Chapter Eleven: Lust

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I am kissing him back.

Even though I don't think I will ever admit it out loud but...Holy Fuck is it amazing.

This kiss was so much different from the other. It was full of passion and heat.

But this, this I couldn't bring myself to stop. His lips were pure bliss against mine. He removed his hands and gripped my waist, pulling me impossibly closer towards him. My hands automatically wrapped around his neck, tangling my fingers in his soft hair.

The kiss was full of hunger and it just drove me wild.

His urgency and lust deepened the kiss. My body- like always when I am in contact with him- reacted instantly and my lips parted immediately allowing him to consume me. I didn't bother trying to dominate because my body was already feeling like mush.

Like all biotic factors in the world, there is one very obvious characteristic of theirs. And that's breathing.

So, hesitantly I pulled away from his luscious lips but he wasn't done. He trailed soft kissing down my neck, up my neck. My eyes heavy and closed, my breathing was ragged.

All of a sudden he pulls away. His chest rising up and down, but eyes wide, like he did something unforgivable. My heart dropped when I saw his eyes,regret swimming through his eyes. His cold mask was pulled on and he just turned around and left.

Just like that. He turned and left.


I am seriously confused. Wait, what just happened?

One second we were- well you know what- and then he just left.

Suddenly livid, I pushed myself off the wall and stormed through the door, pun unintended.

When I looked around the corridor he was gone. A few students lingered here and there but aside from that, the Green-eyes Storm was nowhere to be seen.

I slowly walked down the corridor heading for my next class, thoughts everywhere.

English, I had English next.


He is in that class. Well, kill me now, Please!

The siren blared throughout the school, resulting in a swarm of students to bustle out of the cafeteria and rush toward their classes. My slightly messy hair was covering my face as my legs carried me to my class. I suddenly bumped into a person, again. Seriously I don't want this to happen again. So I quickly apologized but the person gently pulled my arm.

When I looked up slightly I saw it was Alaska

" Hey Bella, You ok?"

I replied with a slight nod, not really in the mood to speak.

" Hey what happened, you look like you just got out from a heavy makeout session," She said with amusement.

I was caught off guard by her words and my eyes widened at her words and my face flushed without intention.

Her eyes widened at my reaction, already seeing through my mask. I could never lie to Alaska, she always finds a way to get the cat out of the bag.

She quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the student to a corner.

"What the hell?! Who?!"

"Sheesh sister, can you tone it down a bit before Canada hears your screeching. And to answer your question- No one. Now can I go to class."

"NO, you aren't leaving me until you tell me what happened."

"There isn't much time to tell you the whole thing, I will tell you at home."

" OMG! So you did have a heavy makeout sesh. EEEEEEEEE!"

"Women can you chill, Seriously my eardrums are gonna burst if you keep screeching like that," I replied, rubbing my ears to prove and emphasise the point.

She gave me a sheepish look and muttered a soft "sorry".

"Ok, the only thing I am gonna tell you is who, just so you can stop screaming,"

She eagerly shook her head, Waiting in anticipation.

"Ethan Storm."

She was speechless. Absolutely flabbergasted. Her bulging eyes and her jaw that was practically grazing the floor proved that.

Before she had a chance to scream or say anything I turned and hurried towards class.

The bell already rang so I walked as quickly as my broken legs could take me. When I entered the class, fortunately, it seemed that the teacher was a little late. so I slowly made my way to the seat at the back. But to my utter despair, Ethan was already there, in the seat next to mine, and he was having a very animated conversation with the person next to him. The fact that he knew that is where I sit, fueled my anger.

He was smiling and laughing with who I remember was the basketball captain like nothing happened.

I hesitantly went to my seat. I walked around his table and sat in the seat and dropped my head in my hands. My hair provided a lovely curtain that blocked my vision from everyone else.

Just because he is sitting near me does not mean I have to change my spot. I believe that if you avoid a person because they did something to you means that you are just giving them the satisfaction of knowing they still have an effect over you.

His deep voice seemed to be the only one that echoed in my mind.

"What are you doing to me, Isabella?" "What are you doing to me, Isabella?"

The door burst opened and a very agitated Mrs Philip walked into class. Her worksheets and bag jumbled in her arms as she scurried across the floor to her desk.

She dumped her mess on the desk and let out a sigh of relief.

She turned towards us and scanned the room before speaking-

"Good day class, I would like to inform yourl to please get used to the person next to you as you will be partnered up with them for this semester's project and it will be your permanent seating arrangments for the year."

Some cheered as others groaned. I looked towards my side and realised that Ethan was already looking at me. His face was emotionless.

Oh, what have I gotten myself into?


Hey guys.

I hope url enjoed the chapter and since the holidays are knocking at my door, I am going to be updating a whole lot more.

Give me ur thoughts on Ethan and Isabella.

Tell me if url want me to do Ethan POV.

Luv url.

xoxo xcrazymonkeyx

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