Googleplier x Android Reader: I'll show you

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Y/N = Your Name :D
F/C = Favourite Colour :D

Third Person POV
"Who. Is. That?" Google asks Mark, a disgusted look on his face. 
"Oh that! That is Y/N. A new android prototype from Google. She's one of ya!" Mark exclaims happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Thought you and Bing might need some company, and when I saw her, I thought that this was the perfect opportunity to get you two a new friend!" He continued, smiling. Google growls,
"Don't you think we already have enough company in this household?" He asks, never taking his eyes off of the "female" android, who was currently talking to an ecstatic Wilford.
"Well yes but no. I know we have a lot of people at the Iplier Mansion, but only two androids! I thought that maybe you guys could relate to each other a whole lot better than the others..." He says, his smile not as large as the one he had just held. 
"That's real rad of you Broski!" Yells Bing, who just skated into the room, skidding his skateboard to a halt. Google cringed at his "brother" and decided to introduce himself to android. She might as well know who's the superior android in this house. 

"Oh I cannot WAIT to take you shopping! Get you out of these ridiculous clothes! Oh it would be so much fun! What do ya think Y/N? Ya up for it?" Wilford asks me, his eyes shining in the light. 
"Of course Wilford. I would love to go shopping with you. But what is so ridiculous about my clothes?" I ask, thinking that a simple pair of jeans and a F/C shirt would be an appropriate style. 
"Oh no, nothing's wrong with it darling, it's just could do so much better with such a pretty face like yours!" He replies, his hands clasped together. 
"Oh I see. Well if it will make you happy, then I shall come." I say, giving him a small smile. Is that how you do it? Smile when you are "feeling" happy? Yes I think so. 
"Oh I can't WAIT! But we will have to go tomorrow, unfortunately I'm currently busy with an interview tonight."
"Oh, that is alright Wilford. Would you like me to set a reminder on my calendar?" I ask, already pulling a holographic screen in front of me. 
"Yes that would be good." He replies, staring curiously at the screen in front of me. 
"Done. Reminder set for Sunday the first of September: Go shopping with Wilford." I state in a slightly more robotic voice than my usual one. 
"Perfect! Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get ready~!" He sings, skipping off. I turn around to face Mark, but am face to face with another man. Oh.....Google IRL.
"Hello." He greets, he seems to be glaring at me. 
"Hello! My name is Y/N. I am the second android prototype from Google! You must be the original Goog-"
"Google IRL. Yes, yes I am. But call me Google." He says, cutting me off. His voice a bit commanding. 
"Well, Google. It is nice to meet you. I am glad there are other androids in this household." I say, nodding towards the android who seems to be from Bing. 
"Yes. Yes it is." He says, still glaring at me. "Why are you smiling?" He suddenly asks, looking at me up and down.
"Oh I am smiling because I am happy. According to my search results, you smile when you are happy or amused. And right now, I am happy." I reply. 
"Happy? Why are you happy?" He asks, his glare softening just a little bit. 
"Well I am happy because I've been introduced to a new life, filled with new responsibilities, opportunities and people! And I am glad that I have met you." I add, smiling even more than before. 
"You're glad that you met me?" He asks, his voice no longer carrying a commanding tone. 
"Yes of course I am glad! It feels nice to communicate to other androids. It is more, how do the humans say it...ah yes! More relatable!" I say, placing a hand on his chest. His eyes widen and he looks to my arm and then back at me.
"What are you doing?" He asks. 
"Isn't this how you show affection?" I ask, now confused myself. Mark chuckles and we both turn to face him, my hand still on his chest. 
"No Y/N. But you are pretty close." He says, walking to us. He gently takes my hand and cups it to Google's cheek. I light blush appeared on his face. I thought blushing was a new feature only for the second prototype....Interesting. "Or you could do this!" Mark exclaims, placing my hand on his shoulder. 
"Oh I see. Thank you Mark." I say, smiling at both him and Google.
"That's alright. I'll leave you both to it!" He says, before walking out the room. Google and I were the only "people" in the room and I didn't mind. 
"I prefer this action." I say, cupping his cheek again. 
"I think I prefer that one too." He mumbles, his cheeks again a light pink. 
"You do?" I ask, my thumb caressing his cheek. 
"Yes. Yes I do." He states, his lips curling into a smile. He places his hand on top of the one I currently held at his cheek and squeezed it gently. 
"My main task in talking to you was to make sure you know who is superior but now.....I'm not sure what's happened, but I am very glad that our conversation turned out this way." He says, his eyes soft and compassionate. 
"I could tell you didn't like me when you first started talking to me." I say, a chuckle leaving my lips. My eyes widen and I place my other hand over my mouth. "Was that a-"
"A laugh? Yes. Yes it was." He says, laughing himself as he stares at my shocked expression. His hand lets go of mine and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. Both my arms fall to my side and I tilt my head, giving him a questioning look. 
"What are you doing?" I ask, his face mere inches away from mine. 
"Can I show you another action?" He asks softly, a light blush, once again appearing on his face. 
"Yes you can." I whisper, and my cheeks feel weirdly warmer. He starts to lean in, and I hear a faint whir from both our bodies as I lean in too. My eyes flutter shut as our lips connect and my arms snake around his neck, pulling him even closer to me. Whatever it is that I'm feeling right now, feels so.....amazing. Simply breathtaking. I never knew his lips were so soft and his skin so smooth. Slowly we both pull away, and my eyes open, staring at his shy expression. 
"That....that was amazing." I say softly, "What is that action called?" 
"Oh that, that's called a kiss." He says, smiling at me. 
"Oh." He then leans in and and places his lips on my cheek and the my nose. 
"Those. Those are kisses too." He says, resting his forehead on mine. 
"I like those. Especially from you." I say, this time I kiss his nose. 
"OH. MY. GOD!!!!! THAT'S SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!" Wilford squeals, and both Google and I turn to a very giggly Wilford. Mark and Bing run in, along with all the other household occupants. 
"I ship it!" Bing yells, highfiving Wilford. 
"Same." Mark chirps in. 
"What is shipping?" I ask, and the whole room goes silent. "Never mind. I know now." I say, my cheeks very warm at the definition I just read. Everyone laughs and I turn to face Google. 
"I like this ship."
"Me too." 

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