SIW - 14.

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"So what you think about this?" I asked Shawn's mother. I turned the sheet of paper towards her and watched as she analyzed the designs printed on it.

"I think he'll like the second one better than the first." She said. I stared at the designs of the birthday cake and slowly nodded.

"I was feeling the second too, but just needed to be sure."

Jay's birthday was in less than a week and I was throwing him a party. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I somehow slipped up and told him that I was having him a party.

The good news is that he doesn't know how far I'm taking this. I planned on going all out for him, just because. This would be his first time celebrating his birthday in two years so I wanted it to be special.

"I haven't seen my son in two days," Mama Gloria said as I added details onto the paper as of what I wanted written on the cake, "I take it that you two are very serious about things this time around."

I let out a chuckle, "Yeah, I guess you can say. We've been trying to take things slow. It takes time, but we're getting there."

"Less arguments?"

I gave her a side eye, "I guess."

"Beyoncé." She said sternly, instantly making me feel a type of way.

I guess you can say I'm the root of all the arguments, but Jay does the dumbest shit sometimes so I only take partial blame for all of our arguments. Some days I just want space and he don't get that, which causes an argument. Some days, he says shit that pisses me off, another argument. I've been trying my best to not let the little things mess us up though, but we do have our moments.

"You need to learn how to not fuss so much. I understand Jay does things that pisses you off, which I've already gotten onto him about, but you also needs to do better. I know he loves you, and I know that you know that. You guys wouldn't argue so much if you guys knew how to talk to one another."

I sighed, "Yeah, we do need to communicate better, and I try. I really do, but I just wish he knew how to talk to me as well. He gets upset and becomes a new person and suddenly, I'm all types of other names, ya'know? And that's not healthy, but I know that he's trying. That's all that matters."

We finished looking over all the things I had for Jay's party and I put everything away just before we walked in the house with Cori and his other kids.

"Y'all smell like outside!" Mama Gloria said, making me laugh.

"We can't smell like outside. Outside don't smell." SJ said, trying to be smart. Cori walked over to me rubbing her eyes.

"Stop touching your eye. Your hands are dirty baby." I grabbed her hand and blew in her eye as she laid her head on my chest. I could tell she was sleepy. Hanging with her older siblings most definitely wore her out.

I looked up, locking eyes with Jay. He gave me a smirk and I couldn't help but to blush. He still made me feel like how he made me feel years ago.

"You so damn fine." He came over, whispering in my ear.

SJ gasped, "I heard that daddy."

Jay looked at him and mushed his head, "No you didn't. Stay outta grown folks business."

"It's not your business anymore if I can hear you!"

I chuckled, "Oh wow, I guess you heard that."

I watched as Jay and SJ had a staring contest. It's crazy how much they were alike – from their appearance to the personality, SJ was all him.

"You wanna get punched in the chest nigga?"

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