Chapter Thirty Six: Love

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I knew it. I said it because it was true. I revealed it because he needed to know that he has me as I've got him. I told him because I had to. I needed to.

His embrace, his warmth, his touch, his kindness, his care... his everything. He makes me live.

I know... he may not be here for long but damn, right now, I don't care. I care about now and only now. I needed him. He set me free and taught me so much since I've met him.

Crazy... who knew I'd find love in the space of a few months. And me of all people... closed off, isolated little ol' Isabella Moore.

When he held me as I poured out my life, he carried me threw it, I knew right then and there I didn't just have a crush on him... I was undoubtedly in love with Ethan Storm.

My eyes were locked with his. I watched as his beautiful eyes shone with so much emotion and intensity, mesmerized by the colours swirling together.

I feared rejection. I feared that he didn't feel even slightly the same. But I have always lived in fear and I didn't want Ethan to be part of my fears. I wanted him to be my rock, my happiness, my freedom.

I felt his grip loosen on my waist just the slightest and I begrudgingly felt the tugging of the strings holding my hearts pieces, slowly loosening with his hands' movements.

His face was of pure shock and the fear was sneaking up. I breathed heavily and tightened my hold on his neck unconsciously

I closed my eyes as I felt every ounce of me slowly losing its power.
" Please, please say something" I almost begged in a whisper.

I hugged him resting my head on his shoulder. Inhaling his scent and wishing that with my confession something good will happen. I breathed him in wanting to remember everything about him in case it was the last time I saw him. This moment would determine everything.

My heart began to sing when I felt his hold begin to tighten around my waist. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding and snuggled closer to his. My nose pressed into his smooth skin, my lips just a hair strand away.

Minutes passed and we just held each other and honestly right now that's all I needed. It showed me that he wasn't leaving.

He held me back and we just embraced until I heard footsteps outside the window. I did not attempt to remove my body from Ethan, way to warn, comfortable and lazy to do so.

I watched as Alaska's eyes widened at the sight of us but said nothing. A small smile was visible though.

" Hey -umm- Ethan... you leaving soon. Bullen sent me up to get you."

I was sad having to let go of him but I knew I can't hold him forever. So I slowly removed my body from his looking him in the eye.
I shifted my sight from his green-blue pools of emotions to the bridge of his nose, to the sharpness of his cheekbones. I skimmed his entire facial features, ogling at how perfect he looked to me.

My gaze flittered to his lips, they were pale from the cold. I watched as his tongue swept out to lick them, no more dry but slightly moist. I unconsciously tightened, my hold around his neck and now we seemed closer than what we were before.

My eyes snapped to his when his hand lifted to rest just below my jaw. I closed my eyes breathing heavy as his thumb caressed my cheek. The action shot lightning bolts through me heating every pore of me on fire.

Opening my eyes, I immediately got lost in his eyes. The swirls of green merging with the blue, every emotion basking into one. His eyes are my favourite part of him, his smile being a close second. But the way it sparked lit up my heart, the tears that welled inside of them made me want to hold him. His eyes determined every emotion I felt, every motion I made. His eyes were a key to his very soul and getting lost in them was like figuring a puzzle, a puzzle so extravagant, with a reward ten folds of its extravagance. I love his eyes.

I love his smile.

I love his personality.

I love him.

"Isabella, when I saw you, bruises and all," Ethan whispered silently allowing the wind to chill us, allowing the crickets to still croak, allowing everything to go round, but still speak not to disturb the night. My nose brushed my nose on his, closing my eyes in order to focus on how his voice sent sizzling vibrations through me.

"It was in the dim light of a janitors closet. Your brown eyes appeared black, your hair illuminated by the light... Your bruises were not very noticeable but it boiled the water inside me, rising it to the peak. I was ready to kill whoever hurt you. I was ready to do anything for a girl I infatuated over since sophomore year." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"I kissed you because you were the first girl who made me feel the way I did. I ran because... because I knew I would fall and I'd hurt both of us. And then you kept popping everywhere and Oh-my-fucking-god, when you smiled. Isabella when you smiled." He grinned sighing while throwing his head back. I opened my eyes marvelling at him.

"Your smile made me smile, your smile made me a puddle, I melted every time you would smile, laugh, every time you freaking breathe. I would melt."

I had a small smile on my face listening to him speak. My heart beating faster with every confession made.

He suddenly stopped grinning and a small ghost of a smile played on his lips. His hands left my waist and he gripped my face gently, so much care radiating off his fingertips.

My eyes closed enjoying the feeling of his touch.

"I love your eyes..." A slight peck on both my eyelids made me gasp breathlessly.

"I love your cheeks" I felt a kiss on my right cheek.

"I love the small beauty spot under you eye" I felt a peck on that exact same spot.

"I love your nose." I broke out in a smile as I felt him kiss the tip of my nose.

"I love your lips." He places a longer kiss just at the corner of my mouth.

I opened my eyes feeling the intensity of his words hit me straight in the chest.

"I love you, Isabella Moore." His lips met mine.


Hey sorry for not updating for quite a while.

I hope this chapter made up for that though;).

Love you all, keeping reading, voting and comment, please!

xoxo xcrazymonkeyx

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