Antisepticeye x Reader: MARVIN! HE'S A BABY!

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"EVERYONE, DOWNSTAIRS, NOW!" Marvin yells, causing me to look up from my phone. Oh god, what new trick has he learnt now? Last time he teleported JJ to France and then to Italy in a span of what? 2 hours? It took us at least 3 days to find him. I snap out of my daze and quickly run out of my room, meeting Chase and Jackie by the stairs. We all walk down and are greeted with a very excited Marvin.

All the Septiceyes (including Jack) and I, sat around the living room, waiting for Marvin to tell us all about his new trick.
"Thank you all for being here. It's greatly appreciated." He says and Anti scoffs, lazily tossing his knife in the air. I'm actually quite surprised Anti even showed up, he's always out and about doing who knows what. Marvin glares at him before clearing his throat,
"Anyway, for this trick, I will need a volunteer. Anyone?" We all immediately look away, pretending to not notice his glare, like students when one of them needs to be picked to present first.
"Really? No one?"
"Well, to be fair, last time anyone volunteered, JJ got stuck in Italy for three whole days and before that Schneep's hair wouldn't stop changing colour." Jack says, earning a few nods from his brothers.
"AND I lost my nose!" Chase piped in, crossing his arms. I cover my mouth, trying not laugh, while Anti snorts again.
"That was hilarious."
"No it was not!"
"Yes it was."
"ENOUGH YOU TWO!" Schneep yells, glaring at Anti.
"Wait, we've all volunteered for one of Marv's tricks, except one." Jackie exclaims and we all turn to Anti, who glares at us, clearly not interested.
"Nope. Not doing it." He says, already getting up.
"Sit your ass down, you're doing this!" I say, raising an eyebrow at him. He huffs in defeat, knowing he can't say anything to me. Apparently I'm the only one he doesn't mind in this household and I'm proud of that.
"Fine." He mumbles.
"Perfect! Step right up Anti! Trust me, you'll be just fine." Marvin says, waving him over. Anti grumbles before standing next to him, his arms crossed. 
"What do you want me to do?" He asked, as we all watched eagerly. 
"Just stand there and look pretty." Marvin replies, earning a scoff from Anti and a few snorts from the other egos. Marvin faced him and pulled out his wand, a light blue and green mist emerging from the tip. He then began to mumble something we couldn't understand and with a flash and a bang, the whole room was covered in the wands blue and green mist. I coughed and fanned the front of my face, trying to get rid of the mist and I look around and see the boys all doing the same. Anti and Marvin were no where to be seen and it took a while for the mist to disappear, but when it did, the whole room fell silent. 

There, sitting in front of us, was an infant Anti. We all stared at the baby, wide eyed and confused. Anti cooed before realizing what he had become. Tiny tears formed in his eyes and his body began to shake as he started to sob. 
"Marvin, what the fuck did you do?" Jackie asks, still not looking away from baby Anti. 
"I....this....was, he was meant to....." He mumbles, clearly just as confused as us. 
"Does this spell wear off?" Chase asked, slowly standing up from the couch. 
"I...I think so." 
"VHAT DO YOU MEAN 'YOU THINK SO?'" Schneep yells, already getting frustrated. 
"Alright everybody calm down." Chase says, walking towards Anti, who's still crying. "Hey buddy, don't worry, this spell will wear off." He says softly, before kneeling down to pick him up. Anti stares at him, confused and when Chase starts to lift him up, he screams. "Woah okay! I'm just trying to help." He says, but Anti isn't having any of it. He kick and flails, punching Chase's back with his tiny baby hands. I stand up and take Anti from Chase's arms, much to his disappointment. Anti immediately calms down, and I balance him on my hip, my arms holding him in place. 
"How did you do that?" Jackie asks, amazed. 
"Just because he's a baby, doesn't mean he has changed as a person. Same personality, same likes and dislikes, same everything. We all know that him and Chase aren't exactly best buddies." They all nod in agreement and Chase sighs, 
"I just thought I was good with babies." He says, and we all knew he was talking about his kids. 
"You are Chase, just not with a demonic baby, and that's understandable." Jack says, pulling him into a side hug. 
"BORING!" We all turn to stare at Anti, who smiles and laughs, before glitching out of my arms. 
"Uh, where did he go?" I ask, as we all look around, scared at what he might be doing. We hear giggling coming from the kitchen and I sprint there, just in time to snatch one of the kitchen knives out of his grubby little hands. 
"Anti! No! No Knives." I say sternly, lifting him off the kitchen counter and carrying him back to the living room. He groans and cries a little and I sit on the couch, letting him sit on my lap. 
"Okay, so this spell wears off in 24 hours, so we don't have to give him a special spell or antidote." Marvin says, looking up from what seems to be, a spell book. 
"Okay, so I guess that's good." Chase says, looking at baby Anti, who's currently curled up on my lap, his head resting on my chest. 
"All we have to do is make sure he doesn't get up to any trouble." Jack says, and we all nod in agreement. 
"Knife. Want knife." He looks up to me, giving me the cutest look I've ever seen, but I know better. 
"No Anti. You'll get hurt." I say and he frowns, burying his head in my chest. 
"NO! KNIFE!" He yells, before glitching to the kitchen again. 
"ANTI!" We all run to the kitchen, staring at a very energetic Anti, who jumps up and down on the counter top, a knife which is almost the size of him in one of his hands. 
"Anti, drop the knife now." Marvin says, slowly approaching him. 
"NO! FUCK YOUUUUUU!" Chase laughs and I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh as well. 
"ANTI!" Schneep yells, "LANGUAGE!" Anti pokes his tongue out and glitches out of kitchen. 
"OH SHIT!" Jack yells, running out of the kitchen. 

Time Skip

For the next few hours, we ran all around the house, trying to stop Anti from doing anything stupid. Not just that, but we had to feed him, which didn't end well, when custard ended up on the walls, the floor and even the damn ceiling. I had to stop him from throwing Chase's hat into the pool three times and had to stop him from going into Schneep's office at least twice. The sun had set hours ago and we managed to tire Anti out enough to stop him from glitching everywhere. He sat on the couch, frowning at us as we sat around him, most of us passed out from exhaustion. I look at Anti and he smiles back, knowing full well he was a little fucker. I sigh and scoop him up in my arms and lie down on the couch, hoping that he might fall asleep. He lies down on my chest, his head just below my neck. He plays with my shirt and I start to softly sing a lullaby. 
"Ten little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mamma duck said, quack quack quack quack, only nine little ducks came back~" He looks up at me, a confused look on his face before resting his head on my chest again. 
"Nine little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mamma duck said, quack quack quack quack, only eight little ducks came back~" His breathing started to slow and his hand went to his mouth. 
"Eight little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mamma duck said, quack quack quack quack, only seven little ducks came back~" Now, his thumb was in his mouth and his other hand was lying against my chest. 
"Seven little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mamma duck said, quack quack quack quack, only six little ducks came back~" Slowly but surely, his eyes started to close. 
"Six little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mamma duck said, quack quack quack quack, only five little ducks came back~" His eyes were now closed and I could hear him slowly breathing. I continued to sing softly, making sure he was fully asleep. 

Very tiny time skip
"One little duck went out one day, over the hills.....and far away-" I yawn, feeling tired myself, "mamma duck said, quack quack quack quack, no little ducks came back~" I look around and notice everyone sleeping, and I smile sleepily. 
"No little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mamma duck said, quack quack quack, all the ten little ducks came back~" And with that, I finally close my eyes and drift off to a deep sleep. 

My eyes flutter open and I groan as the sun light hits my face. I try to move but my whole body is squished by something on top of me. 
"Anti?" He groans, his head resting in the crook of my neck. 
"Five more minutes." I giggle and notice that the curtains are drawn open and all the others are already up. I smell coffee and eggs from the kitchen and my stomach grumbles. 
"C'mon Anti, get up."
"But I'm so comfortable." He whines, his arms wrapping around my waist and back, not letting me go. 
"Fine, five more minutes." 
"Yes." He whispers, smiling. You're still a goddamn baby even when you're a grown ass man.
"I know." I giggle and close my eyes, five more minutes doesn't seem too bad. 

Septiceyes and Iplier One Shots! :Dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن