SIW - 6.

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"I can't believe you let them girls fight at my house like some hoodrats!" My mom said as she placed my pancakes in front of me

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"I can't believe you let them girls fight at my house like some hoodrats!" My mom said as she placed my pancakes in front of me. I opened my eyes from saying my prayer to look at her. She had her back turned towards me, so I couldn't see her face but I knew she was pissed.

I felt bad that shit escalated that fast, especially in front of everyone but there was nothing I could do about it now.

I've tried calling both Kelly and Beyoncé since last night and they both had me blocked. What the fuck did I do?

"Mama, it happened so fast. I wasn't expecting them to actually fight. I apologize on their behalf though."

She rolled her eyes and sat CJ's plate down on the table along with hers, "It's fine, Beyoncé already apologized to me. I'm waiting on the other one to apologize too but I may not get that. She's so funny acting."

I wanted to laugh, but I stayed quiet. My mom treated all my baby mamas the same, but of course I knew she liked Beyoncé more than the other ones. They talked on a daily.

"I don't even know why they even beefing," I mumbled, "I'm not with either one of them."

My mom rolled her eyes, "CJ come eat your food!" She then looked at me before sitting down, "That's the problem right there Jay. You not with either one of them, but you always making them feel like they're in a relationship with you. You have to stop that mess and just be honest with these girls. Stop feeding them lies! If you want to be with Beyoncé, be with her. Don't be lying to the other ones as if you don't like the woman."

"Period pooh." CJ said, walking into the kitchen. He washed his hands before joining us at the table.

"Man, it's not even nothing like that," I said, "I want Beyoncé, but she ain't stuntin' me right now. And Kelly, she's not the type of woman I want to be with. She got it in her head that I want her just because we did a lil' something a while back, but I just wanted to get off. Beyoncé wasn't giving me nun' then. That's basically how it went down."

My mama shook her head. I'm actually glad that I can talk to her about anything because I know she's been through things like this before and it would be nice to get her opinion on a lot of shit. My mama always kept it real and she only want us to keep it real with her.

"How about you leave both of them alone." She said. CJ instantly laughed and looked at me while biting his bacon.

"Mama, this nigga ain't gonna leave Beyoncé alone. She must got some crack in her p–"

"Aye, chill out." I said, kicking him under the table. He kicked me back even harder and I swear I was going to knock his ass out until my mom kicked both of us.

"Stop that!" She said, "Y'all are too grown to be kicking under the table like some little girls."

We laughed and I took a sip of my coffee, "They both blocked me," I said, "Did Beyoncé tell you that when she talked to you?"

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