SIW - 26.

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"Daddy's coming home, daddy's coming home!" Cori repeated as I backed my car into the parking spot of the hospital's lot. "Daddy's coming home mommy! Are you excited too?"

I chuckled and looked at her as I put the car in park, "If you're happy, I'm happy."

Cori grinned at me and began taking her seatbelt off. I let out a sigh as she tried opening the door knowing it was on child lock.

"Can you wait a second baby girl? Just a second."

I could hear Cori suck her teeth as I applied the lip gloss to my lips. I stuffed it in the front pockets of my scrubs before finally opening the door and Cori's as well.

"You know the rules about being in hospitals," I said as I held her hand, "Don't touch anything. A lot of sick people are here and you don't want to get sick, okay?"

"Mhm." She nodded. Of course she was still going to touch shit because she was bad as hell. That's just a kid for you.

Cori has been counting down the days until Jay got discharged from the hospital, and honestly so was I. I really had no reason to be excited, but Cori was and if my baby is happy about something then so am I.

Jay had called me earlier today saying his doctor was discharging him. I had no problem picking him up since this is something Cori has been waiting on, so soon as I got off work I went to pick her up from school.

"What floor is he on?" She asked as we went through the metal detectors. We hopped on the elevator and I pressed the third level. I shook my head when she went right behind me to do the same damn thing.

"Floor 3!" She spoke loudly.

I looked down at her, "You can't be loud baby. People are sleeping."

"Bet, I'll be quiet for as long as I can."

I shook my head at her as we hopped off the elevator. The third level was much colder than the main floor, but I brushed it off since I won't be here long.

"Knock on the door baby." I said to Cori soon as we reached Jay's room. She knocked a couple of times before I pushed the door open.

She let out a gasp seeing Jay sitting on the edge of the bed with his belongings in his hands. He matched her tone and held his arms out for her.

"Ugh, daddy I missed you!" She yelled, jumping into his arms. I was about to yell at her ass for jumping on him like that, but he didn't seem like it bothered him.

"I missed you beautiful." Jay said, kissing her on the forehead.

I didn't know what to do so I just sat back and watched the two interact. Cori was such a daddy's girl and I'm just happy Jay is around and in her life. Both of us grew up with shitty fathers so it's actually good to see him step up and be everything our fathers weren't.

His eyes made their way to me and I shyly smiled at him as he held his free arm out for me. "Come on, show me some love." He said in a raspy voice.

Trying not to hurt him, I gave him a friendly hug and pulled away to see him still staring at me.

I laughed and leaned against the chair, "What?"

"Nothing. I appreciate you coming through and scooping me up. My mom is at work and I didn't want to bother my homies. I know I can always call on you."

I smiled a little, "Hmm, what about Brittany though?"

Jay chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Can you believe that she not once stopped by to visit me? I been in this fucking hospital for a month now."

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