Chapter Ten: You Don't Know Me

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"What happened to you, Isabella?"

My breathing was ragged and his warm gentle and slightly callused fingers were still holding on to my chin.

I refused to respond.

Yah right, you just can't speak because of how obscurely good you feel with him so close.

Not Now!

"Please say something?"

His voice sent shivers up my spine. Tingles spread throughout my whole body. My heart was pounding so rapidly I was afraid it would rip right through my chest.

Unexpectedly, he took a final short step towards me, trapped between him and the wall, my body flush against his. His irises were dilated as he still looked down at me.

"Please tell me who did this to you?"

"No one," I lied, not so convincingly. Weird. I normally lie through my teeth like I was eating food. "Nothing happened to me."

'BULLSHIT!" He roared.

I flinched back and shut my eyes tightly at his sudden outburst. Due to him being so close to me, my ears were ringing. I slowly opened my eyes. His feature softened a bit but his jaw remained tightly clenched. His eyes were blazing with rage. He was angry, very angry...but I had to admit, It was Goddamn H-O-T.

Wait a minute. He has no reason to be angry. Why is he angry? He only learned who I was one day ago. He has no reason to care. Why does he care? Why am I letting him hold me captive in a janitor's closets?

This is when I snapped-

"Why do you care?! Why do you give a damn?! You didn't even know who the fuck I was until yesterday! You have no right to hold me fucking captive in a fucking janitor's closets and interrogate me! Why don't you get the hell off of me and leave me alone, for Goddamn sake?!"

His eyes were widened in shock. He definitely not expecting me to lash out like that, was he? Well, think again Ethan Storm...I will not let you or anyone ever again control me. Not ever.

"That is beside the point. Anyone would have asked you why you got a fucking big-ass bruise on your cheek. You are hurt. Of course, I am gonna-"

"Nope don't you dare say you are going to care. You are fucking ridiculous. I met you Yesterday. Yesterday. You heard that. You can't just immediately care about me. You don't even know what goes on in my life. You know too little to care about. You don't even know me!"

"Yes! Ok! I don't know you. But guess what? I know you enough to know that something bad is happening in your life. You say I don't know you. I see you sitting all by yourself in the cafeteria, or under the tree. The only people you talk to are Alaska and Stephany. I don't know why but those are the only two people you associate with. You have English, Calc and Chemistry with me and you always take the back seat at the corner next to the window. You keep to yourself and you are very reserved. There is something going on in your life. I don't know what, but I can tell by the way you act..."

" So you basically been stalking me, huh?"

"Nope. Just observing."

"Sure, whatever floats your boat...So are we done here because I seriously need you to get off me." I said, still trapped between him and the wall.

Amusement flashed through his green irises.

"Oh, I know you like it Babydoll." He smirked and pressed against me more, gently.

I snorted.

"Oh yes I do, Sweetie. I have always wanted to be sandwiched between a grimy, hard wall and an egotistical bastard." I replied.

He, still smirking leaned a little more until our lips were inches from meeting. Those soft, luscious, red, juicy- Snap Out Of It!

My breathing becomes ragged as I looked at his eyes again. But his eyes didn't gaze back at me. His were looking at my lips, his eyes hooded. Lust? I think. Or am I just dreaming?

I studied his features closely.

His high cheekbones any girl would die for.

His mesmerising green eyes.

His sharp jawline.

His brown shaggy locks that covered his forehead. It looked so soft and seemed to shine in the dim-lit room.

And then his full lips. So inviting. His muscular lean chest was pressed against me, rising and falling as he inhaled and exhaled. His hands, that I haven't noticed, were rested on the wall on either side of my head. My long brown hair was scattered against the wall and my hands became a bit clammy.

Who would have thought that this boy took an interest in me? The last person who I let in crushed me. Why am I letting him this close to me? He knows me better than a lot of people in this school.

I promised myself that I wouldn't let anyone in again. But that promise seems to be crumbling away. Slowly but surely. Why can't push him away? It's like I am drawn to him. I know him for roughly two days and now I am trapped with him in a janitors closet. In a very-

Compromising position.

Do you ever go away?


And, no, it is not a compromising position.

Keep telling yourself that.


I was snapped out of my thought when Ethan uttered so softly, that if we weren't so close I wouldn't have heard it.

"What are you doing to me, Isabella?"

I was left speechless but before my brain could even register his words, his lips were on mine.

My body was immediately ignited with an unknown fire. My heart was pounding in my chest, rapidly, as he moved his soft lips on mine.

I was shocked at first but not really knowing what i was doing...

I kissed him back.

My lips in sync with his.




What is happening here?

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xoxo xcrazymonkeyx

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