Antisepticeye x Reader: This Time

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Y/N = Your name :)
F/M = Favorite Movie :)

Marvin had invited me over to watch some movies with the septic boys! How could I say no!? They are all so kind to me, they treat me like they've known me for all of their lives. Well, except for one of course. Antispeticeye. I know he's a demon, I know that he's bad shit crazy, but that hasn't made me stop thinking about him. I always want to talk to him, but he always goes away. Just a few days ago it was just Chase, him and I. All I wanted to do was ask him if he was up for a movie, but he just glitched away the second I opened my mouth. Today however, I have convinced myself that this time, I will finally be able to talk to him. 

Time Skip Cause I'm a lazy piece of shit

I arrived at the septic's house and knocked on the door. The door swung open to reveal a very energetic Jackieboy Man. "Y/N!!!!!" He yelled jumping into my arms. I laugh as he spins me around. "Heya Jackie!" I reply, still laughing. 
"Come on in!" He says, smiling brightly. I walk into the massive house and are greeted by all the egos. Well, most of them. We all give hugs and big smiles and finally start to set up the movie. Once that was all finished I volunteered to make the popcorn, since everyone seemed so comfortable. I walked into the kitchen and saw Anti staring outside into the backyard. He didn't seem to notice me, so I crept up behind him and whispered softly, "Boo." He glitched and turned around to face me, his eyes glaring at me. I smile and just give him a "Hey!" Before I walk to the cupboard to fish out snacks. I took out some chips, popcorn packets and chocolate. Perfect! I put the popcorn packets into the microwave and wait for them to pop. I turn around to see Anti right in front of me. I let out a small yelp and he grins. Huh, first time he's ever smiled at me. 
"Why did ya think you could just do that to me lass?" He asked, stepping forward so now my back was on the wall.
"Oh, ya know, cause why not. Might as well have a little bit of fun aye?" I replied cheekily. His eyes softened and his smile got wider.
"Fun you say?"
"Yep. I never get to even talk to you so ya know, might as well do something." He frowns a little but a small smile reappears on his face.
"Yeah, that's true. Sorry." He must of seen the shocked look on my face, because he started laughing. "Why are you so shocked lass?" He asked, in between fits of soft laughter.
"Oh well, maybe it's because I have never ever heard you say sorry before! I sure as hell wasn't expecting that!" I reply, joining in on the laughter. 
"Ahhh well, the more you get to know me, the more I'll show you." He simply says. I raise my eyebrows.
"Oh really? Well, time for you" I poke him in the chest, "to not glitch away from me like a scardey cat!" I say. "Maybe then, I'll get to know you better." He blushed which made me even more surprised and he lowered his head. I frown and lift his chin up with my fingers. "Hey...." I say softly.
"It's.....I glitch away because I think that, IthinkthatyouarereallycutebutIdidn'twanttosayanything!" He blurted out. I stand there absolutely shocked. "I....I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I-" I cut him off by placing my hands on his waist. I look up at him and give him a big hug. His body relaxed and he gladly returned the hug. I release him and quickly give him a kiss on the cheek. Our faces are both now red as hell and he was about to say something, but the microwave beeped. He steps away from me so I can get the popcorn. We silently grab the snacks and look at each other, he gives me a wink and I can feel my face get even more hot. He pulls me to his waist and we walk out and into the living room together. All of the septic boys turn to us and fall silent. Schneep looks like he's about pass out and Marvin's jaw seems like it's stuck to the floor.

Anti's POV
"Hey guys!" I say, giving them a small wave. I toss the bag of chips to Chase and a bar of chocolate to JJ. I lead Y/N to the couch, my arm still wrapped around her waist. Y/N clears her throat before asking, "Soooooo, what are we watching?"
"Oh we....we are watching F/M." Her eyes light up and she fist pumps the air!
"YES!" She yells. We all look at her in shock before bursting out in laughter. It took us a few minutes for us to settle down, and when we did Chase said, "Bro you're even more hyper than Jackie!" 
"What can I say?" She turns to look at me, "I'm a lot fun!" She gives me a wink.
"ALRIGHT LADS! AND LASS! LET'S GET THIS SHOW IN THE ROAADD!" Jackie yelled. We all laughed and started to eat, while the movie started. I felt Y/N shift and realized she had snuggled up to me. I smiled and ran my fingers through her hair. Today was gonna be a good day. 

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