Wilford Warfstache x Reader: Boredom

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Y/N = Your name :D
F/D = Favourite Drink :D

"Whyyyyyyyyyyy" I whine at Wilford who's dragging me by the arm and forcing me into the car.
"Because we need clothes." He says, smirking as he starts the car.
"But didn't we go shopping for clothes like a week ago?" I ask, annoyed at the fact that we have to go. Look, I don't mind shopping, but when you're shopping with Wilford, oh boy. He takes FOREVER to choose one damn item.
"Yeah, but I guess we do need other things than just clothes. Maybe some new sheets or some pillows or something." He says, now driving to the mall. I groan but I guess we do need some of these things, our house does need a little bit of a refresh. We pull into the car park and he immediately walks into one of the many department stores. 

"Wilford I'm bored!"
"Yes, I know, just one more shop alright?"
"But you've said that five times already!" 
"I have?"
"YES, yes you have! Can we just go home now" I whine, as he examines a pastel yellow dress shirt. 
"Just a minute." He mumbles, his eyes lighting up as he spies a pair of bright pink suspenders. I groan in annoyance as I hesitantly follow him as he skips to the next new item that's caught his attention. My feet ache from walking so much, that I'm kind of convinced that they'll fall right off and my stomach grumbles loudly, begging for food. 
"Do you think this would look good on me?" He asks, picking up the suspenders. I look at the bright pink suspenders that literally scream Wilford and my eyes then settle on Wilford's adorable grin and I can't help but smile a little. Key word: little 
"Yeah, they'll look good." I say, crossing my arms. 
"Perfect, I'll just chuck these in." He says, throwing the package of suspenders into a basket full of other crap- I mean stuff we "really" need for our house and ourselves. 
"Jesus Wilford, how much stuff do we need?" I ask, my mind wondering about the hefty price that will come with this. 
"Our house needs a little makeover and so do I, so......" He says smirking at me. 
"You and I know both know very well that you don't need a makeover." I say, returning his smirk. 
"Well maybe it's not a makeover, it's more like "I need more clothes because I get too much blood on it" He says, laughing. I roll my eyes, knowing full well that what he's saying is true, 
"Maybe if you don't kill all your guests....." I say, raising an eyebrow to him. 
"Oh shut up, they asked for it." He says, walking to the counter. I snort, Wilford is one of a kind. 

"HOLD UP! I thought that was the last shop!" I protest, as he drags me into another store. 
"I said 'one more shop', meaning that this is the last shop, not that one." He says, giving me a little smirk, knowing that I am real pissed. 
"You little sh-"
"Oooooooh! Look at that bow tie!" He says, grabbing my hand and sprinting to the array of brightly coloured bow ties. 

"Wilford if we don't leave in five minutes, your ass is beat!" I growl, as he purposely takes his time looking through the variety of pink and yellow bed sheets.
"Of course dear, we'll leave in five minutes." He says, completely ignoring my threat. 
"Wilfoooooooooooooord! Why are you doing this to me!?" I say, smiling slightly at the fact that I sound like a child. 
"I am doing nothing to you Y/N! We're just having a lovely day out shopping!" He says, bringing me in for a side hug. 
"Lovely my ass." I grumble, crossing my arms. He laughs, before kissing the top of my head. 
"We're going home now, don't worry." He says, leading us both to the exits. My eyes widen in disbelief as the glorious sunshine hits my face and the smell of fresh air washes over me. 
"YES!" I yell, spinning around and the bags I'm carrying are swinging around me. I do a small victory dance and see Wilford in the corner of my eye, laughing as he walks to the car. 

"See it wasn't that bad!" He says, as we cruise along the long road back home. 
"You're joking! It was bad!" I say, giggling as I take a sip of my F/D Wilford bought me as an "apology gift". 
"Well at least we got some new stuff for you and I." He says, taking a quick glance to the backseat, which is filled with bags of all kinds. 
"True, true. Well, more for you, a little less for me." I say, snorting. 
"Well there are at least some things for you." He says, laughing at my snort. 
"Hey, I'm just glad you got me a F/D!" I say, erupting into a fit of giggles. 
"You're welcome~" He sings, joining in with my laughter. 
"Wilford Warfstache you are something else."
"And that is exactly why you love me." He says, giving me a quick wink. I feel my face heat up and I can't deny what he said. 
"Damn right." 

Yeah I know it's crap, school's back and I'm "ecstatic"

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