Chapter Nineteen: Jaw Dropping

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We drove in silence. Both to caught up in our heads. My head was resting on the cool, hard glass. Once in a while, I would take a peek at Ethan. 

His body was rigid and stiff in concentration. His fingers drummed across the steering wheel as he drove. 

We were now in the wealthy area of town. The houses were beautiful. They towered across the streets making as look like ants. 

I was still marvelling out my window I didn't realise Ethan was speaking until he called my name-

"Huh?" I said dumbly

He chuckled before repeating, "We're here..."

And man was it breathing- taking. From the neatly trimmed trees that lined the driveway to the house itself. His home and property were marvellous.

The green, soft grass was flawless with radiant flowerbeds lining the fence. The smooth driveway circled an extravagant pure, white marble fountain. The delicate fallen angel glinted in the sunlight posing on its pedestal. Gleaming water sprung from the sides of the pedestal.

I unconsciously got out of the car when we rounded the fountain and parked, my mind still in a daze.

My gaze travelled to the grand architecture of the mansion that stood tall before us both. The white modern pillars held a huge balcony that overlooked the entrance. The huge ebony door had intricate details of swirls and carving embedded on it. The windows were sparkling and tinted. The elegant painting of the house blinded one's sight. 

Ethan's hand on my shoulder brought me to my senses. I jumped a bit in surprise and spun around to see him grinning at me. 

"Better close that jaw of yours before you catch flies." 

Before I could muster up the energy to close it I felt his warm finger on my chin snapping my mouth shut. I gave him an annoyed look and he just chuckled.

"Come on, we need to finish that project, don't we?"

He smirked before turning towards his house and walking. My eyes again got captured by the house and I slowly started to daze off until-

"Hey! Are you coming or not?"

I shook my head and jogged to catch up with him. he was already at the huge door and I scoffed at how his long legs could make him so fast. Stupid long legs.

You do know that you also have long legs. 

Duh, but his are longer.

Still, doesn't make a difference.

Ugh just leave me alone.

I snapped back to reality and away from my head and looked at Ethan. He just laughed at me and shook his head. He must have noticed my space out, and obviously found it amusing.

"Welcome to my humble abode Ompa Lompa."

When he opened the door my jaw simultaneously dropped. The interior of the house was just extravagant as the outside. The marble white floor sparkled in the sunlight coming from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The grand staircase positioned right in front of us, showing a bit of rooms upstairs because of its balcony. The stone steps contrasted beautifully with the mahogany bannisters running along the outer steps.

The beautiful flowers were elegantly placed in green tinted vases on small desk tables. I just walked in the house and I was already oogling. Gosh.

"Let's head up to my room." Ethan chimed.

"Is this your pathetic excuse of getting into my pants?"

He sent a smirk way before replying, "Maybe."

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