Dr Schneeplestein x Reader: Jealous are we?

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Y/N = Your name :D
L/N - Last name :D
E/C = Eye colour :D

AN: When Henrik is not speaking out loud, imma just do a plain English accent cause....I'm lazy. Oh and this is a little suggestive, so if any of you don't like that kind of stuff.....I recommend that you do not read this one shot lmao. 

Dr Schneeplestein's POV 
I walked out of my office to get my fourth cup of coffee and noticed a large crowd in the break room. 
"Dr L/N you did amazing!"
"You're such a hero!"
"Congratulations, I think you're our best doctor or surgeon-"
"Or both!"
"Yes, or both, yet!" Nurses, doctors and surgeons all surrounded a flustered Dr L/N as they all praised her for something. Probably saving another life. I roll my eyes and head towards the coffee machine, avoiding everyone. I wouldn't say she's the best doctor in this hospital. She's new, she shouldn't be that good. Yet she's saved so many lives in a period of what? 6 months. It's not like I can't do the same. I probably could do better! I used to be praised like that, I was and still am the best doctor in this damn hospital. But ever since she came, people just threw me away like I'm trash. I save a life, nothing happens.....she does and the whole hospital goes "All hail Queen L/N!" I huff and grab my coffee, and turn to leave. I glare at the large crowd surrounding her and then at Y/N herself. She's clearly not wanting the attention, I can see it in her pretty E/C eyes. Wait....what the fuck? Pretty? I shake my head, what's wrong with me? I head towards my office, I still have a shit ton of paperwork to fill out, since I've been busy with surgeries. 
"Dr Schneeplestein?" I hear her voice call. I turn around, quite surprised actually, that she would talk to me. 
"Ves?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. 
"Oh, I just wanted to congratulate you for your latest surgery! I heard it was quite difficult." She says, smiling. My eyes widen in shock. She's congratulating.....me?
"Oh, vhy thank you Dr L/N. Now uhhhh if you vill excuse me, I need to get my papervork done." I say, not liking the way people are now staring at me. I swear I see her frown but I quickly turn right back around and shut my office door without looking back. I let out a breathe I had no idea I was holding and lean back onto the door. 

"Huh." I stare at the now shut door of Dr Schneeplestein's office slightly frowning. 
"What's wrong Y/N?" Nurse Bisognin, or as I liked to call her, Marzia, asked. I turn to her, a small frown still on my face, 
"Oh nothing....." I trail off, a little lost in thought. 
"He's jealous of you, you know that right?" She says, folding her arms. 
"What?!" I reply, snapping out of my thoughts. She smirks and places one of her hands on my shoulder,
"He's jealous of you. Dr Schneeplestein. He used to be the top doctor around here, and now that you've come, saving lives and successfully completing risky transplants and what not, it's safe to say that he's a little jealous of you." She said, tilting her head. 
"Dr Schneeplestein! Jealous?! Of me? No! He is still one of the top doctors in this entire hospital! And I haven't saved that many lives. And I am definitely not one of the best around here, you know that Marzia!" I protest, a hand on my hip. 
"Oh come on Y/N! You and I both know that's not true. But you know what is true?" She asks, a cheeky grin on her face. Uh oh, I don't like that face.
"What?" I ask, a little scared. 
"He likes you!" She whispers, winking. 
"What! No!" I whisper back, earning a couple of stares from people near by. 
"Yes he does! I noticed him blushing when he was getting a coffee from the break room. He was staring at you! And I'm not gonna lie, but you guys look kinda cute together!" She says, her voice becoming a little louder. 
"Shhhhhh shut up! No he does not like me in that way!" I hiss back, trying not to giggle. 
"Yeah he does, and I know you like him too~" She then leads me to his front door. "That is why you should go tease him!" She giggles. 
"NO-" Before I could protest any further, Marzia opens the door and pushes me inside. 
"Good luck!" She whispers, winking as she shut the door. My eyes are wide open as I stare at the door in shock. I do not want to turn around, but I can't just walk out. Fuck! I'll push her into Dr Kjellberg's office, how'd she like that?!
"Ahem? May I help you?" Dr Schneeplestein asks. I slowly turn around to face him. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Heyyyyyyy, Dr Schneeplestein! What's up?" I ask. Did I really just ask"what's up?" He raises an eyebrow and sits up, putting his pen down. 
"Hello to you too Dr L/N." He says, and I thank my lucky stars he didn't actually answer my question. I study his features and find myself staring a little too long at his arms and his chest. 
"Are you alright Dr L/N?" He asks, and I notice he's gone a little red. Maybe I should tease him.....what could go wrong?
"Oh...me? I'm fine. Are you okay Doctor? You seem to be a little, red?" I point out walking to his desk. His eyes widen and he stutters, trying to find a reasonable excuse as to why he was so red. I place my hands on his desk and lean forward, and he tries his best to not look at my....ya know. 
"Uh....Dr L/N.....I really need to get zis paperwork done.....I...I...." He trails off, looking down at his papers.
"You what Dr Schneeplestein?" I ask, smirking a little. He lifts his head up and stares at me with his pretty blue eyes. His face is basically a tomato and I hold back a giggle at how embarrassed he looks. "Hmmmm? What's wrong?" I ask again. I walk around his desk, still holding eye contact as he turns his chair to face me. 
"Dr L/N......I don't know what you're doing but I'm incredibly busy I-" He says, trying to avoid my gaze. 
"You're so busy you don't have time for me?" I ask, tilting my head, pouting a little. His grip on the arm rests tightens and he blushes even more. Time to take it up a notch. I place my hands  on the back of his chair and lean in, our faces mere inches apart. 
"Y/N! Vhat are you-" I cut him off by sitting on his lap, straddling his waist and again, tilting my head. His legs stiffen but soon relax as my fingers run through his dark brown hair. "Vhat if we get caught?" He asks, his shoulders now only slightly slumped. 
"Marzia locked the door before slamming it in my face. No one will walk in...." I say, rolling my eyes. I play with his stethoscope and then take it off him, placing it on his desk. His hands rest on my thighs and I run one of my fingers up his chest, earning a shiver from him. 
"You know......I heard that you like me? Is that true....Henrik?" I ask, still running my finger up and down his chest. He blushes and bites his lip, making him look a little bit more attractive, 
"Vell.....I.....do find myself staring at you a bit too much. I....." He sighs, staring up at me, "I can't help it, you're beautiful..." He says, his thumbs now rubbing small circles on my thighs. This time it was my turn to blush and I bite my lip, one hand still running through his hair. He grabs my hand that is running up his chest and places it steadily on his chest, where his heart would be. 
"Zere is no point in lying to you....I like you a lot Miss L/N. Zere is no denying zat fact." He says, looking lovingly into my eyes. My heart thumps faster and I swear it might just explode out of my chest. He smirks at my blushing face and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I let out a sigh as his lips brush my neck, leaving a trail of gentle kisses. My hands which had fallen onto my lap, were now travelling up the side of his body before running through his hair. His kisses got rougher and soon enough he found my sweet spot, making me moan softly as I lightly gripped his hair. 
"Henrik~" I whisper, as he still kisses that same spot. He hums in response, his lips leaving my neck. 
"Vat's wrong liebe?" He asks, a smirk still visible on his face. I bite my lip and glare playfully at him. He returns my playful glare before his eyes soften and he gives me a small smile. I smile back and we both lean in and our lips brush, causing my heart to explode. Without warning he pulls me to him, our lips crashing together in a long and passionate kiss. I let his tongue explore my mouth as I again gently pull on his hair, resulting in a low growl coming from him. After a moment or two, we both pull away for some much needed air. I rest my forehead on his and he nuzzles my nose, making me giggle. I raise an eyebrow as I feel something poke at my upper thigh.
"Someone's excited....." I whisper. Henrik instantly blushes, avoiding my gaze. I take a glance at the little clock on the wall and pretend to be shocked. "Oh will you look at that! Time has just flown by.....now if you excuse me, I need to go." I make sure to get up slowly, deliberate brushing my hands on his chest as I get off his lap. 
"You're going to leave me with zis problem?" He asks, frowning a little, motioning to his lower half. I giggle at his flustered face, 
"Sorry "liebe", you'll have to get rid of it yourself~" I say, winking. He smirks, still blushing like a school girl, 
"Tease." He states, pouting. 
"You might just have to get me back~" I reply, walking to the door. 
"Oh I will." He says, winking at me, as I gently shut the door. 
"HOW'D IT GO!?" Marzia yells, running towards me. 
"SHHHHHHH!!!" I hiss, sending apologetic looks to the confused people around us. 
"How'd it go?" She repeated, whispering this time. I smirk at her and she raises her eyebrows, "Not gonna lie, I like that look." I snort and lean in, 
"Let's just say....he might step in my office to get me back.." I whisper. 
"BITCH YOU'RE-" She yells, before I cut her off,
"Bitch you're getting dick tonight!" She stage whispers, and we both erupt into giggles. 
"Shut up I won't! Oh and guess what?" I ask, as I lead her to Dr Kjellberg's office. 
"What?" She asks, completely oblivious to what I'm about to do. I quickly turn open the door and grab her hand, 
"You're turn!" I say, laughing as I push her into his office. 
"NO-" She protests. 
"Good luck~" I whisper, winking and shutting the door. Don't worry, I locked the door ;) 

Yeah I don't know. You're welcome tho

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