Chapter Twenty Three: Take The Leap...

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The cool breeze hit my skin. The waves crashing soothed my ringing ears. The smell filled my nostrils. The memories flashed through my mind making my body shake uncontrollably. My eyes... my eyes were blurry and my face was stoic, showing nothing. My eyes were out of my control.

I looked at the ocean and breathed in. 

I forgot. How could I have forgotten? I'm pathetic, useless and absolutely disgusting. I forgot the date. I forgot the date to come. I forgot everything. Because I was too busy being happy. 


I was being happy? At this time of the year. I'm a fucking asshole!

I screamed, allowing the waves to swallow my cries. I screamed, till my throat burned and the pain in my chest amplified. I screamed, falling to my knees accepting the pain  I deserved. I screamed and looked at the clear blue sky, a mocking to my life. I looked at the ocean and the seagulls diving into the water. Like them, I wanted to dive, but I never want to come back up for air. Like them, I wanted to fly, but never come back down again...

And then I broke.


(Ethan's POV)

I looked confused at the place Isabella stood just a few minutes ago. 

What happened? 

Douglas stared to with a confused look on his face. We both cocked our head to the side looking at each other in pure confusion.

Douglas drugged before turning back towards the nurse's room.
My head racked for where Belle could have run off too. Hmm...

Douglas whined throughout the whole procedure. Every touch of his wound, he scrunched his face up and whined about how it pained. I chuckled and kept telling him to grow some balls. Mahn, this boy will never change.

I carried on with the rest of my day and my worries increased. I haven't seen Belle anywhere. She never misses a class.

My brain was racking about whether she is safe or not. The whole day I was off. And to think I told myself to forget her...

But this girl is a magnet. She is a magnet pulling me towards her. Into my world, which I shouldn't be allowing. My head was in my hands as I leaned my elbows on the table in English. We had a few days until we turned in our projects. Belle and I finished most of it but never got the chance to finish it. 

Still stuck in my thoughts I didn't hear the teacher call my name until he came up to me and called my name again-

"Huh?" I dumbly replied. 

"Ethan, can you please elaborate further on Line 26?"

I haven't been paying attention to the class lesson that I was completely and utterly lost.

I muttered embarrassed as all the students stared at me. I'm guessing none of them has seen the "Great Ethan Storm" embarrassed before.

"I don't know Mrs Philip..." I gazed down because my head was still a mess and honestly I didn't want to let anyone see the emotions playing in my eyes. She was disappointed, I could sense it. But I didn't care. I needed to find Isabella.

Hey, don't get so worked up, maybe she went home because she felt sick.

I know, but what if not?

Well, it's better to think positive than negative right?

Can't argue with that but why do I worry so much? I met this girl A few weeks before and suddenly I feel like there's a hole in my chest because she isn't around...

You like her dude.

But I can't. I know I I'm not naive and stupid to deny my feelings like any other stubborn teenage boy but it's not whether I do or don't, but whether I can or can't.

Sometimes life brings you a ray of sunshine in your dark days, It's your choice to take it or not. Especially with so little time...

Sigh, I know... But I don't have the heart to hurt her. She looks so- sigh- she is something else. The story behind her eyes are locked and I feel if she has to go through me, something bad would happen. I don't want that to happen. I know a broken soul when I see one.

Either take the leap or you stay on the other side. It's up to you...


I couldn't stop myself. 

I ran swiftly past the bustling students in the corridor looking for the one person closest to Bella.

She was talking animatedly with her friends, her back to me. I slowed my pace and tapped her on the shoulder. All her friends immediately stopped talking to her as she turned around. All of them oogled me. I mentally rolled my eyes and looked at Alaska.

She looked at me in surprise and confusion. She then smiled at said-

"Hey Ethan what's up?" She is cheerful.

I looked around me before replying, "Umm, hey Alaska. Can I talk to you in private?"

She cocked her head and uncertainly said sure. 

I grabbed her arm softly and pulled her to an empty classroom.

By now her face was pure confusion and worry. 

"Ethan Are you okay because seriously this is quite weird. I mean we never once talked to each other and- Oohh, is this about Isabella? Oh em gee! Please tell me you asking her out. I honestly didn't think this mo-"

I cut her off before she could get to the part with a white picket fence shit. I rubbed my temples and thought about how in the Mother of Chocolate Cookies does Isabella handle this ball of energy.

"No Alaska. This is about Isabella but not about me 'asking her out'. I wanted to ask you if you knew where she went. Earlier this morning she ran off after helping me take my best friend to the nurse. She just went completely off and ran like Roadrunner. I tried calling her but she didn't' even seem to hear me."

All while I spoke Alaska stared intently at me taking in every word. 

"Maybe she just forgot something or-" She then stops still, her eyes glazing over and wide.

"Ethan, what's the date?" I scrunched my eyebrows still taking in her change in tone.

She frantically threw her polka-dot bag on a table and pulled out a notebook, searching the pages. 

"Ethan can you please tell me what the date is?!" She was gone hysterical now.

I snapped out of my shock and immediately replied, " Its the 20th of July. Why? Is something wrong?"

Her face snapped to me and horror painted her dark sharp features. She grabbed her bag swinging it over her shoulder. She looked at me rushing out that she needs to go. She ran out of the class and the door slammed against the wall behind it.

What's with these girls and running?


Hey, guys, I hope yourl enjoyed the chapter. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but the school's been a bitch and well let's not say anymore. 

Anyway, what do you thinks happening with our dear Isabella?

Ethan's confession?

Alaska's sudden reaction to the particular date said?

Answers will soon be presented. Keep reading and commenting. Hit that star at the bottom and share.

Love you guys!

xoxo xcrazymonkeyx

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