Yancy x Reader: Youse new here? Pt 2

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Part two! You're a guard and you try to convince Yancy that there is some good out there. 

Oh and 3K reads????? Bruh that's amazing! 


I've been working at Happy Trails for a few months and most of the prisoners have gotten used to me and I guess I'm used to most prisoners too. Well, except for Yancy. Hear me out, it's not that he has done anything bad to me or is rude or is hurting me. No, nothing like that. It's his motives about this place that I'm just not used to. I'm used to everything about him except his motives. He doesn't want to be free. It's puzzled me ever since I found out that he doesn't want to get out of this place. It doesn't make sense. He's a good guy, I guarantee you that, he sings, he dances and he makes prison life for his fellow inmates, more or less, enjoyable. But wouldn't anyone, after time, get sick of being a prisoner? Locked up, with not much to do and being labeled as a "good for nothing human being." Wouldn't he want to open up a new chapter of his life or something and just... move on? Try again? Live a life that excludes crime? I'm sure he's heard it from his mates, that life can be better outside of here, but I guess he just doesn't want to move on. It's like being outside of prison is worse than being inside.

Yancy and I have been talking, but I've never raised the question about why he doesn't want to be free. I don't want him to think I'm being nosy or suspicious, I'm just genuinely curious. Maybe I could ask him today? Maybe he might-
"Y/N!" I jump, instantly turning around to see who was yelling at me. "Over here." I turn around to face Mr Murder-Slaughter himself, glaring at me, his arms crossed.
"Sorry Sir, I must have dozed off...."
"It's alright, but next time, be careful. Don't want no prisoners misbehaving under your watch do we?"
"No Sir."
"Please, Y/N, you don't have to call me sir, only these dirty- I mean prisoners, have to. Mr Murder-Slaughter is just fine."
"Okay Mr Murder-Slaughter." I reply, giving him a small smile. He smiles back, before his usual frown takes over again.
"Well, get back to work now."
"Oka-" I didn't get to finish my sentence since he just walked straight off.
"Rude." I mutter underneath my breath. I look around the courtyard and notice that most of the prisoners have headed back inside. I sigh before heading back inside, half my mind still thinking about Yancy. Thinking about his slicked back hair, his serious but kinda cute Brooklyn accent, not to mention his outstanding voice when he sings. I mindlessly walk into the cafeteria and am greeted with Yancy singing loudly as some prisoners sing with him and others dance alongside him.  
"I don't wanna be free! Leave me in luxury!" He spins and faces me, tilting his head and winking, before singing again. My face reddens and I stare at him and his group happily singing and dancing, Yancy glancing at me ever so often. He finishes the song and leaps of the table, landing right in front of me. 
"Did youse enjoy the show?" He asks, as everyone settles down. I laugh and look at him, his eyes shining with excitement. 
"Yes I did. It was great Yancy." I say, smiling at him. 
"Well I'm glad that youse likes it, I worked hard on it ya know."
"Oh I see." I say, giggling. 
"Youse don't don't believe me do you?" 
"Oh no no! Of course I do." I say, still giggling. He smiles before giving me a small wink and walking off. That damn wink. I was about to check on the cells, when I remembered what I wanted to ask him. 
"Yancy!" He turns around and raises an eyebrow. 
"You've got free time right?" He looks at the clock and then back at me. 
"Yeah I do, did I do something wrong?"
"Oh no! I just wanted to....talk." He gives me a confused look before shrugging and walking up to me. We both sit around one of the cafeteria tables,
"Okay, what do youse wanna talk about?" He asks, tilting his head. 
"I know, this seems weird and all, but this question has been bugging me for the past few weeks." He looks at me, still confused. "Why don't you wanna be free?" He gives me an even more confused look before saying, 
"I can't. That world just ain't for me." 
"Is it that, or are you scared about what will happen to you out there?" He frowns and looks down at the table. 
"I don't know." He mumbles. "I just don't think there's any good out there." 
" Trust me, there is. There is so much good outside of this prison. You get to start over. You've served you're time and now you get to live a new life. It's a new beginning."
"I...I don't know Y/N. It just doesn't seem right. No ones gonna accept some criminal, youse should know that!" 
"You've changed Yancy, we both know that. I promise you, life out there is so much better than here. It may seem like you've got everything here but trust me, you'll have so much more out there." 
"No, I don't think you understand me, this is my home and I'm not leaving!" With that he gets up and walks away, huffing. I sigh lean my head against the table. 
"Worth a shot." I mutter. 

3 months later

After that encounter, Yancy and I still talk and he did apologize for walking off, but he still stands firm on his decision. He does everything in his power to skip parole. He behaves well, but when he knows he's being too good, he does something bad to let him stay. Whether it be throwing a punch or stealing another inmates belongings, he'll do anything to not make parole. I do admit, Yancy and I have been getting a lot more closer and I don't mind, he's a sweetheart, If only he understands that himself. He's not bad, he's good. He deserves so much. I often find myself thinking about him but I just can't help it! He's.....he has such a good heart and that's what I love about him. If only he realizes that and just....changes! He can leave this place and maybe...Maybe we could be......even more close. I don't know, it's complicated and I hate that.
"Y/N! AGAIN!" I quickly snap out of of my daydream and face Mr Murder-Slaughter. 
"Sorry Mr Murder-Slaughter." He just growls before walking off, his arms crossed and an angry look on his face. Yancy creeps up behind him, imitating his actions and I snort, immediately covering my mouth. Mr Murder-Slaughter looks back and I turn around, pretending to look over the prisoners. He turns around and I take a glance behind me and see Yancy, his arms crossed and an angry look on his face as he continues to imitate Mr Murder-Slaughter. My hands cover my mouth as I laugh as quietly as I can. Mr Murder-Slaughter enters his office and Yancy quickly turns back, pretending that he was never there. He calmly walks towards me, trying not to laugh and I do the same, smiling the whole time. 
"Did youse like that?" He asks, laughing. 
"That was hilarious" I reply, leaning on him, wiping a few tears. I notice him blushing and I quickly stand up straight, feeling my own face heating up. 
"I'm glad you liked it, didn't want to get in trouble and I felt bad for youse....youse shouldn't get a telling off by that piece of trash."
"Hold on, you didn't want to get in trouble?" I ask, puzzled at his attitude. He shrugs and looks down, his hands shoved in his pockets. 
"I've been thinking about what youse said. I don't normally think of these things normally but, youse got me thinking ya know? There's only one reason why I'm thinking about leaving....." I smile, encouraging him to go on. 
"It's.....it's youse." He says, blushing even more. 
"Me? Yancy what are-" It suddenly hits me and my eyes light up. 
"I thought if I make parole this time, maybe I could spend time with youse....but youse don't have to if youse ain't like that stuff or something." 
"Yancy." He looks up at me and I tackle him into a hug, a stupid smile on my face. 

1 Month Later 

"So, how does it feel?" 
"It feels different I can tell youse that." 
"Don't worry you'll get used to it." 
"Are youse sure you're okay with me staying here?"
"Of course cutie, I'm fine with it."
"You don't like the name?" He bends down and places a small kiss on my cheek, leaving me flustered. 
"I love it. I love youse and everything youse have done for me." He says, pulling me into a hug. 
"Awww Yancy, I love you too." 

This took longer than expected. 

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