SIW - 24.

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"I got here as fast as I could! Is everything okay? Where is he?" I asked all in one breath.

Walking into the hospital, I was met with all of Jay's baby mamas, his mom and brother, and some of his friends. Brittany was also here, standing off to the side like she was in deep thought.

Everyone looked at me like I was the bad guy, making me roll my eyes. I walked over to Toya and she pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, have the doctors said anything?" I asked for the second time since everyone acted like they didn't hear me the first time.

Toya shook her head, "Nope. They did say that he had some internal bleeding so that's why he's in surgery right now. I think they said he broke his ribs also. When the car flipped over, it threw him out and landed a couple of feet away from it so it was pretty bad."

My heart ached hearing that. My eyes watered and I looked over at Ms. Gloria who was cuddling under CJ. I took the empty seat next to her, ignoring the stares from Jay's jealous ass baby mamas.

"Hey mama," I said, "I'm here now."

She pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for awhile. I could tell she just needed a hug, and so did I.

"Is there a way you could see what's taking so long?" She questioned.

I shrugged, "Possibly, but I'm not dressed or on the clock to work and my supervisor is pretty strict about that. I can see."

I sat up and headed towards the front desk. "Is Ashley working tonight?"

She frowned and looked at me, "I can't release that kind of inf—"

"Oh I'm sorry," I smiled, "My name is Beyoncé. You can check in the system if you want, but I work on the third floor with the trauma unit."

She nodded and typed away on her computer, "Okay, so Ashley is here. You need me to call her down to the lobby?"

I nodded, "Please, and thank you."

Heading back to my seat, I noticed Brittany in the same position looking off into the distance. Honestly, she didn't look like herself.

I softly tapped her and our eyes met. I gave her a genuine smile and soon as she was wrapped in my arms, she was crying.

She was crying so hard against my chest that it made me cry too. "Everything will be okay." I said, soothing the back of her head.

"I feel so bad Bey."


She sighed and sat up to wipe her face. She pulled me away from all the ears that could possibly be listening in on our conversation.

"We had got into a huge argument.." Brittany whispered.

I shook my head, "Over what this time?"

She looked at me and put her head down like the little girl she is. I felt as if I was talking to a teenage Cori and that just made me feel some type of way.

"You." She said under her breath.


"It was over you." She said slowly, making me look away to think about why exactly they would be arguing about me.

"I'm not understanding Brittany. Why me?"

She rolled her eyes and cried some more. She put her head in her hands before looking back up at me.

"I can't compete with you," she cried, "every little thing I do or say, he always compare it to you. He would say my ex wouldn't do this or do that, and it hurt my feelings! I know you're someone special to him, but he continues to say that he's over you and done with you, but I know he's not. I got tired of it so we got in a huge fight, like a physical fight."

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