Darkiplier x Reader: Care to dance?

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Y/N  = Your name :D

"Care to dance?" Every night I hear that question. Every night I wake up to that question. I don't know who asks. I don't know why he wants to dance. All I know is that every night, I fall asleep and the last thing I hear before I wake up is, "Care to dance?" Every night I try and try to make myself stay asleep. Every night I try and move forward. But every single time, I get sucked up in  an endless black void. My voice always fail me. My legs always fail me. All I can do is just stand there, listening to his question, trying to answer, before I'm sucked away into the black, infinite void. I've never seen the man who asks me the question, but I crave to know who he is. I need to know. 

Time skip to when you've fallen asleep 

I'm here. I know I've fallen asleep since I feel......light....empty. I look around to see a black void. I sigh knowing that I won't be able to do anything. "Care to dance?" I look up, my eyes widening as I search for the mystery man. I turn to see a figure in front of me. He's wearing a dark grey suit and has raven black hair. What's a bit weird is that he has a blue and red aura to him and I swear he has grey skin. But nonetheless I want to know. I want to know who he is. I want to dance with him. He stretches his arm towards me and all I need to do is take a few steps forward and take it. But my feet are stuck to the ground. Tears start to form in my eyes as I try and force my body to move, but all I can is stand there, staring at him. I try to scream and shout but I can already feel my body being sucked out of this world. 'NO!' I scream in my head. 'NO! PLEASE HELP ME! I WOULD LOVE TO DANCE WITH YOU! PLEASE! PLEASE!' I beg in my head. 'Please help me' He cocks his head to the side. 'Please, I know you can hear me. Please. I want to know. I need to know who you are! I would love to dance with you!' I plead, tears now running down my cheeks. He steps towards me and takes my hand. Instantly, I feel warmer and relieved. My body doesn't feel like it's getting pulled away and I collapse into his arms. He wraps his arms around my waist as he holds me up. My arms snake around his back as I cry into his shoulder. I feel his arms squeeze me gently as one of his hands rub small circles on my back. I look up to his face and he looks down at me. He lets me go and I take a small step away from him. I feel his eyes taking all of my features in and I feel myself heat up. He smiles and stretches out his arm again. "Well, care to dance with me?" He says in a deep voice. This time I nod and take his arm as he pulls me towards him. He wraps one arm around my waist as he takes one of my hands in his. I then wrap one arm around the back of his neck. A soft melody fills my ears as the once black void turns into a bright ballroom. But it's just him and I. We both start to dance and I feel my heartbeat slow down as I relax into his arms. We dance in silence as the gentle melody continues to waft through the air. We both stare at each other's eyes and I give him a small smile, in which he gladly returns. He twirls me around and I let out a giggle as he pulls me to his chest again. The beautiful song fades away as we both stop dancing. "Can I show you something?" He asks, still holding me to his chest. 
"Of course." I say. He smiles and leads me to two big glass doors framed in gold, that lead to a balcony. He opens the doors and I gasp at the beauty around me. We both walk onto the balcony and I stare at the night sky. The stars shine like diamonds, lighting up the night sky, and the moon is at it's brightest, helping the stars light up the black sky. He holds my hand as he too takes in the night sky. I turn to look at him, again taking in his appearance. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow and I quickly turn away, blushing. He chuckles and I turn back to him. 
"What's your name?" I ask, trying to hide my embarrassment. 
"Darkiplier. But you can call me Dark." He says. "And yours?"
"My name's Y/N." I say, smiling.
"A pretty name for a pretty girl." He states, as he reaches for my other hand. I blush and let him hold my hands. He places a gentle kiss on both of them and sighs. "I hate to say this, but our time has come to an end." 
"W-what? Why?" I ask, frowning a little.
"Well, you must wake up and start your day and I......I have to go and start mine." He says, smiling sadly.
"Will I get to see you again?" I ask, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. 
"Of course. Maybe in another dream or maybe....." He trailed off.
"Maybe in real life." I finish for him. He smiles.
"Yes, maybe in real life. But for now we must go on our separate paths." A tear runs down my cheek. He gently wipes it off with his thumb. "Don't cry. I promise that we will get to see each other again. I promise." He says. I smile, as I try to hold in any more tears. "Goodbye for now, Y/N." 
"Goodbye Dark."

My eyes flutter open and sit up in bed. I smile to myself. I did it! I got to see him. I got to dance with him. I look around my room and see a blood red rose sitting on my bed side table. My eyes widen as I take it into my hands. "It's beautiful." I say to myself. I already know who's it from. I hold it to my chest and sigh happily. One day I'll be able to see him again. One day. 

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