SIW - 9.

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I'm bored. Consider yourselves lucky, lmao.

Wasn't going to add Beyoncé's POV in this story. I strictly wanted to keep it in Jay's POV, but I feel like hearing her side of everything would be a great addition. This prob won't happen again depending on if y'all like it or not.

Anyways, continue.



"You think you can squeeze two more people in?" My manager asked

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"You think you can squeeze two more people in?" My manager asked. I softly smiled at her and nodded while rubbing my hands with the hand sanitizer.

"Yeah, I'll handle it."

It was currently a little after 4:30PM and I was still at work. I usually got off at 3PM, but that's when I'm working on the Labor and Delivery unit.

For the past two weeks, I've been working in the ER because they were short in staff and I completely hated it. I never got off work on time, there's always a rush, and what I really hated was dealing with people's attitudes. Everyone was so rude in the ER, even the other nurses.

But my professor did tell me that people in the ER was a different breed and I finally see that.

I sighed and used my badge for the double doors to open. I washed my hands once again with the sanitizer and went into the room where I saw my patient. She was a younger black woman that seemed to be around my age.

"Hi, I'm Beyoncé and I'll be your nurse this evening. What's the reason for your visit?"

Surprisingly, she seemed pretty nice unlike the other people I've ran into. While I put an IV in her arm to get blood, she went on to tell me that she seemed to have flu symptoms. I pulled the needle out of her arm and replaced it with a cotton pad to stop the bleeding. I wrapped it up and threw my things away.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"Three days," She said, "It seemed to have gotten worse overnight."

I nodded my head and typed everything she was saying in the computer. I asked her about any medication she was taking and a brief medical history. Lastly, I swabbed her mouth and once I had everything done with her, I went to my next patient.

By 6PM, I was leaving the hectic hospital and heading to my car. Tired was an understatement and didn't make it any better that I had a child to take care of and homework assignments to complete.

I made the grocery store my next stop. I was in the mood to cook, but I know I didn't have anything at the house.

For the past few days, Cori has been eating nothing but corndogs. She could eat those all the time, so she wasn't complaining. Myself on the other hand, was tired of cooking that for her.

I was on the meat aisle, trying to figure out what I wanted when I felt someone run up behind me. I turned around with a quickness and looked down to see the cutest little boy.

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