If you keep screaming they might run away from your loud voice. And I just drew a moustache on him. I think he needed facial hair to look hotter. Don't you think?"

Penelope stayed quiet for a few seconds as if really thinking about this assumption until she snapped out of her head and threw me the hardest glare known to man.

"WHY would you think that? Channing Tatum doesn't need facial hair to make him hotter. He is already hot. Please, Bella, tell me if that's removable. That's my favourite one. 

I almost felt bad doing this to her. Almost. This is what she gets for 'Cry Bella'. What you may ask is that? Well, that's a forbidden day that we will not speak about. What a horrible day *mentally shuddering*. I was snapped out of my reverie when I felt a pillow hit me square in the face.

"Are you even listening to me, Isabella? I hate it when you space out all the time. It's annoying."

"Well, your presence is annoying me so can you leave?"

" But what about my poster?" Penelope whined.

"Oh, look at the time. I am gonna be late for school. Bye Lopy!"

I ignored that question and rushed towards the door trying to avoid this situation. I was already down the stairs preventing her from replying, but I heard her muffled scream," Don't call me that!"

I chuckled softly to myself knowing how she hates it when anyone calls her that. When she was younger we all used to call her that but now that she has gotten older she decided that the nickname was immature and that we shouldn't call her that. Weird right, but we all secretly know that she loves it.

I walked along the narrow passageway to the kitchen finding the rest of the girls there, all having breakfast.

" Hi, everyone!"

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