Jackieboy Man x Reader: Stars

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Y/N = Your name :D
YT/N = Your (fake) channel name :D
I'm sorry but I just really love Jackie so here ya go!

"Okay, so I may have not exactly been totally honest with you...." Jack said quietly.
"What do you mean?" I ask, with a concerned face.
"Well, you know how I have "alter egos" and stuff."
"Yeahhhhh....go on."
"Well, they're real. They all are real."
"No...." I exclaim in disbelief. 
"Yep. I'm not joking, I'll even take you to their house." He says confidently.
"Alright then buckeroo, show me!" You say, clearly not believing him.
"If you insist." He then grabs my hand and drags me to the front door. (A/N okay I'm pretty sure Jack can't drive so lets......pretend he can.) We hop in his car and drive towards the so called "septic house."

TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY........a turtle named Gary.

"Okay, we're here." He says, pulling up to a massive house at the end of a road. We both get out of the car and head up the driveway. Jack knocks on the door and it's immediately swung open by a tired looking doctor. His eyes widen as he sees jack and envelops him in a hug. While they embrace I just stare at them in disbelief. Jack releases the Doctor and he introduces me, "Y/N, this is-" 
"Dr Schneep." You finish, staring at him in awe.
"Ahh, ves, it is me. It seems vike you already know who I am?" Dr Schneep asks, smiling.
"Yes, I'm sorry that was rude of me to interrupt the introduction. I'm Y/N" I say, sheepishly. 
"Don't worry about it, I knew you would be shocked." Jack said happily. They both lead me inside to a rather chaotic household. But everyone immediately turned to look at me.
"NO WAY!" A man yelled, with fluffy yellow-green hair and a grey hat yells. "IT'S YT/N!" I blush and say a soft "hey." He runs up to me, "I'm Chase, Chase Brody." 
"Yeah, I know. I know....everyone. BUT because of Jack and his videos, I don't like stalk you guys or anything. I mean like uhhhh yeah, my names Y/N." I say, sounding really stupid. He laughs and the others too. Now, I'm really embarrassed. Great. 
"I'm guessing you're a little shocked that we're real, huh?" A man with a cat mask asks, I assume he's Marvin.
"Yeah, I guess."  Since I had already met Dr Schneep, Chase and now Marvin I go and introduce myself to the others. JJ or Jameson Jackson is an adorable bean, just like I thought and Robbie is a soft zombie boy. Antisepticeye, well, he's a....he's a character. He seemed nice enough. Then, there was Jackieboy Man. Now, I'm not going to lie but I was little nervous when I went to introduce myself. 
"H-hey." I say, trying to hide my blush.
"Heya! I'm guessing ya know me?"
"Uhhhh, yeah. Just wanted to let you know that like I don't stal-" I got cut off by an outburst of laughter coming from the superhero. I smile awkwardly.
"Don't worry about it lass, oh I mean Y/N." He says with a smile before giving me a small wink. I feel my heart starting to beat fast as fuck and I stutter, lost for words. He laughs again and starts to talk about himself more. He talks about his duty to save the world from all violence and injustice and how he just wants the world to go on in peace. I smile at him when he says that, he really does care. I then talk about my career, about how youtube's going for me and blah blah blah. After we finish talking, I realize that we were sitting on the couch, while the other egos talked among each other or were doing something else. I look outside and see the night sky, dusted with stars. I sigh, trying to figure out how it's already night. 
"Hey." Jackie says quietly.
"Yeah, are you okay?" I ask, surprised by the not so loud and energetic superhero. 
"Can I show you something?" He asks, his voice just loud enough for me to hear.
"Sure." I whisper back, my heart and mind racing at what he wants to show me. 
"Okay, follow me." He instructs softly. I give him a small nod and follow his lead as he stands up and heads for the front door. We quickly but quietly leave the house, making sure none of the other egos, or Jack hears or sees us. 
"Okay, so I'm going to need you to hold me." He says, facing me. His blue eyes barely visible in the dim streetlight.
"Oka-wait what." I say, fear growing inside of me.
"Just, trust me. You trust me don't you?" He softly asks.
"I....yes. I do." I say, giving him a smile for reassurance. 
"Okay, good." Then without warning he pulls me to him. Our chests touching. I blush and he quietly says, "Hold on to me." He then picks me up bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck. He runs and then jumps into the air and we both fly up into the night sky. I gasp and close my eyes, tightening my grip on his neck. We continue to fly up until he slowly comes to a stop. "You can look now." He gently says. I slowly open my eyes and gasp at the sight. We are above the clouds and from here I can clearly see the bright stars shining like diamonds in the gorgeous night sky. I gently release my tight grip on Jackie's neck, and he chuckles. "Glad I didn't have to tell ya." I giggle and continue to take in the beautiful night sky in all its wonderful glory. 
"Jackie?" I whisper.
"Hmmmm." He hums in response. 
"Why did you bring me here?" I ask.
"Well, I saw you staring at the night sky and I adored how your pretty eyes lit up when you saw the stars. So I thought I might bring you here to get a better look." He simply says. I blush and turn to him, "Thank you. I love it." I say.
"I'm glad you do." After a few more minutes of us in silence basking in the dull moon light, I hear him whisper, "We should go now. The others might have noticed that we've gone." I frown but I know we have to go. "Okay." 
"I promise I will take you here whenever you want."
"Well, depends if I'm not saving other people's asses." He says. We both laugh as he slowly flies down. 

Jackieboy Man' POV 
I fly down as Y/N holds onto me, her eyes taking in the city below her. I smile, taking in her all beauty. We reach the house and I sigh as my feet touch the ground. We both look at each other and I give her a small smile. Since I'm still holding her, she opened the door and I stepped in. 
"THERE YOU A-" Chase yelled, before looking at both of us, eyes widening. "Oh..." He quietly says. Y/N is still looking at me, oblivious to the stares and silence. Before I can put her down, she kisses me. Fireworks go off in my head as I close my eyes and kiss her back, feeling her soft lips on mine. She pulls away and I put her down. We both look at the others. 
"Oh." Marvin says.
"My."  Dr Schneep continues.
"GOD!" Chase finishes, running up to us. He wraps his arms around us, giving us a big hug. I laugh as the others join us, turning the hug into a big group one. I look over at Anti who has a small smile on his face as leans back onto the wall. I give him a smile and he rolls he eyes before glitching towards us. He joins in on the hug and I feel Y/N's arm wrap around my waist. Once we all break away, Jack starts to fangir- I mean fanboy over us. 
"You guys are so adorable!" He says.
"I KNOW RIGHT BRO!" Chase yells. I've never seen him so happy in such a long time. I smile and Y/N giggles.
"Oh shush Chase!" She says, her cheeks a little pink. A little black speech bubble appeared over JJ's head which read, "I do have to agree with the others. You two seem absolutely perfect for each other." It was my turn to blush as I told JJ playfully, "Oh JJ, now you!" I turn to Y/N and give her a small wink and we all settle down on the couch, listening to Marvin and Robbie explain the whole panicked state they were all in, trying to find us. "But....Robbie.....gives Jackie....and Y/N a....pass."
"Yeah, we let you both off for now!" Marvin says cheekily. I roll my eyes and I hear Y/N laugh, 
"Why thank you Robbie!" She says, while giggling. I look down at her and she looks up to me, I give her a peck on her lips, before hearing Anti yell, "UGHHHH GET A ROOM LOVEBIRDS!!" We all burst out in laughter. You know, I think could live with this. 

Hope you liked it! :D

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