Yancy X Reader: Youse new here?

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Dedicated to the thousands of Yancy fans out there.  (BTW I have no idea on how a prison works sooooooo, I'm sorry if I get things wrong). I'm so sorry I haven't been able to publish more, I just haven't been motivated to write anything. I don't know how people can write and publish a story in one day, it's amazing. 

Y/N = Your name :D
L/N = Last name :D

"Welcome to Happy Trails Penitentiary. This is where you'll find most trouble makers in this town, but don't be afraid. They're lovely."
"Uh, thank you Mr Murder-Slaughter." I'm sure I'll be fine, they all do seem quite uhhh lovely." I reply, looking around the cafeteria, which are full of prisoners. They all sit around eating what should look like food, but instead looks like green and brown mush.
"You'll be safe here, I promise. Anyway, if you will come with me, I'll take you on a little tour of this wonderful place." He says, leading me outside. I take a glance at everyone in the room and my eyes land on a very loud man, who seems to be singing on top of a table, his black hair slicked back and a small bandage placed on his cheek.
"Now that's Yancy, he's a strange one, doesn't seem to cause too much trouble." Mr Murder-Slaughter explains, before opening a door, which reveals the courtyard where most of the inmates would spend playing sports or causing mayhem.

Mini time skip

He finishes the tour, leading me back to the cafeteria, where it was mostly clear of inmates.
"And that's it! This place isn't too big so I'm sure you won't get lost."
"Oh I-" I try to say something, but he won't let me finish.
"Anyway that's it from me, from now on, you're part of the Happy Trails family! Good luck." And with that he hands me a pair of keys and walks straight off.
"Okay then. How nice." I mutter to myself, as I shove the keys in my pocket. A sudden wave of nervousness floods me and I quickly shake my head, trying to focus on something else. I scan the cafeteria and my eyes lock on Yancy and a small group who seem to be rehearsing some sort of dance. I notice that most of the tables and chairs have been pushed to the walls and I find myself staring at them as they all begin their dance, Yancy humming a tune as the others follow the rhythm. I lean against the wall and watch their dance, my lips slowly curving into a smile as I see how happy they all look, especially Yancy. After their little routine had finished, they all push the tables back to their original positions and head back to their cells. I sigh and start heading to the courtyard, until I'm stopped by a rowdy voice, 
"Youse new here?" I turn back around to face Yancy, who's leaning against one of the tables at the back of the cafeteria, his arms crossed. I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. 
"Uh yes, yes I am. You're Yancy right?"
"Yep, and youse are?" He asks and I notice his heavy Brooklyn accent.
"Y/N. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too Y/N." He smiles, relaxing his posture. I walk over to him, a hand on my hip. 
"Shouldn't you be back in your cell?" I ask, tilting my head. 
"What's wrong with staying out here and talking to youse? I don't think I'm causing any trouble." He says, smirking. 
"Well, I guess not." I reply, a little taken back. 
"You seem a little nervous, you all good?" 
"Well..." Should I really open up to some prisoner who's in here for apparently killing his parents and risk exposing my fears? Yeah, seems fine to me. "It is my first day, so I guess I am a little nervous." I say, smiling shyly. He gives me a reassuring smile, 
"Don't worry about it, youse gonna fit right in...." 
"Uhh thanks." 
"Yancy! Get back to your cell, stop annoying the rookie!" Mr Muder-Slaughter yells, scaring us both. 
"Uh yes sir!" Yancy says, stuttering a little. He waves at me before walking off to his cell. 
"You all right?" Mr Murder-Slaughter asks, glaring at Yancy as he walks past. 
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say, still thinking about what Yancy said. 'Youse gonna fit right in? What does that mean? And why did he say it so.....weirdly? 
"Just be careful around him, he's a bit, weird. It's like he wants to stay in this prison. Always singing about how he "doesn't want to be free." He says, walking up to me. 
"He doesn't want to go?" I ask, even more confused. 
"Yep, he's a weird one, but I'll make sure he doesn't bother you too much."
"Oh no he's not annoying or anything like that, he's just....interesting." I say, staring at the floor.
"Interesting is an understatement, darling. Wait till you've been here for a month. Then you'll know how "interesting" he is." 
"What do you- Mr Murder-Slaughter?" I look around the cafeteria, trying to find him. He just disappeared? How is that even possible? This place is already getting to my head. Mark warned me about this place. 

Yeah, I'm not proud of this one. I wish I could do better, but the lack of motivation is just slowing me down and I hate it. 

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