Chapter 1: The New World

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My little miracle and all I've ever dreamt of.

Ben was staring down at Heath with a small smile and bit of fear, "You want to hold him?" I asked quietly.

He gave me a look of surprise before smiling nervously, "He looks so fragile, I'm kind of scared to." He admitted while keeping his eyes longingly over Heath.

I moved over and gestured for him to sit beside me in the bed. As he slowly took a seat in the spot, I lifted Heath gently before placing him in Ben's arms.

Ben didn't breathe for a good minute or two, "Babe, you can breathe, your puffs of air aren't going to blow him away." I joked and watched him break into a smile before nodding and letting out shaky breaths.

His eyes moved from Heath over to me, then he leaned over and kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger for a while, "You did amazing, absolutely amazing." He said quietly while my heart did that giddy thing it does when Ben is proud of me.

I laid my head on his shoulder and ran my hand over our child's hair, he had little light brown hairs going all over the place that made me laugh. "He's got your angry face." I said running my finger over Heaths furrowed brows.

Ben nodded and looked to his face, "He's got your nose." He said smirking at me before running a finger over Heaths nose.

I love the smell of babies, is that weird to admit?

My blissful moment of my tiny little heaven, had to eventually end at some point. Somewhere in the heavens is a God who hates to give me my moment of happiness. I sometimes think I was written into a tragic novel series that won't ever end. All I can think is, 'Why me?' But that won't change the fact that it'll keep happening.

Link walked in with Jolene and the two gave me small smiles, "Congrats on the baby, can we talk with you?" Jolene asked worriedly.

Their expressions told me something wasn't okay, that there was something they wanted to say but were afraid to.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately, cutting to the chase.

Link cleared his throat, "It's Anne. She's going to get taken. I had another dream, but we need you." He said pouring the storm on my perfect sunny day.

As was expected though, honestly.

I gave a small nod, "Anything for her." I said staring down at Heath. It was her and them, their kind that helped give me the luck to get pregnant again.

I'm sure of it, because I couldn't get pregnant before, not until after I met Anne. I've heard of them healing cancer, they did it for Kayla, I only wish I had known her before. Then Kate would still be here, Heath would too.

"I'll do it." I agreed before giving Heath another glance. It soon turned to a minute long stare as a glance just isn't enough for a mother who's seeing her child for the first time.

Especially a mother who's prayed every night for so long.


Annalise's POV

The grip he had was so strong it cracked the bone of my upper arm. I felt the pain shoot up my body, stinging but I tried to fight past it.

Vayne was now himself, no longer a puppet of Nyx's although I'm sure he didn't mind being untouchable for a moment.

He tossed me down into the ground and I watched as the two Vampwolves, ancient ones the size of bears, jabbed the metal stakes into both my hands as they forced them to the wooden floor boards. Mother fuckers!

I let out a cry, watching as my blood soaked the ground and the feeling that soared through my palms and arms was sending excruciating pain.

"Welcome to your home, Annalise." Vayne spat before grabbing a whip with wires attached at the end of it. All I could think was how impressed I was that he started to learn English.

Ive heard English is a very hard language to learn and he just didn't seem like a very smart guy to be honest.

He smacked it to the wood post, wood clippings flying off and scattering to then floor. So he isn't smart, but he's definitely violent.

Shit, that's going to hurt.

Two hours later, and I was right, it hurt. In fact the blood was soaking into the floorboards and I wasn't able to open my left eye. That won't stop me though, from being my normal pain in the ass self.

I lifted my head and spat at him, blood painting his collared shirt. He probably had that dry cleaned somewhere, he probably saved a dry cleaner person from being killed just to have it dry cleaned. He seems like the type to do that. "Sorry, did I ruin your dry cleaned shirt?" I asked laughing softly.


"I'll kill her." Vayne said in disgust and anger, then her voice came, soft and seductive as it always was.

Nyx's heels clicked along the floor, "No, I don't think you will. We're breeding Annalise. I need a son." She said grinning mischievously.

Then she smirked, "Are her wings tied back?" She asked eyeing my wings that've been tied up in chicken wire. Vayne gave a nod, "Yes." He replied bowing to her.

Still her little bitch I see, I wonder where that dick Vladimir is.

She smiled down at me and tipped my chin as she stared into my eyes, "You're lucky I'm keeping you alive." She said quietly before looking to the two men behind her, "This little bird has flown too long, we need to keep her grounded." She said winking at them.

It took a moment but then it came, the cracking of my bones, the tear of my flesh. I let the scream out, and then I tried not to cry, but the pain was similar to having ones limbs ripped off.

My wings laid on the floor, this is the second time they've been removed. I doubt they'll grow back now.

I pursed my lips and looked to Nyx with hatred, "Such a fighter you are. You have to weaken your opponents just to win?" I asked hoping to rile her up.

She looked to the vampwolves, "Have them hung above my bedroom doors. I'd love to look at them before I sleep." She said satisfied.

Dammit, I hate this woman.

I should've killed her when I had the chance, cut the bitch right in half.

Then I went, being dragged back into my cell again.

God dammit!

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