Chase Brody x Reader: Remorse

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Y/N = Your name :D
(Just a slight disclaimer for anyone who is suffering from depression to not read this one shot. I don't want anyone to be hurt or offended. I love you all! :D) 

Third Person POV
You were always there for him, when he needed you the most. And so was he. Well, so you thought. You both had met at a bar, there for different, yet same reasons. Heartbreak. Chase had filled you in with his story of sorrow and you had filled him with yours. You both seemed to understand each other and as time passed, you both grew closer. But not close enough. You loved him, but you knew he still had a soft spot for Stacy. Of course it wasn't just Stacy, he loved and missed his kids too. Who could blame him, he missed his old life and he was blinded by love, and at one point, you were too. You knew how it would all end up, but he wouldn't listen nor care. Yes, he loved you, but not in the way you wished. But you can't force love. Love has it's ways, and it clearly wasn't taking your path. Even after everything that you both had been through together, it just wasn't enough. Never enough. He would always treasure you as friend, not a lover. A best friend, not a partner. You knew you had to move on, but your heart once again broke when she came back. 

I groaned as I heard my phones ringtone blaring loudly. I sighed and got up from my comfortable bed, to the kitchen, silently cursing myself for leaving it there.
"Hello?" I answered, groggily.
"W-what? I mean, really! That's amazing! I'm happy for you Chase!" I say, faking my cherry voice, not wanting to ruin his moment.
"I KNOW RIGHT! I get to see my kids again! This.....I just can't believe it! I'm so happy!" He says, as you hear him laugh in between sobs. 
"Ha yeah. I'm so happy for you!" I say, holding back tears. I hear him sigh on the other end,
"I'm finally happy again! Anyway, I have to go now, gotta go pack. I'll see ya around."
"Yeah, I'll see yo-" He hung up. I'm sure it was a mistake. I stare at the phone, before shaking my head. Why would he ring me back just for me to say bye. That's stupid. It's not like this is the last time I able to talk to him. Right? I collapse onto the couch, tears now streaming down my face. I just don't get it. He told me everything about her. How she left him without anything. She didn't even let him see his damn kids! He begged for her and she always ignored him. She would always yell insults through the phone when he tried to talk to his kids. Now all of a sudden they're back together. Three days ago he came to me, crying his eyes out, when she again rejected him. I was always there for him. I would never say no when he needed a hug. I would never say no when he needed someone to talk to. I would never say no when he wanted to hangout with me. I was always there for him. Shit, he was always there for me! He never denied me a cuddle. He would never say no when I needed someone to rant to. He would listen to me, just like I did to him. After all that we have been through, he surely won't forget me. He won't. He....I know he still loves me. 

Time Skip a few months

"Hey Chase! How are yo-"
"Uh Y/N I can't talk right now. Sorry, I'm kind of busy right now."
"Oh yeah, that's fine. May-
"Thanks Y/N. Talk to you later. Bye!" At first, I always told myself that he had just gotten with his family. I should give him some time. Let him spend time with his family, let him finally "feel happy again". But it's been six months. I only call him once or twice a month, and every time he seems to be busy. "Oh sorry Y/N I'm out with the kids!" "Can we talk later, I'm with Stacy right now." "Hey can you call me another time, I'm busy." All I want is to spend time with him again. To see his ocean blue eyes light up as his loud laughter fills the air. To let him hold me until all of my pain goes away. Even if we get to only see each other for five minutes, even twenty seconds! Anything to see him again. I have been watching his videos, but they're not the same. They do help with some of the pain, but it never lasts. I stare at my phone and decide to give it another try. I dial his number and wait,
"Hey." I say, scared that if I say too much, I'll cry.
"Uhhh Y/N? Is that you?"
" is." 
"I would love to talk to you rig-" I cut him off,
"You're too busy? Yeah, I....thought so. Well, I guess I'll let you go."
"Yeah, thanks for understanding. Talk to you la-" I cut the call, throwing my phone onto the ground. I fall onto the floor, pulling at my hair, tears soaking my face. I haven't slept for days, I don't even remember the last time I ate. The constant fear of being forgotten has kept me up all night. It's happened before and it's happening again. But this time, no one is here for me. I don't have someone hugging me, telling me that you will always be loved. Never forgotten. I have no one. Just my own thoughts telling me I will forever be lonely. My heart will always be broken. No one wants to love a broken heart. A broken soul. The same thought flashes through my mind, over and over. 'Maybe I should just end it all. End the pain. It's not like anyone loves me anyway.' I know Chase left his gun at my place. I mean I was the reason why it was here. I took it away from him and hid it, making sure that he knows that I care and shooting himself is not a choice. I didn't want him to hurt himself. But I wasn't worried about myself at the time. Maybe I knew that this was going to happen. Maybe I knew that one day I would just give up. I find myself outside the closet door, where the gun is hiding underneath a few boxes. I don't even know how I got here. I open the door slowly and lift the boxes, one by one, slowly revealing the gun sitting at the bottom of one of the boxes. Next to it, is one single bullet. I crouch down, taking the gun and bullet in my hands. The metal is smooth and cold as I examine both objects. Without thinking I loaded the gun with that single bullet. I feel tears running down my face but I wipe them away. This is for the best. I stand up and close the closet, my hands shaking. I stare at the wall, holding the gun to my temple. I close my eyes, my finger shaking as I feel the trigger. 





Chase's POV
"Y/N! Y/N?! YOU HOME?" I yelled, banging in the door. I wanted her to see my kids, ever since I got back with Stacy. I feel a little guilty that I always have turned her down, but I was busy. Well, some of the times and the other times, I just. I don't know. 
"Y/N!" I yell, starting to get a little worried. 
"Daddy? What's going on?" Asks Sam, who's pulling at my jeans. 
"Yeah Daddy. Is she okay?" Asks Olivia, with a worried face.
"I'm sure everything is okay. Why don't you wait with Mummy in the car alright?" I say. They both smile, "Okay Daddy!"  I chuckle to myself as they run back to the car.
"Y/N! I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE! I SEE YOUR CAR! WHAT'S GOING ON?" I yell. After a few more minutes of banging on the door, I started to get anxious. 
"ALRIGHT! I'M COMING IN!" I yelled, before kicking the door open, to which in my surprise, opened easily. I carefully walked in, taking in my surroundings. I walk into the living room and see her phone on the floor. I pick it up and see that the screen has cracked and the edges are slightly dented. Fear started to take over as my eyes search frantically for her. I see something shiny on the wooden floors and I crouch down, trying to figure what it was. There were small drops of some clear liquid on the floor. Tears? No, I shake my head at the thought. She might of spilt water or something. Still, I feel a small pit in my stomach as I still can't find her. I decide to walk through the hallway, and see if she's in any of the rooms. I slowly walk towards the hallway, hoping she might be there. I turn the corner. I feel the blood drain from my face as my mouth opens in horror. My legs buckle and I fall onto the ground. Tears run down my face like rivers as I throw my hat to the ground. I crawl to Y/N, screaming and sobbing. I run my fingers through her hair as my tears fall onto her pale face. I notice the gun in her hand and scream more. She took that gun to protect me. She took that to save me. And she used it to kill herself. I hear footsteps running towards me.
"Cha-" Stacy says, before gasping. I her her footsteps get closer. "Cha....Chase? W-what happened?"
"My fault." I mumbled.
"IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" I said screaming, pressing my forehead against Y/N's. "ALL MY FAULT! I WAS NEVER THERE FOR HER! WHY WAS I SO BLIND?" I yelled and I yelled. Stacy dragged me away from her body as I kicked and flailed. I heard Stacy call someone, but all I could focus on was Y/N's dead body. 
"What could I have done to save her?" 

Forgotten. Fear. Alone.

Loved. Ignorant. Remorse. 

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