The Host X Reader: Comfort

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Y/N = Your name :D

Living with the Ipliers can be overwhelming at times. Don't get me wrong, I love each and every one of them, but when things start to go downhill in my life, living in such a hectic household can get to you. Especially when today wasn't exactly the greatest day of my life. First of all I woke up late because Yandereplier decided to use my alarm for something, I tried to take a shower, only to find out that someone had used all the hot water. Wilford thought that it was a great idea to wear my blazer for his show, so I was freezing my ass off as I went to work. Not only that, but my assistant spilt coffee all over my shirt (I didn't have a spare one either which was just fantastic). To top it all off, my boss absolutely "loves" me, as he told me to work another two hours. What an amazing day amiright? I let out a shaky sigh as tears started to fall down my cheeks, but I really didn't care at the moment. Right now, I'm sitting on a park bench watching the sunset, which I guess is nice, but at this moment, my mood isn't the greatest to acknowledge the beauty around me. "I hate my life." I whispered to myself, sniffling. 
"The Host approached Y/N as she seemed to be crying and had whispered "I hate myself". Host then sits next to the exhausted Y/N as he wonders why is she crying?" The Host asks, as he seats himself next to me. I sigh and look up to a worried looking Host, before leaning my head back as I stare at the darkening sky. He quietly narrates my actions and I say, 
"I'm fine Host. I've just a tough day. That's all." I say, my arm draped over my forehead. 
"Host nods, understanding Y/N's emotions. Host then moves closer to Y/N. Host wants Y/N to know that Host loves her and if there is anything she needs, she can always rely on Host." He says, smiling at me. 
"......Host......" I was lost for words. I knew Host was a sweet bean but.....I didn't know he loved me.
"Host is patient. Host understands how Y/N is feeling. Host says that there is no need to answer Host immediately." He says, squeezing my hand.
"I love you too." I say, crying again. 
"The Host then pulls Y/N closer and she proceeds to cry into Host's shoulder. Though Host does not mind. Host loves Y/N, therefore Host will do anything to make her feel better." He says, rubbing small circles on my back. My body shakes as he continues to narrate our actions as well as whisper sweet nothings to me. The sky is now lit up with stars and I shiver in the night's breeze. 
"Host asks Y/N if she would like to go home now, but Host doesn't mind if she would like to stay." He asks.
"We....we can go now." I whisper, still holding onto his trench coat. We both stand up and a new feeling washes over me. Happiness. 
"Host gently wipes the last of Y/N's tears and takes her hand in his. Host and Y/N begin to walk......." His voice becomes a soft mutter as we make our way to the Iplier mansion. We stood at the driveway and before we could walk up it, I pulled Host to the side. 
"Thank you Host. Thank you for-"
"Host cuts Y/N off. Host says that he will do anything for Y/N. Host loves her and will never trade her for anything. Not even the world. Y/N's cheeks redden at his words and he smiles softly. Host always thought she looked adorable when she blushed. Host-"
This time I cut him off with a small kiss. 
"No, you're adorable when you blush!" I giggle, kissing his nose. He look down, muttering to himself, a small smile playing at his lips. I take his hand in mine and we enter the mansion. 
"You guys are cute together." Wilford smirked, walking away from the window. 
"Don't you dare tell me you were spying on us." I say, giggling a little. 
"I told him not to. I told him it was rude. He clearly doesn't listen." Dark said, glaring at Wilford. 
"Host was going to tell Y/N that Wilford was spying on us, but Y/N had cut Host off with a kiss. Host was too flustered to say anything afterwards." Host says, blushing. 
"Wilford you sneaky bitch." I say, smirking at him. 
"Whatttttt? It was cute okay?" He says, twirling his golden pistol around. 
"Wilford you should be careful with that gun." Google states as both him and Bing walk in. 
"Yeah yeah Google Woogle." He says. I roll my eyes and turn to Host, a pleading look on my face. 
"Host lowers his voice and asks Y/N if she would like to stay in library with him?" He asks, holding my hands. 
"I would love to." I reply, thoroughly relieved. We both walk up to the library, letting the rest of the Ipliers to bicker. The rest of the night was spent with Host reading books aloud to me as I snuggled in his lap, slowly drifting asleep. 
Note to self: Host is a sweet bean. My sweet bean. 

Look I know it's shit. The term is almost over and I promise I'll write better stories than this. Just bear with me. \(*-*)/

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